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Show 5 Cjfa on .ftp,t sains ' s I n ,rv1 a..-'- TnMAriASiJuJia3XM11 miubmhl flb ' v lit . ' li. . I. rf R .W5- - ' ,W"- - v if a1 r ii' 1 Ji J- v .. :k; A s - A M ." 1 ' . hi 1 i i':?'77-- ' m ni 11 ft ll7 ' rflh y j. '. ; .;-- ; ' - a "iJf cu vt js . .ii Pml&MD:.t9 jOTv yw lv J f r"' - f . i sv- - ''Tw, rrnvf ;...:i'a iriVif rTer .r . ;s:5-;!do';,- Idire j-.- $5.()a I 3 MoniK, Ct.btf 1 cf.1-abou- t Tfij5op,: eiiiSejt hinT ho orcherddof pu?rand darkr.Tgnrprttr onWrKihndd" -- . eplf Ml scarlejt goLn fruit; of J CPt aerwe;r ne Jrd.hip tut ita.tn'h ft11l 'i'h rrf d 'thifirtRit : dndfrUilful tni'llluessodJbe fijbira ouyjofrly . .', ,i ; cement Viltdfngt of t be34 h. Ttiynf!t; I Ourgeirdaai ;'st 1 d: esitd lu ri. . . t- . - . j i 'i:'i -- J. r . --F- rom' . l I ' - winter. ' f ; s I I'-- : ... . adr. IIe c07rs till See F5 mm's new excellence." Weajcln el superiilf vinfff ; t auu is lettable; ' bindof auii eerio!inee3 with' half these 8 M. cffiTi ehoul-not a Skis. ' Blair, blessing; eiVd 'tdvar.teget 7 " 1 ' ? 7 i we leern the Dmon Iron Oompeny are etiii ptteh' ing along tbeir experiments, lliu difficulty being wantjof proper4 fire7 ma jjy "'pr.iyftte Vlettir?1 7 '0 vjsjww-- r. k!sHomestead for ' -- 1 .'Z J 7 7nnalit J, J- - . chained tofumbl, to repisier.'or i Dato viVehirgfeon j;and get.yoi' ' iivUn and a few' yiara fof toil; be gim rd. 7 to 7 make the .divilonyrwf - 1 liarvctl e t K,it up to of comfo Many V :i; jeady to reip.a br,- ' biUle shall 'NvofCiieef!'' wa .:- - mu bt .. '" ' v rnninil 'With elteeifni nm sod .1 aim tio!eel.'Ue'i!r.g; S M r ' h now finiihed 10 ro rio-'iBVb'U'wilfl'. twht ; ' rpkoROB J : opetia Fora. '-'Vi uines nitams I , .. ' , tiiif " nur eaehtngM Wa learc IhroagV City pji h? ICj t ler f !vd." Seals our biggest reach, ' ' . .- . - fe -v- miREeiRR&grr h-er- , ilorat i 6..': Seymour. I1. . ' . 1 ' ,. . .J . . . ; n r. . ' -- i r.; f A - ' ,M? ..j v" - .V.'' Of Missouri. '. ' t ' " w-- At - 5.,- v-- r . V-- -l iSs . i! v. r;r;.r (hit-man- y thin, -- : F ra nfc P.r Elia i r , 5V q . f our 7 n V.li?ru7l?tilieu! ar hare t)i abojf .Orer the baruesof twp responsible eithons of are adoptedits beh:S'rin thv w:y enjoying Rock rilled we Lave1 a certificSt?. that s seed kf ra:rhaodiah.;:A!iUj t" raised by John C. Hell of above finost(cb) Him cinnmyce ot ling peach wf.h laiicu our . props y y Culora'joj pUee, meaeured 1 ! inches and i in clrrumfer-ance- . in many h'etio:iii eriil bearing away our produce' beats ns this time; but dont come aow jn tbiis imitter, not to imicH 1 iiA rslhs of cr dtiiy paisleg u to .h up to.he 15 iaeh, pe.ich Lrargcd oin Clior-uia- , wan t'l-f- . means, aa- wsntof VviiSdei.. which wa intend ti cc.ipio next year, for in the scheme as Sei-imo cy makiiya con.wctiiig link wo are vain north and suth, wi-.enough, to think we ean maUh any to tha Capitalist, or SL..C:byUr, vr ( place in America, in fine fruit, . vinvel. 7 r'7V rsir-m, ci! .. T" FOR TI CE.P21E3IDE5 T, TV j- , .- - vwctzz .. k, 4 - V-- ' , -- - h BQny Soatli.v OQia ; , r - 'lhe Bad Taste, " . o Morh hsa tern said for and against (he '' Tbeblber day wosawal femle, wbo in the effort ( 7: climax, Sad bi hVr nut and 1 0a,h;K ines, vegetables, fruits, Cargos roP, to a ie the disgustieg stylus of Pasis brctl,s, & s' can be (Jisl.a anf h'v Dix e all rdini lrferin of ri driic' otii faisliis and fijs . ' W t be Soma thinking it n gre l hrds!if,i to ilia Wefl'tba eigb , of her. dress sloncbily sweep in Spain nr Fran eV ealVd fromtheT comU ftsbi bbihes i i (he. produce iag the' streets, by dragging, and trailing in Wees u see all this and in icl noith, tt. come here to live, knd'belp build 7 j - ? ' 4 people-t- f. cUmr inas'f ha af i lower pfiees; hd, mailt levers, thailUvV hem Xu this matter. N'.wrd is l ux yeaJiial lo toaclud, thl if,a o.unuiuhiiy rii7 biita-sinaH.t CipiXMl Kiiek io Uet I business u;nees lein-- do'n. pat tbo fiUb, from behind. ' Yelove the ladies, but wiiU rent and cmyrnr to f sarrow for a mind ao weak as to bod to such A together llw grtii'Jj' taiiirt Wti-and expvti-c-- . il display bf shocking tarts, and disregard cf high - firurw to i ' kep " ' i - umc . -- 1 fr r . -- r a. : .Vvi-n-T-S- buiniy, symmetry and propriety. , under a aky pf,Ialmnatehtlrsf,s:i?hin ;? andyet h?w'fW there aie who'fully uu t ; d rts'n 4 'h griatneaf .stluipoUacc ol this mission, cr. of,.ihV rhoice 'blmns, 7 ard indjri.ivalr(lrstyriir.erjB Ions r" J flow thr.''n;)i',;tfci1jT;aci:qlv if these ;wbo ' are called aiieafe e'rpfrtd - to act uiU a .. wiM, ri,d jnJusiri us dctcrii.iiiVtiqi.. dtbelr doty, Rcmstefrcra a ubliu(tlior ' vye fisire fo 7 Wf: ftre, like nil n w col'-i.i,-. 7 fUflgr many inconvenience thst.od set lo sr so tlfKcnts e jor and joy ... 1 yt osh-r- s b1ssi gs aid, comforts ar the 7.4 depivrd oil ail necessary 'elmc t 1 I: i;7' 7;.. ;7" - nt J J a 1 r?r i ai .. ;V' O- - i- 77 ; - - r'expero ce-.!h- . h - n-- vr for brVirjd We csu.'iabe; cotton tq ms kr or purchase our cbithh g amt 'Imts a lj' g ' elk growing cliiuateaud..-rvu:.cley-a- lj for iinibe.'aa aupeilor flockso?heej Our soil jirodu'-e- i all erdimry ,1 tu poOctioo, excojt. pntafocv a '(t.siuoj eettlemcas pioducs b'ess in pieuty. W have roll a1 d ciim-t- e to , piob ce sunr swevi 'pqtftifvajrico,' .'7 if cane and sorg-im7 . tutorioil ,bcaorf .pro i.ula ; brocm.corn,. rdiuaiy:. gralii ; f i)d7inluu9. besides j ;1' ' crcp;7:lfr!i t we bfjiVe;we iiiavej.a soil . ; '7, enu cl mate eq ial to ciiy oh. this r ontineut,T wbi i wo c u raise not o nly . flii the, vir v lilies grown. !? tie lie.rjh'to periecJion hi;-.7:! ch add et--lo tbew list,- - cxctie giapesiur f. I , v u, figs, 7 pcnegrai afcs, tMmnrdi and other ;,uniritd deldscica i. Vv v '" ' ; g 4 !. -- f I- .i7;;.777v3h;; Waler E,.Dodg?.."f city.has.4 . T T 7 f u . ; r ? vwei&"anii. a;;.;;; r,':.-' ' thktll Vt .ivJ&Our 77 18:00 galdria of Wine; d . . ..:. - ... - -- ; "r -- p ; tots . do AnrlcotV. go NectarCneei w ' 7 7 - 3toisoi.grjpea othrwlso ' 200 bushels Peu cb: 10 aw leiFt With .Utile enow wicter(nd ttlp M?jUo jaiio - lOl 777-- ' 4- . shares, of $2 each vhsri bed, a eqnititution Hnd pnrpise eleu'.ing xt.- ufiicera at next meet in. ... . 7 r ; If aU iubsitrih d par is, there u pii f a small sum of1M250v an amill is" This drcidcUlytno b 2C too aril tobegbr wit').' aiil '.' of saecefS, and besides thii.obja.c other two re thv,re jpelfjestruying' the eonitiuilian vn-It provides that dividends cf. profit ktisiug from business,, may amr.itly br drawn and in therms tf.cp. f 7t?P, and representation, there ' ie' ix7 bar "Vehse. sgaViist every btrslneat mnlC-;ceHoutdi I03 men Ii so provides, that take 100 share!, an l one n't kj 100 shares; th UlO m-- n esiih bis a rote for a share, .jthile.the individual .wb Vsnb--ibes an equal numbdr of shares. ?' 7 , . in-Ju'i- ? oh-men- 4 f Ci ll'irotcsr - &?: f''- - 'With many thcreTs a"fetli nro'f!li erality towards our )iist)sss Yfen. JAiv: 'thus fir ihej lrire nUogcther . g silvsHM-rhow.t- his -- - Ii.eded. (hat to Hi ' 7 - 7' '7 -- ? B-- hlstke U' T. && WUSHU. . h cSiit-aiid wnut fo it, aoTbeiiis to play bloom, where the laborer may. toil on a few a anitaor carpsiiter days; and wilbouceuYing iind theklae dot" the ins eday; without the nwa,pi i patiput lia:loag year And yrfwhjt) ajialpjr.pssiib.ie,. anl lekhtmiii Vd.m ihrm all expected to find and then we'll tea if Jie'U move the .'uU", amnng the amid Mountains to' an shfikf Witt a fittls reiuUrUv Rocky gion . n'f: UII.WMIJ "fix Piioter sou;lv mainUias fails apd the rose is constant; 7w.h Its hrt .T. qaadf ts'In 7 J',.' .. ' hVd of ilie. wrongftr if; this moyemeux is ..rep-x OfiiEXiAt. .men , of expcrifnco lend iary.thia l. means isfioulrj.bw forfriiopt in moving Mtnyread in stories of: the. luxuries forward this m iftcr. I'Ve a bettsr hpe ,iiid doiightsof. Oriental Mying.'.of and manifested cetiqn.wHl hq1 beautiful terraced feeling dwejUngs, or etae oibr f . . ' 1 e f , Bishop (irdof arrd hlv hive used tlio.r Jhyst pM t ! . iiani . have iui srvrnir comVuuy h.rft; iir-- d 4fc co-P- ?f i nc t t f n ral i ty if - . fail; at 7fcll insist ! pre-cu- enclosed, font a Ini g 3 airis aid end fifh, on which i! he 'baa two duelling hoiiftea. Kraal, wood yard wigon. road, and out-- ' ardns wjxh sparking f"untains. and houae.-qni- te, a lo: of j ur jery st ck and banka 'ot flewtrs whose exhilera sweci, Vtuifc vi. , nearly 200 trera, young ('dSP-ffnmtrjfug a Tvh&ld liotbeirli'g, pad ieh the'aenaee, where !ilf en' acre 6f; lu Tha Editor is m.i(hr amtsreJ, alirnV-fccrjtroy, utabragMouv heautifnllj ornament, ceriie, many" rose bushes nd oiher and t'aelr hmihs-managftfdhs Jho.prreect ryoar, be s id re and giveshade from sultry rays of the printers live without; houses, food- ai7d i1;' jef a region .where verdure .never produced ibo following crop. . cetsras--.vu- .- , . h a . . -- ' r V vfge-pbleV- -- . - .present .season proven, we may a (fsd'pe.il n couclu'ivel'that on 1 'dcrial sa tise outheia pfrUoacoaMjiYcn,; .. ; , ", J- - - -- 7. cor-rupti- . oiir ptceutst purpose, but yrt esii 1' pleasure of- - prii li'g juI to ' w tb' te of dim vision aoms mot prominent Wo hare a climate most liealitif sfi do-lighirql, and scenery as grind and vro:i-V- : beyd- o . f.-f-t J ; T ne-er- t. detewlaatixi to biia?weshli aide nifjil around ns, and. riuichasrrs lo or doer. ,;.7 To gi lr.to da:&il.a;;d item 2 va!l eur sd ' tsi lAges ar.d aprcial besjingar w, uld ra, quire an ar Icl of t o grcit lngilj s nd go d ; ? J gratn?e '7Vo If kwrtrcj - d vi-e'ar- inanjr . . t - j rosperi'y ..are .;wi h cur industry; er.ergv.-n- ph . at u j' '. -- ? PULUIC. f ; v. Oiimria clleap7, vcr.fc Our frjend of the vnU Lake Tele-gruia7 g lalnoss and re- These, will .go:,iforth. .. ,v; .IT',. seesis to think wo are impolitic, Voicing and e.joy all the good1 (nines of it. bcingrPolitic; (woaier if that a pun) ibis life, and the respect and couaiouc j oj df ' in showing, nut plainly - what w-- : all good mn.. , possess a poluisal O'Jinplexiou, Faci is. we always believed a white man whi hshsvea' himself, ia more of nn To h Roys, beci I r tin i . II ; i t exulted, itthan a ar.d weeant ing negro, help Boya do y.n ih:nk it f rltht for you to Aot the dislike orlhatqe especially b cf yonr r tta oftbaidi in we eol believe the in tutu., or if. nu, erea bro;iier,of fr.lt, your wg br. ore when their in kept faren ahave irglecU tl, lo provide f r vniuttijiit f;u.t atbplre? Di:t yo.i.fecl fovtirlf and piuee, but never, never, as an equal to trhoud, uhsa yoi havr fcee i ciiigit el a 'CauiMftian cf seiind intellect; and incli unmanly and dihi:iet ocrupafion, tnnt isnt eU, tho all political parties If vou are sa'i lined then f proti jo t pn ra mjre dr less Radidals, orrupt tbacross-brethe vrei g jon rw don g nuw you must oKvpublicunii are ed a tuxed edi'iilt y u xp'Ct tbemm ''beiore many tiro l .a f iat.eisui, Priettunft, Vrarri:-t- l nt x in InsinetH, an l pleuiv nnd under the Sun; difh'ineaty have robbed. AaV,jour wish yn will then. fefl,. t kep in and never. d.dy. and .never will pnases a ,el.rss lif jn'i tour'mind ihit jo com nii'.ed i ciime. fpark of uibexruuca or liberklity and we "end rcbbd tour frieruof ile t :tj:g lt; could more eiiily epdure a- defeat with wo.M lure g'rrn; you .wiihtpl aur'. hid whiteh Parted detnojraK thin bear ana a sot cf hypocritical, yoiieakcd. .A t o your pa rente, uiil Lae cel and mle-witfo ainwT thii: I clt of du y i, prvdiuff higote i, dishonest, negro. spoiling and frflt 'ami- proper! jr'rVtrai .in yu iri m yriion destroying Aualgauationieta Bo ril, yel tliis will lnieii.ryui7fe tuen! ini deeup.,' sppmih'li lor, jo-i- f ge.-ters-l ' r lerial, WjWe informed !h.t this has v . finally bech'discoyerd and lhat iron 7 wrl aeon flow p;cm llie . furncej and 7 it is confijsidly expected that im iron brick Will fVn 7 exhibition at r confmnee next hionih'if 'noth- inz f icherV 7' V"k f 1 , The kind cX!eisions of ';K i . : 7 . r;-- ' . p I ace and tu at erial ab unUiifi. J: If .& i.ba not jts delightful groTce and "parks, x, jJT ty f jef' rtfib'.dpsipliria betides iyee..Lelii!e.,vxRsdiehes and .many is onlyKfnr lacir Of ngo and opportunity itsy fSrrHced gsreps f ol V 'ptHv,yapeiebler altogether fdotiug jjp Hdji show nn3 perfumes; its kparkliiig rtlls ; $H.0(0, pro flowers lVr$iing'Htfl i:m from 3 acres of and waterfalls; its vineyards of white, 7 9fpls pf ftiie . h I f etenr fli, ttM eautnnd tastefn! mnnon, there J - do - r :.8iberiHn Crabs.. Beets and Crrola';-'M- 3 :ot ;tb ?. .:.i 7T : Oindition-Ui- ;: ; M a lis dcsira?-Our Diiieif nnt ; dMwedJn verdure, is nor wrdo . of - ..AppU's.-..- .; :; groun-w- " ! - v - .. r tow;, 23' . . 1 t W!,i,V ? UTii OKorvf.E iii-:- ? :i, siv - -- - 1 i rt1??1- 5 vafuabta - (ntnerals lime, f ' 7 .. UTiluie ond flowei a ;. J:,.. ?, rock &b.J Oh?, coit her vest is hrarl f finished, end VBep are heVlhr aWd pfotlfi maVhS' an :.i i Urtubleilni ofsny preTiou4 v4r find iin dirasual ;iccrie; lh1r deii -Our-Rule : tied crcp ilpcued jre!i and . ,.f ) f 1. I ,or clon prmluee. r v 'j. ; i ; hiakes a ! of cllrtite unq u IN We hVaVai lefy Swe. I potatoes not as good this seaan ' ,., 23 f c .j j ( ' r.er. aeUt. ,.,'. rd in the Rocky 'iii6nttaine, '"I' to an n mot p?r(-c!m- l sain mtnalr Jsost Qiails in tbundancearcund the fields. iL fb.1 V f 'M "e iVetvi,,4 i but a (lave ride. ;Frm 'e'il.Iinputt mor. lirihe Pii.6:VsllAy. setfleuie:ita735 miles ' 'J (I!1.' ,. 7 "', one days r:de iittai.l, they have ice ''pieuty; to ekport of farinprLQem temperature,, A ' V- i ' a" J ) ! j. some of It w.urtd n)t go 'bad down ii-- re brin one. to a region of cqntinal verdure, bft wi:h to 60 0 ho; days, mneuYy up : 11 with any desired temperature .;V 9n. , j.; Tli bisementof our hew Tabernacle is be:ng fitltril upto hold uisctii g iirthe com-tilin- g . ; i :" ra Sa.-ttl- e f ti iVV l. ? ": '',i' t to weal-o- , 'Qoceberrlcs;-- , buel'.eU Currants.' 5 work. -- on)-uuG';;.t: - Er ' Figs. llT day ln.lhe a lltlle (TiTs'Wiy'we hittr an extenaite terd ground of handreiflrsi)are miles, and th finest to (found any aeaaoEAof of fa iietfrjgt thVyear, .and faeililn abanlant for dairy :l produce at a little distance from (he larger Wi - ? r Inn, we ieldom ,''rdb"5-- . outdoors, :' Jr .'.;,i ,.K?..'S. - .. 1 a rVluy yaT(xnt Cummancisg'; :. ". pleceof land Jn,.. ne ., & : 'xji; j,.fv $ aoa ; and ; . , s; ii-i-i .. - 'it -7' ,:3K;v mmf ; "7 . ! 7 IX- - Xi.s |