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Show prince with their, r tour! him to ;'3E3EE RIO YIRGEN TIMES mm : V . seeds," seeds! A first-ra- te eel of . URYEYORS AENOINEERS 1NSTRU MENTS FOIl SALE. Inquire at the Times office 1 ' Snyder; YTbats the Matter with that Moief order, with aa;ananal offering hy way of ' f homage, of fruits and flowers. Over each of the principal cities with Its dependent territories, was placed a supreme udge, appointed by the crown with orig nel end final jurisdicllen in both civil and criminal esses. 1 hero was no appeal from ila sentence to any otter tr bnnal, only the king. He held ffie during' life, and who usurped his ensigns was punished $ Georg Did yoa over see our baby f Littlo Tot, With bor ys so sparkling bright, And her skin so li 1 whits, Lips and ebooks of rosy light , . .Toil you what Sho is just tho sweetest baby In. the lot. is our only darliag! she Ah, TO SURVEYORS aid and were to provide for the repairs ofbla buildWEDNESDAY ing, and to ; keep the royal, demesnes In Js. pubfithtd tv try at Vii Timet building morning .VFor Sale, Seeds fresh and pore of Utah Ter most vegetables- - needed for the garden, and a oboist collection of Flower Seedo Oar Baby. 3t. George Drug Store. at 4 arms;! vassals, to attend in the ouncll. Others With death. . JlThe ' . Contributor Fttills tho the .Cincin- Of following "over the ''r ; fiuvder kept a beer ealoon some years sco over the Rhine Snyder was a pon derous Teuton ef very irascible temper audden and quick In quarrel got mad in a minute. Nevertheless his saloon was n greit resort for the hoys partly because of the rxeel'enco of his. beer and partly because hey liked to chafe old Snyder as tuey called him) for although his bark was terrific, experience, had Uught them" Rhine IW; k. ;y , nati Timet elor. . ' . :t . ; 1 that he wouldnt bite. One day Snyder was missing, and it wts. ' explained by hi& frau who jerked lhe.'-beer that day, that he had gone out fish- - of lug mit der poys. The next dayone of . In Texeuco, the judicial arrangements j were of a more xtfinri character) anus All her ways are witty, : the little her she to Whoa a attend in will lermirated ditty. genrings The uadetsizoed gradation of tribunals Every word is jost as pretty tie execution of Deed, Bonds, Mortgages all of eral meeting, coneliting judges As saa be,, Diode of Trust," Power of Attnrnev. the and Ift kingdom the Kst petty, throughout eUy great "Oontraets, and all: other GffioUl luaV finest she. Md stiry eight diys ia ib capital, ots L- -r ess required of a Notary Public, ne'er Yea don't j whirfe theming presided in person bbsterei and swelleu if the "sun, ..until V Offioe Wish you oo;ul at RioVirgen Times rooms, like adeadripa t mito V te See her with her playthings clattering. Tereeilve presents er ubrib, to guilty St. George. l. ? Snyder, watt's the matter with Hear her little tongue a chattering, of eoliaslon In any waywltha soltorwas yourWhy, J. E. JOHNSON, Notary Public liO.e? sa!d the eiller. V ' Little daaeing feet come pattering, j punished iaa judge, with death 'I peen out fiihin; mid tier poys replied Think you would 457 The atatmentof the ease, the testimony Snydei . laviiig his finger teuaer I y against Lots her just as woll as I do, ?r r . his proboscis; the eua it pees hot like stir should. i If you ; were trial the all of and the proceedings I Uud dcr I tifel, purns my uoss... Nice noja 31719, B KVt DZUSIIFO, AND let forth by a clerk ji hiergl jphieal paint- dont it?' And Snyder viewed it wth YOUNG FOLKS READING, a ; I B AltPOOI JfQ, ings, and handed ore to i lie court. A look of comieal sadness In the lUlle mirror H-bCK of the btr. It entered at .once into From our Ilom capital sentence wae indicated by a line the head of Ihemiicbievou - IN TBS BEST STYLE, AT . rcs fellow ia front (need with an' arrow cross the portrait of of tho bar to play a joke so upon . In Tescuco, where the King ho went out and collected half aSnyder, accused. the doxen of Sketches from Prescots SSIAYl.au. 8 A LOOT at court, this was done with ex- bis comrade, witi whom he arranged that presided Mexico. Conquest they ahoulil 4rop in at Use ratoon, one 'after XB DOOR BOUTU OF PRINTING OFFICE traordinary parade. another, and ask. Snyder Whats thu matNo. 3. The laws of the Axtars. were registered te: with year nostf to see bow long ho 'rVi The form of governs sit? differed lathe and exhibited to the would stand their man in it. .The E. JOHNSON, by people wjfo put up the different stitee of Anahuac. With the went in first, with a companion, sod job paintings. Auction and Commission Sferchont, tben.se Ires at a table, called for Asteei and Tcxeneana, It waa monarchical the larger part ef them seatteg Much beer. Si. George, UiVu, Snyder brought It to them, and the and nearly absolute. The gbrerment was relate rather to the of new comer persona security ' exc'almed, as ho saw him, Sny- Will eesire and dispose of, at instruc an eUctive monarchy. The eoverign wax der. the what'o matter with of your nose?' ted. Goals, lYares, Merchandise, Grain selecUJ from the brothers of the deeea sed thail cf pr0perty. The peV crimes 1 K ' tell frieni hero I peon, out your just mar The society were all made capital. ' Stock Ac., upon liberal terms. fishin init drr unt der sun he pnrat prince, or in default rf them, from hie der of e slave wax ' punished w thl death 'em swi lager,poy, ik t. den cants; ail right. , WHEELWRIGHT I Another btiy ruahes la. 'Halloo, bon; :4: nephews. The candidate preferred mast Also were thieves. It was a capital ofahead of me this time, 'epose I'm or repaired, and nsua bare distinguished himself In war, though fense to remove the boundaries of another you're in WAGONS, made theugh, Here Snvder, bring me a glass as in the cae o( the last Rmbxani. be land, tb alter done on abort notice at ' measures, and of lager and a pret appears to ca:ch a lf was a member oflbe priesthood. This for a ELMORES. guardian net to be able to give good oaddu glimpse of Soydeia nose, look eingalar mode of supplying the throne, had account of his ward's property. Prodi- wouderiugiy a moment, and then burste r .tv out larg'ung ha! h ti hal .Why, H.iydei orae advantages Tae candidates recieved BO 0333 gals who equaudeted their patrimony, ha! hal wiui'o tb matter With that oust? siK) education which fitted them for the ware punished. ai Intemperance was yiit-- d Bny der of course, can't nee any fan ia IM viussths Medicines that grow with the severest pens Hies, iu the having abun.t uose.or having it laugaed : mid the Mountains and stop importation royal dignity, while the age at which r ia a tone sternly emphatic hey were chosen sutured ths nation against yonng w,th death, and In older person at, and he njiS I kao a well fitted Laboratory for disoat l've ruit der poys, unt the ovile of minority, and afforded means with lots of rank and conieatlea of prop- da eon peon as fiahing lijuse trot like aeh der tifel, nut tilling Essential nils and preparing extracts for estimating their qualifications f.r the erty. Yet a dosent conviviality waa not Iparnt my rose; that iah all right' and invite all who hart Another tormentor comes in a:id Insists ffce. proscribed at their fectfvala The ritee on setting 'em up for the whole honser The new monarch wu Installed in hie of MSmilBHil were celebrated with as much Snyder marritgt: .say he. fill up the gNsica or tons, and those who 4i scorer new oil. regal dighity with much of relig- formality as in any Christian gouutry. A aad take a drink yourse hoiboys parade ho! hoi ka! producing, or otherwise valuable pecimeni ious ceremony; but not until hr a victorioha! S yder, ba ha! hal haS at tribunal was Initituted for the eule pur-l- f Mf. V us campaign, he bed obtained a sufficient pose ef determining question relating to the matter wijh that nre? gnyder., brow darken with wrath by Ui.m to k. and the akaltba aal number of ciytlveeto grate his triumphal it. Divorce could no: be obtained until 1! sfaetorily rewarded. vicrutry Into the capital, and to furnish by a sentence of this court af.er a patient '' John son. for vi W dark tims and ths ,,J bloody rites which bearing or the parties. Geo. Juno 23, 1869. stained ths Astro superstition. Amidst But the most remarkable pert ef the nnt puru my pugicu NowharIs""ino7o i; this pomp of human aacrafics, he was Axtec code, was that I ol 1 dont .f to to go say. Votgindof peaenesf slavery. relating n ara crowned, own uc,e ;;I n Tnera were several descriptions of laei!g0Ii;,ty f A; pair of . wrought iorn Sorgour The Axtec princes towards the close of who were reserved iu taken war, Born prisoiiori now bum the all your hair off rollers for sale, inquire of the dynasty, lived ia a bsrbarie pomp, for ths dreadful do wn of sacrafice; critnin- -, your had, for what care; you nesdn't J K. Joaiisogr. bout it.' . spacious palecos ale, public debtor, persona who from ex- truly oriental. Thi-twere provl led with hU for the different 4 tsDM poreity toIhUiIIt. mlgned tool mor. Oui. on, moii'tWMk'Ttet weir;, council wha aided the monarch in the freedom; and children, sold by their par- - nose, for be wae tramping about beLlnd transaction of holiness. In the royal bls h and growling ilka an rent. ti ' exasperated 8t. Georg Floral Gardena, buildings wore accomo&aUens also, for a Th contract of aal wae exwuted In the iSLSjT w.Hi?i!giLs!!otbr ?f U tof A nice collection of bedding fc pot- - j numerous, body, guard cf the sere;e:gn aaw a glass of beer, Billy Don t careaboit any beer, says BTillr. ing plants, for sale. Chrysanthemums I msde up ef the cheif nobility. Accordl ig ii 'i Yerbenas. Stocks. Pansies, lee plant fto tome writers of auUnrk y, there were groat precision. - The sLv Was allowed to aJdr, you may give me on cf tour A; ho! h.X Gereuiums. Oleander. Pctnaiaa. and thirty great cucfgucs who had their resi- rhave his own family, to hob! property, and ! hiihVfhel kA WThv,why otbcr vaiieties. in the the of a dence .(I? least at year hold to other slaves. Hie children were Buyder who wba part miay ba! holW hat's muster a hundred could wh and the matter with that No be J. E.Joxnrsov. one born could noet' free. to slavery In capital, Snyder was absolutely fearful to be- thousand vassals each on (heir ea tales Mexico. Slaves were often liberated by boll by this time. Hia fie waa purple Their estate seem to have been subject to their masters at death, and comeL'me 1 at with rage, all except his noie,: which glow- "ft SADDLE A HAHNESS . MAKER various restrictions; some of them earned there was no natural repugnance, fo. nda J ed like a bail of lire. . hU received ae on diflhrenee of blood and far over the bar and rai-iby their own good a words, or race, were mar- bia ai 10figure ' aloa to The best of Work doneNext door the emphaeixe his words Srltk were recompense of public services, ried to them. Yet a refractory or vicious it, ha roard: ji fulriy south of PrbtiDg OMce, St. George. held without any limitation, except that slave might be lediato market -- by a collar out filin' mit ter poys. The l'ra peon Itf. , the possessors could not ilsposo of th cm around bis neck, aqd bn a second s th. be sun It peje hot like f Now no on isutaHod likd: purnt the mynosc. dose you to & plebeaa. Setae were reserved for sacrafice, nose aad take dose WiDarjPuibllio. ' And to me : : -- so-y- en 1 It-look- -- fl id uo m . 4 : -- . - T0N80SJAL. ' U :p. mRM.tr an o4 U till of . -- ero-glyph- ic i - ' ? . J i an ufa c lursl lE i : ? (1 G( hi 0 tb 90. ... 1; J.s- CANE: MILL. , f 1 i. - 1 y -- . . 1 r . to: bcf D. HOUSE PLANTS, - r . : - ah-ftSShl- aw ion! lieti tbei JWlJ belt s xif ha! ha-a-- a! HJPLtTT' : L-an- icy poa-dero- -- us nr - W 1 )R? n)uP,i - aa'hail-tamnatio- i.M.CLAin, A T.i OhrtiliVorto.aOa.ifM.li .... wrlfiO'-vonPla- m' yut mi-a- W r k. ncse; unt Wjf-- w aoW&a.lS -- rr ""f Vi fcw P . ' 1? 4 ir. U ' .. t ' A |