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Show VARI E TIE S. Grain and Feed Store! Tho undersigned lie that poit every barking dog must pick a stone. up great many Ants constantly act examples bat ancles don't, . , a supply of of. industry, or. W bat It that which belongs to youraolf, and yet it is nsod by everybody else mure than yourself? An. Your name. A young lady in New York secured the first cholera of the season, by eating six pikles before going to bed. A Portland lady estimated that she has used thirty miles of spool cotton, within twelve years, in doing her family sewing, . A lady has been expelled from a church choir in Jicw York fur reading novels during service. Why would :bo sea make a bettor housekeeper than tho earth ? fiecauso the earth is sceodingly dirty and the sea is very tidy. A ponrd nnd trout, confined in a water tub at Helton, Hus. recently committed suicide, by furiously butting his head against the side of the tub. a-h- alf at r TEBHIHII8 iP ipoI ft. rr te 'I t : kit ;,t j i!:' J t i f " jij, BALSAM, For Coughs, Golds, Restlessness or.i all Affections of the Langs. Back Charges Paid Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in any quantity. CHARGES REASONAB1E I Good stabling and Kraals. REFER TO STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. BUSINESS MEN GENEKALLYOF Wif.'LiKj. DENVER. St. George, Jan, 15, 1668. OMAHA or, ltf SALT LAKE CITS. I RANCHING For DlunhiM, Cholera Morbsi, Choi. w, Whooping Cough, Pain in the teeth or face, and as a Soothing Oordi 1 for infants gives immediate relief. sr i.- iv v- -J ii ami at- - NERVE AND BONE LINIMEMT, r 4 r i. i SU - For Rheumatism and all diseases requiring outward apolication for Man or "east. The very Best Horse Liniment. EYE SALVE, For weak, inflamed or troublesome Eye Lids, Sore Eyes, o. 3-l- m c BROOMS! Ao, .X , D :0 . TONIC PILLS, O' Chill, tnd Fevers immediately. The Unerslgned offers a superior artiALSO cle of double-woun- d wire fastened !f0LnnnS!odicinH Ointments for Brooms, at wholesale or retail; Grain itoh, Piles, e. . Hive Syrup, Composi3!! BLANKS!! BLAMKS !! and Produce received in payment. tion, Syrup Sanspurilla, and most other popular Family Medicines. Ferule at the Times Office Blank ALSO A CHOICE LOT OF Deeds, Borids, Mortages, Deeds of trust, Powenattorney Bills of sale, Subpoenas, and many conveinent and useful business ! j good size r nd best varieties; also ornablanks. Blanks of any styls printed to order on mental Trees and Shrubbery, and other plants. D. short notice- A choice tot of HARDY GRAPES, such ns stand this northern climate, and South Tcm Me Sr., St.L&kcCify 0. WILKINSON, Fruit abundantly. Keeps an extensive assortment of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER B. F. JOHNSON. Famy Ooodi, Toys, Confectionery, Books A block and a l.alf south of the Pabli Spring Lake Villa, Utah. Medicines, Stationery nnd Yankee NoSquare, on Main Street. Good limber and tions, which he offers at the lowest work done well and with neatness anu despatch. Look in no charge for aho wing his Curiosities. I ho will to prepared supply tho & G. HIGGINS. with all sorts ol J. E. ? 4.7 Humors. ! "I r' - For Canker, Sore Mouth, or Ulcerous . Snap-Dragon- s, f CANKER SYRUP, H WALLFLOWERS,. Iris, Tuberoses, and many others; also a choice collection of Chinese m G ESSENCE OF LIFE, AVING purchased of Mr. BVir the undivided haif of the Ranche kown as Hamblin ft Blairs, in Ranche V alley, e it of 8pring Valley, I solicit patronage rf Dixie stock growers, Being brought Dp in Texas, I roach no ' or ever saw belter Ranche atav on, owns north of Maaon & Dixonc line. WILLIAM MOODY. JOHNSON. Sal, (feck anri W. g(Ll(u,0 rr if JOHNSON, mar-ketfigur- es. CROCKERY WARE Good clean Cof '.on ami Linen Rags wanted office . at this Gash or Lead in exchange. them, as well as the publio generally Pottery Is situated.on the street running to Washwho may need my services, that I have Agency for Findlays celebrated ington laborfamily picture. just received from the New York ltf JOHN EARDLEY. Matchesr wholesale end retail, at A young fellow in Michigan dreamed tliat atories a good assortment of Ecloetic Medicines. to ltf be went Fremont; Ohio, and 'marreU a pretty ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE whom he had never seen before, and 3 - t f'-'V 1 ALL-HEALIN- MONTANA & FLOWERS ! I Sold at the St George Drug Store v (ECTI PDTVIffiY, ' .. ' ILM(, UTAH; JtajJ j -- 'A rich farmer in Calais, aged 65. recently marred a second wife who is only 29 years of age : A daughter by his first wife Is 40 years old, and her daughter, aged 20 is abuut to be married. Thus there is a child who is 21 years older than her mother, and a grandmother who is a year younger than her grand-daugh- tor. At aeale of picture in Parif, two amateur obstinately disputed the poasession of a fine picture by a celebrated Dutch painter, which Residence in the north part of tbe City, bv the middle of represented an as. Each bid against the two blocks west of Clark s Tannery February, 188. 1 other. At last ono of the gentlemen said, It wili take Corn; Wheat, Flour, Butter, While thanking my patrons for then is no use I will not yield The picture once Cotton Yarn, Storepuv, Gheese, Colton, wish the to inform favors in past, I 7T . P. B. R Q. NEW MEXICO, at Lowest Market Rates. Chrysanthemums. occupant. "To keep away red ants, cover the shelf where they are troublesome with salt; then set on it butter, preserves, anythink, with impunity. Bid you ever see ants about a salt barrel ? ; A toll-gakeeper was brought before a The magistrate for eriiolt to his daughter. difficulty arose from a discovery made by the parent that the girl, who was frequently left in charge of the gate used to allow her sweetheart, a young butcher, to drive his wagon through She never tolled her lore." froe. of the To All Points in nnd other A New Jersey man has patented a chair which can bo converted at will into a rocking chair; and which moreover by its rocking ro- BLANK tates a fan for the i- W home. lcmes from thi HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, nnd bedding plants for sale, vis.: A kiss has been defined .as a flower that ROSES, blorsoms all the year round, and whose sweetLILACS, ness depends upon its gratuitous giving. . SPIRE AS, STOCKS, A charlry school girl, under examination in VERBENAS, Psalms, on being asked, What is the pestilence that walketh in darkness ? answered, 'I!ed PETUNIAS, BLACKBERRY, bogs, sir. JAPAN LILIES, A married lady being ssked to waits, gave the following sensible and appropriate answer: "No, thank you, sir; I have hugging enough . UOODS of EVERY KIND! CHOP FEED, VEGETABLES - VALUABLE RECIETE and FORWARD FEED, FLOUR, MEAL. Wisconsin baa some sturdy men for State officers; but It only baa a Fair-chil- d for i - keoM .wuitanUy on hand GRAIN, I goT-em- MEGEATH & Co., : t A . .i ' M - girl acting oa his mothers adriee, be packed bis trunk and started fbr Ohio. ' ; lie searched, two days JAMES CRAGUN. in Vermont' without seeing the face hohed reen in his dream, and then he saw it in postofficc, told his story, popped tho question, received an Joiner and Cabinet Maker. St, George affirmative answer at once, was married next will execute orders in his line with day, and took his brido bock to Michigan. .. j iV-V- '4-r 7 V'sr i i' ' ;sr rlv Kcntnckt Election. At the recent r-- r ';r :'. .i 7 Jl ion in Kentucky tbeDcmocrats carried the 8tate, and it is estimated that Slreusons majority fpf Governor is 10,000. i i ''' nr q i; L WU V I V- I ? t i .h :f J. W. NIXON, Produce; consisting of Tin and 8heet Iron Worker, Apple, Pear Quince, Plum, Apricot, WmtT it Costs. The estimated cost of tho Copper, Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, AlSt, George, Utah ltf great overland Pacific and Atlantic Railroad mond, Cat&lp&s, Allan thus, is $100,000,000. Iloney Locust, Mulberry, Lose May She" Wat.- - The Maryeto. WHIPS AND LARIATS. etc., tp, sville Appeal says a Grant and Colfax flag has -- Also, some New, Choice, as well as JOHNIiARSEN, been suspended across Third street, and wishOrdinany, St. George.' All work in braiding, es, Lobg may she way. To which the Native and Foreign Grapes. replied, if the flag hangs there till Grant dee., done with dispatch. ' ' ltf and Colfax are elected, the wish will be gratiAlso, Flowering and Frui ting Shrubs, fied, for it will be a long Ware. Strawberry Plants, Flowering. Plants 1 and" House Vines, The bridge over lhe Thames, in Plants, eto. r I expeet to remain- in St. George and London a re to be (brown open free AS'the above stock is small, those eontinueln the Baslueas of painting, dec- dosiring to for everyone. purchase should be in seaorating; &c., Those who wish' 'to' employ son. . A western eiitor. in one of bis pa- me Cau leave their orders at Bro. gnows J. E. JOHNSON, St. George. T Hones iny Log pers, says: "For the effects of intemI will ahortly.have on hand a complete took of Paiats, Oilsf Varnish,,&c., &c. perance, see our outside. : w 11-- tf SRUSEL Eve was the only woman who never AT St. Georgs Utah, April 15 1868. threatened to go and live with her J 0 II N S OS'S .DRUG STORE, mammY, and Adam was the only man that never tantalized his wife about - St. George, Utah, .may. be. found.a good Stock cf the way mother used to eook.11 A suprior Medicine for Whooping DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, How very exhilarating it mint be Coughs, Colds, Hives, and feo., the right kind of Medicines for the to.be suddenly lodged in a prison eell Cough, People, the Climate, and the Diseases iur a night, and be released the fol- all affections ofjlhe Throat, or Lungs: of tho Country. lowing morning with the comforting gives Immediate relief nothing bet Prescriptions pnt up with care, by an reply to your inquire, "you are the ter can be used. experienced Druggist. Two doors nboTe St. Georgo Hal). wrong man. 8old at St. George Drug Store. - f cows, Oxen, and young clock the olaer branded J. E. J. on the horn and most all with a 6 !nh circle with (J) inside on left shoulder I will reward the finder St. George Apr.15 V : Hfs:! - J. e. Johnson. Re-pirt- er ? 1 er, ral -- txj ! Vege-ablesEg- . S t PLANTS! PLANTS A few fine Cabbge, Tomato, PRUITlAND 0RN AMENTA L plants for sale at 25 eta. per, doz. at Johnsons garden St Geo, of gpod size for transplantinc. to EXCHANGE for GRAIN ud other S TR AY ED! . ?i ! I.lihve a ohoice oolicetion of Ilf. dispatch elect- Fruit Trees ! ! - Wy Kh ' CRAWFORD HOUSE," Washington. Utah, Travelers and Boarders aeommodatod with the best table comforts the market affords. I ltf W. H; CRAWFORD. . present-residence- ;Ui -i. 1.! ifr ill.! (! ;ri i i ' Vi & Th rr SOOTHING SYRUP- f; - :!ls :it ;KIV v. i 'A m A t -- . - well-assort- ed COMPOUND 53IiIT IPOlLlLi Will oleahae.the Blood, remove Billions Complaints, stimulate the Liver, relieve Dyspepsia, break up Billious and other Fevers, sup Headache, drive away Flatulency md Loss of Appetite, help a Bad cure the Jaundico, and rrovc !.Cil, be he best family Pill in exis tcnce. Sold aft ST. GEORGE DRUG STOR? Money refunded when satisfacti not is given. rr ir. 5 "V,J: ,!'1 . ' r if'- - v ' - ...;T . - ?-- L : if- - .. -- |