OCR Text |
Show f-- & ttf .'; -- - , v.V - Qvv'.; " flM . r b ' V ' y, if, fe..eurnt',W -- ; . j!' - , ...BAATliqtf Adjox' THE V ' topeaUioa ?of that mo&: t.he serermont in ;th pwriorfyf OUVer Cromwcl'. Vcbarlea fbV'Seoondi 'V i t r 'V : By tetter from B. II. PJJook esq., Ariraa,cfl4.inst we leant that a ' . aixibaniltheeatkbilehpent ofunnthOrfonn of ! ef 8t. iti : . ' ; Interrupted by '. --S- '. ,L Ml . ntiir lffpisr? ftr ... . i , , . , '&'. : legible.' old Bed toifer whitendeteUy 9. ho. brands off ieible, left r rightalit in erop 10.f Ahent jr old ltedand white ipeek led eow nndet slope in each car. So brand . 2-y- if 2 Annc. cdntnd he&rod and morel a wagon njTjraftet V the eaitte. and,; muleev were ftiahtned, and sane bellowmg ariir neigbteg intotamp. Ni : if- -, and underbit in left ear, branded on hip net Thomas , , r, appobt-dteoth- f W:' ' ;';7 Tta!M-.v- - I V- ' ' w j -- . , y. (troffioditllons, for ra i.i: ? . YdSlOWS itV '.; SOOd I. -- ;. the Firet.1 v ' V ' George One Md ioto J701T, a few white M. .1 old white under belly, 2 George thePoeoiid, hairs mixed; or .Z-- ' : sirJT6.RttfiVE EXR'rUQOAKKI'I! Third. ... the .. ' 2 Qehrge " ti 'raQ .Lfflie . lntcrrnptdd . b the un fortunate tneapacity v - vjd Salt ..Ojt a r ' ' ''iv1'1 City and a parliamentary jinpoin off l.;t iuiXanXn IS.' aerere ahotflc of carti qaake woo pf that eoveieign in taa pkr- - right pr paint Inrii brko-tlo ixcfeiatng aoveregnity fell, at BSij r.Ffar.eiico on V tcJnaJa) sca of the prince regent. . 13. Rid cow notches in right ear, brand ? ' a first ' shock; ropeompuiied, 1 tlcorge hje Fonrtlv ; ; ' ly " l?ft . b f fv h)i not. legible. I ;1, , 2 William the Fourth .MJ.ftf at WAS Iclt ? irwse, vromUlog Last spring COLT, a fiw wlilte hairs 14, ' 4 , S VietdrU the First 9 V c tnti'Ung at interval . i in forehead, littte whit ronad the huof of one ,. ; What will be the nest interruption ? hind .foot Motion from east to.it vet . beldt k'fbtri .. 1 The a bore efoclc if r.ot claimed by the1 the streets .th?.,' ground 1 . ,V l-- Interrupted by the pirUaBwtary J : . W r j , .TW . "f W BW r- U-t- jill J . New Advertismehts, ; ttbklywipgj the Ijiiildtnga ;ttt . of line-- - qut e a ntimbtr - thrown . down ' tiid aevetni live lott, .: v The City Hill a total. wreck ThrUS.Miat Vcfejrelrilnasjfed To- tr.'4AHyv,v eHWfibut lalj Xf jr. a3 : 5lt 8 app- r- el,Cd, - AttJlkTlO : tV;hipe , tp J Jim la Sr.tetary Biareh. Prset R.-M- ' L (itorjfC,-c- the erening j 3,75; JConlcrsyce procnt, brini g A1 - ofiliti.dsyof . : t ; - 'j - - - Jm. Livurth, IS, LIN , FORTH-KELLOGG- - to- - ftbote. B. H. Pad lock; v v v. rc,: ;F"Lbccy. :2: ' l( KSA 13-- tt : t i SN1I - r" S. M. Blair. sciio-- 11 U Si Henry tbo First. . Interrupted by tho nsarpo'.len of Stephen S Henry the'Scootd. ' ' r ' 2 Edward the 'Fint. v 3 Edward the. Second. Interrupted by the abdietion and marder of , Edward the Second. Third. 1 Edward the the Second. InUiTupted by the' deposition cf that monarch 1 Henry the Fourth, ' f tffr 2 Henry the Fifth:-- ' ; , ; S.nenry tbe Sixth. w ... , Interrnpted by.tbcrsetoratioo of the bouso 1 A bjr Oal. wr bmksr- - fb pax Edward the Fourth. the Third. Interrupted by the usurp atioa ef Henry Bicb. ! nP ready 1 1 ft EI3HIE1I, j j T a fine J ' - ' JEliraheth, - J'' James the First. r ' A;,JLChsfltFrL.,:. is ..... & jfHT .. ' . : . It - . kiSSlJuiiiU'"-p,f:tai- - siir.w.v ' f . war 'W" ' , ' S 11 'jj-- liJuimuaiP " ' - 7 : 4 x 11 ... 'I-''- . dl JB ' "T . ... R: t al 05 J Q1 t ' A !i 7 ; ?. V j. &.7 K t 'S j;5 h'.-t i i ir j i . i : r. ? ' l fT ' 7 . - - , :g i l$ v,. rv j - - i ; a, 1 .?; ; A stflek of l he best metal for box-- ; ing for mschineryi milV&Ot fer sale for; ,basg Ura.'lcBg;, ' o i the Times Office, Itiquirn tf lb Editor ' r- -v - s O r5 Ml ".V, I w -- i Twelve crtk of Ha) laud, nw by re to be sold together or in percale to suit purchasers. FOR SALE. ?u V- fi Stables. ' ho- - -- A & y. . a hnuaee with1 two rooms each, on v,,oti in tavu wl KmxIs, Yards, sud . Meua, Ang. 1st. 181S. i f r, L O URi : " I : - i t flYUhag-iilneabaurj- 1 , first-cla- ss - - J : Tw Johnsons M D ?r 1 : sv-- J :o o: ! ,e CUSTOM WORK J Si ..'; 4 (BRiST IS ALSO El i . !t ' ' WASHINGTON, ; : . l-- W2 E stray Notice. ' i1 '.a:; 4 ; . r & I have now In successful opr ration at' v , Hall-wh- ere . -- 1 v . ; . - ' gtitviu ... A, foreign Kin (James of fcotlsud, called 7 iu to asvnmo the crown, -- i . 1 ' J-0- - i , - A ' 1 with dUpaVk f it bail oloag your oJtioa ijoatioJL, J ? h itr wS jv-- IjJ Art ... Mary. ,1 I . - 7Toxa, Joar Co.rUrAH. th ndereined at Cssle-Vill- i. . ika .Will Filliri cellar. wtk , Offer, hi. professional services to the people (rape peri'k knoud. r to J, E, Johnson 6t, Ocor;e, vk kaaltrahirs to thu KUlar. dad raisivahia thiska. of Jaab and Utah Counties. . Fctcnth. & newy.the IteMnSl Keeps complete essc.rUnert of Botanical . . Tj, M fV v: a,v25 J WMl-v ... . 3 Iteni, the Eight. , family msdiciuss for sa's and trusts by strict 3 Edward tha Sixth atteiiiion-to- business to merit the confidence of tMipewiBirravalVa i kdlrsa ika parly Uil uiark la r.lxra it. the public. ; v. ; ' ' Istcrrupid by tbo clwtiou of Lady Jane bildiar-Wi- ll ; METAL. j;.;, v, -: jjfp'Vi''1! ' ' i f ' St, C orys, Gardeneri Club, .. ; -- J 1 : '.'"-v proposed to send seed of rare wihl fioirera by nuil, domptly attended to. Ample Storrgt fqg in exchange, for. such .ee-- d and cutR MOF., S7 tings as are desired by li o club. !l STH) Catalogues. ? --Reports, - Period icl. .nd boot. . lici ed for ,be lib,.,, Pr st. ville eaitab!- - for any sort of g aiu and J..F. Jol nfon, Vnii Branch. Secty., 'vrgrtaMee well foeeeJ and la crep St. (scnre. Utah. May. SO 1888 .j Washington Utah, triTatton fr ilnlij, u prp;rl ii u nunvlili kriu u u; tutorial kidin, ell rtadjr U . iUt!a '2 Edits vd the Fifth. . I fCP .Silj6 G;LN awpiSjiral gantanlo to Jolhatr wjrk of York. k avail aUvaniawaat. dune ,v . i T POIJKItr 30 Firl.Ciaflwoik DJilAi . ; 'v '&H 9. Oswwiv. ftcoacK MARK-Iir,-'- JF 1AJ COTTON . fr" fcj J '. S . pratleg rraiwriy a4 Sl.Caarg, CUk, 01 X) 13& (WM. , . V 1 Owr, UaV httty i:aiB.ii ! '7? ; ' : W 001 C&rdillff RAIL. - , - . . s " . v''J iVr- - ' they moet. for discussions vntid Exhibiton, of frui undera new STRAUB'S P rTENT .. .it- - . , g .. , nnJ, vegetables every Tuesday .eTCQ-nminer at 7 o'clock. SB 9 (L 0. PEC I M R!N S'of inrfifq. ' fin1 with All (he latest Improvements, tad am article ef or rare fruits and regetubies prc r pared to turn out a solicited--als- dspecimen of mineral From GOOD WHEAT. tinimal, or vegeUble; cdriostiei for t FLOUR fxeUugtl fur- - IP R JS T tl.c cabinet. t teM v jev The Mlaw'ng prophecy is said to bare been delivered bj a UrilMi bard, ia the Urca.ji Vi!- 1 liam the Norman, aud presenrid by scnmcf O A Qs2 I If T Y 13 .1 L : V a S , tho monkish annsulists. vu:1hat no morr V than thrus monarch s should ever agAin reign A r ptSat f th ikl fiat4 var:t tf till basal! fat (rMfliplu, mfiliil iiuwilal-- Li iivtr those kingdoms, without soiao v iolent aslsab Iks rraallBS graiiaii t np- I If illiam'tbe Normas. j. k. Joaxsox. , deiiraMa liberal re N.iA FRANC li.GOt . x 'X Tfc has atiow . ) V-- ,. rinrv f . f k , , 2 William Iluftis. F, J), ITtilogg : Hail, : i Orders respcetfiiry soliefif sd. And for this pcrpote L offer for sale.my.ral nab'.e Ilome'fteul in St. George, of 5 acroi on which is situated 2 good springs, a thriving v'Vung orchard 2JJ0 vines &0 4 ; V's.r : fc - ' v ISST ROLL Veriflcaflon oi an Ancient v ; (S'uercaisrs to L, B, Btnchlty fc Co.,) a k aV si p o a tVx e a k.or j Bay. E. Jcnssox, Frest. ti. Xnixcii, f . 0 plId r 7 1 1 . J. which ft -- ? ; ss-raa- oMwbiatpiuA' V ' ; ei Oct 20 lFbO. ' such Nut, be in fcasqu, By etiter fruit fruit grower Meuntaia o nier tie, Boiky. ) 1CG8 I . JOHN FYillf. Hrnei Lnther tst.,'- ' 'V?' - Wanted se3a .beautiful, or . te.i writers rs " - Qs-fo- r. b Mcompam Nole. Any pwo.ftUbeg wprd;that wa?1J,.!.f ibev wll pay es soon as possible after j speoiraens.ofprcased leave and flew-- .. " harvest in cotloa or whcaLwlll have the eri 0f the shrub, or plant. Masazine forwarded to them. rT ,t ; J. E. JohxsCX. E. L,T, Hs'rrieob' Publisher Sait Lake I St. George Utah, May 27 1858- S City.( d prewrved fruits, and and dried Ju. cel-U- Kip, calf, is goat tkfo, IParowan Uuh Anl 20 ;.;.Cias itoadiand pion Pquclcault. ' 'StThcmas Aiirnna.1' ' .1 . Nor. 20, W ;ues. pay :,i whalftol interested, are, iwqn eted to ISaKi-A- tl Site ; : ! .naAlUiiiv, XSELjcvjax'jiki A li45t Kg. ; PILftYI 'IV1 Jast prodursd by those - cerfroniten of fihit growers in Southern Btaii, wi!l bj held in the gardeners Club Hall, ' rs Caijealcr'ssl' Go's : t. bcr-buli- ror ar Aolfce I Fruit - Brown ' ' i 'I - ,y Hsyfrg rented Ov first class Crdie. Machine owned by Bro. E. Snow, I pro- . or pjs- - p'lttirig ft tip in Paro wan, ai:db ready 1 oi ' 'GERMAN KTiJCK. . to receive wool aiid deliver rolls by the 1st AF.RlCA!i;.ENGt,ten A v of May. WmiM -t- SOP Leb-of pota!o,,s : I rnrectfnll solicit the patronage ' ef f rwlreh I wi l puy. dtiivereil nt Cnil-vii- ic oral , Impl . msnts & Uining. Tools. lie citizens of Dixie and adjacent setle- tgricul nr at my store .tit Ji of . 3 and $5 00 Street, ... - - T K. K 6 S ' 6irecme a CftlH -- t , ' I' wl and lbs iatsusljr exciting ; and thrilling story of small .per Ter Balwer;:-;.-- by -- t h TWO SPLENDID Tb. - I have n irenera! ansonmynt of. HAUmYAUK l will ixcbdnge for nnr kind of produce or HORNED aeialen Fmit Grwer r -- ' . Alsolgfflt fi-l- m. 7 J. E. Jjhnaon. ;. with . ' "niVne I toba a pent in Importe- TiifrVJ fr'VriVKsnrBF pfTlie Vssoctefon.'; ; T7il! ihAsr wVj d'dine to sot; report , te , iltfir. Bh''F,rbs is roquested r select a vice p'eMJe:it fur bii'vrard and report at- - . will giro Invqice;i?rices, cent and 4 t!e, ?CfC;e'.r v tjir, -:-AT:-' ; ' ' ,. . UTAH SitAQAI . n gra natatls Ilo.y, entitl'd H A 'R O ij D ! frieght : GBABRAHTiD, jSATI8FAC?I03 tho-Uck- - " r' will . S3 i 1 :. , i hAt tbpee whw were appointed y Mowntaif iheeidf ms t f , will ijgVaj-eoelrtyeach, tkp etly rOWel i a rgavl?' lwl l j lirdtteb, tlefr. cwh' ivVrdltJ .ilct Tee, half et fee current ich.)wko)4 and iiKd t; rirh, the remainder wlih -- , . ..4 ,1 aod rPVTANDS-- " p. K : J:-L1- ; :;V Coiniitissiony JM'ir 'er rkSTs I rp ' 1 .JTowpubdihin .' Uhv J,,n Pyma,.c. ; ' ,;v 18iS, ,will he defray norrte Bilrajr Tourd ... f ! Ti ' io2 ' Carrier.,' St, Geore. TBnen v ,..v ... Ilf sild at Public and buy CliXAP for ' . Ohfa'., . MOSEY y !k v; casii.i ;;;1',liu;hhy,'on.;' - , Prxna Store "1a!I at for i . J tBtiuiaea pivwl? ' v"- mii R103EY WILL !4tbd:yofMaleNofcruber to ' A Needd.i' ... : . :u n.yi.rai;f ' 4 4 rf- CROSBY & CLARK, N- s v AC:-- f .1 ! aViii. C: rwi-- W gwIi or vi i T'r'-- nm,y -- T ibrt -- tr. ,t A .h sd'L7 J ! ij S J.. :h1 ... |