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Show Vol.l. tifinMB St. George, Utah, Wednesday, September 9,1868. Curtis. SEEDS, SEEDS! ford-hea- RIO VIRGEN TIMES Is published For Sale, Seeds fresh and pare of morning at most vegetables needed for the garden, and a ehoiee collection of Flower Seeds 3t. George Drug Store. at Utah Ter, For tbo Xftv Tlrgta first-ra- te set of SURVEYORS & ENGINEERS 1NSTRU MENTS FOR SALE.. Inquire at the Times office. . The undersigned will attend to the execution of Deods, Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, Contracts, and all other Official Business required of a Notary Public. Office at Rio Virgen Times rooms, St. George. J. E. JOHNSON, Notary Public. -- T GXOBttC A HICKS. The following lines wire suggested on reading a sketch of the life of J. Howard Payne, the author of Home Sweet Home in which the writer elates that Mr. Fayne had been a wanderer from his boylood, and was open a stranger in foreign lands without a place to lay his head. I stand alone upon the earth, No happy days hare f, 4 The dreary season lingers long For lime drags slowly by. In vain the spring flower mile around. And birds sii g on each tree There in no music in ths sound-T- hey do not smile for me. Unon my weary way through life ne sun lLa has seldom shone The friends who To-da- BHAYI3G, HAIR D&E3SING, AND Tim. THE POETS SIGH.v ' TO SURVEYORS A every WEDNESDAY she times building St George y loved me yesterday are changed and gone. The entries of home and fireside Where love and mirth ajree, SHAMPOOING, IN THE BEST STYLE, AT These are tli? joys of other hearts They do nut smile fir me. I see the rich in pomp and power 3. The great the brave the trcel SALOON I the minstrel in his bjwer hear SHAVING his melody; Produce 0X1! DOOR SOUTH OF PRINTING OFFICE I Where youth and besnty smile around And love singe inerr ly, is no muie in the sound. There J. E. JOHNSON, They do not smile for me. Auction and Commission Merchant, 0.' t, oft, in Anguish have I wished et plaee of rest St. Georg , Uuh, Par some soul alike is freo Where every instruc -as IV ili oewve nnl disposo of, All round from eait to west tc.l. Good, Wares, Merchandise, Grain Wkue clo i.is of sorrow linger 'round Stock &e. upon liberal terms. And 1 would still be fiee Then wliat to me e ethers smiles They do i.ot smile lor me. 1 a-- WHEELWRIGHT GRANTS ATTACK. OX THE AGON3 mi or p aired, anil uauu Jobbing dene on short notice at W Itf r-- JEWW ELMORE3. BY 5 w-.- a CANE MILL. HOUSE PLANTS, II J Uf PHRENOLOGY Phrenologr, sem how pleasant a guide, how valuable a teacher, unfolding to our Itf silent readings each others natures and St. George, Utah Ter. characteristics. And yel, a staff we may not safely lean upon, apart from: Physiog! nomy. Yes Phrenology has. its contradictions, few guns for sale, or exchange as well as the proofs sometimes I hive at the, wondered, vhen looking at low common S. M. DLAIR, attorney at law. GUftS A GUNS St George Drug Store. I heads, ect in stating what was not strictly thus. hi,u the fnl1 t0. elent of my -I never druuk but three glasses ov lager iu mi life, and! that made mi hed ontwiat as tlio it was hung on the end ov a but I was told that it was owin to string my. bile bcin out ov place; and I guess that Bif flF ne.Ter BUed over wuss than jWwheif I did got hum that nite. Mi wife thoU wm goln tu dl and. I, was afraid-th- at Iihofililn t for it did seem as tlio everyliting I had ever catin in mi life was curnnin tew the surface; and I do really believe that ir mi wife badt pulled off mi boots jest as she did, they would hav cum Ah. lost faith in. my favorite study 1 remember a girl, whese rplendid head, and chaste beautiful features, woke in ne an artist worship, J. sought her acquaintance wishing to stddy the riches. I was sure were in her nature. That disapointment first shook my faith in. Phrenology. 1 he lovely face was a dooPs. a mask to the suls true expression, the splendid head empty Bat acqnaintauce, brought knowlthunderiu up too. 01 how kick f wusl 14 edge, that gave authentic reason for the years ago, and I can taste it now. disproof Iiers was the inheritance of I never had so much experience la so the fathers flue head, and the mothers weak short a time. If enny man should tell me that brains. beer wuz not intoxicating, I shud larger belevo So we may decide only when investiganim, but if he shud tell me that i wuzut tion baa brought in pr of of the truth of drunk that nito, but that my stummuck that development, either for good or bad, was out cf order, i shud ask him tu state I bave thought much, whether the head over a few words, jest how a man felt makes the roi..d or the mind the head, I and aseted when he was well set up. If i wasnt drunk ca mot think them one; perhaps, that which ov the most natecal that nite, i had some simptums that a man ha the advantage in the beginning. Bat ever had and kept sober. . In first place it was about SO roil sorely the mind makes the faces expres from the where beer to mi lion but I have already contradicted house, and t i drunk the lager wag thus over 2 hours on the that above. Truly there are exceptlJi.s road, and had a hole busted through each one of my pmtalanu neez, a d didnt havo ta every rule any hat, and tride to open the door by tba From AQuiet Life. beelpull and hiccupped awfully, au.l saw everything iu the room trying to get round HIDDEN ELOQUENCE. on the back side ovme; and in settin down Few among U3, speas with tbe eloquence in a ehair i didn wait long enuf for it to getezactlv under me, when it going we are matter of within. We blush as it round, andi set down a lit le t wis io soon and were to hear our cwu voices pouring forth niesed the chair about 12 inches, and cou'dn't get np soon enuff to take the next that which we are conscious ' eloquence one that cum along; and that aint awl: my perhaps the presence of some one we deem wife sel, i wuz ki a beest, and, az i sei a critic, restrains us from what we would before i began to spin up things freely. If lager beer is not intoxicating, it used write fearlessly. Fear and shame, born ot me most bloody that i know. reasons loo intangible for expression, yet Still i hardly think that lager beer is inoverpowering. toxicating, for i hav ben told so; aud i am a Mai.y timid youth wears under a weak probably the only man living whj ever drauk enr.y when his liver was not plumb. exterior, quick appreciation, power of I don't wai. I ts say er.nyhirg agin a language and true knowledge, equal to the br.rnilcrs temperance bovrige, but if i ever rabid eilervescing and sparkling wave that drind any more, it w iibe will ni hands !id behind me, ami mi mouth pried open. quenches the venturesome sprits. I dont t!;ik .. is iu:uxicaiing, e I'ne sendb lilies lliet writ'll unde b.'. i' i rcm!-- r iL:?, i tki;.k it lasies to ai suds that a pickle had if .sting, yet cannot frame courage to hurl like a $ tu yoa.v oeoi put in j back the sarcasm, . nr-3rt- , b-- er j E.B. IUINF.3. S-- and uiiprepro'iscssing that I knew covered rare intellects; and 1 them Jews n utter scorn, A sf hough it .e a shams Harness For Sale. I'o irac tit. i. name am li:3ige back A second band harness for Sale or ex To a racouf glorious iaiue! change for griin. I pice of prophets priests aud kiugs; ALSO WANTED. A gicit and noble host, Fire-weo- d and fence pickets on sub Whose glorious deeds ran yet be traced Though lime itself wero lost! scriplion or in exchange for other pay. wares A race for whom the Re.l J. E. Johnson. Were parted by their Ood, And Israel passed thru its depths Unharmed and dry shod A race for whom the s in stood e till, A pair of wrought ioru Sorgunr Aud parted Jordans wave; rollers for a..le, inquire of A race for whom were wonders wrought. And Jesus died to save. J, E. Johnson. Yet the bigoted and senseless Grant Docs Jew and rascal class In the some list, which plainly shows That Grant must be an css. Who heeds not liialory's teachings, St. George Floral Gardens, Who does its lessons slight, A nice collection of bedding & pot-in- g And vilifies a noble race plants, for sale. Chrysanthemums To glut his senseless spite. Verbenas. Stocks. Pansies. Ice plant A spite wich is as narrow Geraniums. Oleander. Putucias. and As the mind which gave it biith; A spile which in this latter age many other vatictics. Should crushed be to earth. J. E. Johnson. But narrow tninds like his must e,en Thdr native meanness show, . And the great race he libeled has PLATT ( No answer to bestow. SADDLE A HARNESS MAKER Save to point him to the Bible, and the sage, The Work of done. prophet Next door The best to him how great have been Which shew south of Printing Office, St. George. The Jews of evory age. fie cullc--d ds No. 22. did fit everv you Rjum. of the mMj whet might have lam of contair.ed ani il.teriomt.(t in calm, w mm up at ; fl0;n th(fu,.,nd diitinet lweLty the unklad tone to itreigti. ej, pice a of metal, the misplacing of any young lira .pri.ig. up from the Head upon 0Be of nh;ch woaJ cau,e lunde, it; if tears fall, they are dew to the plant, or typ0 taphical error? With this ear- and the low of irony but ripens the ious Inct before you, do you net wonfruit. der at the general accuracy of news-And among those who call themselves papers? Knowing this to be the fact, friends, how few know the rank of each you will be more disposed, we hope, others minds, for only sprits that chime to excuse rather than magnify errors in unison, may discover each other; and of the press. to such true eloauence echoes to the call Ominous, An editor of one of our as smile to smile, or the mirror to the face exchanges threatens to Kux Klux aud the flow is pure, the fountain in- some of his subscribers who forgot to exhaustible, him: to Listen pay up. And sueh communions loave mark of Some of our subscribers forgot to where they have been, clear openings of pay up this Spring! The secret serpent blue sky. in tangled forest boughs over- ba? hissed! Pay us! Bloody bills? The head, and tracery of sunlight on the prac- yellcr coffin grins! Pay your subscriptical earth beneath. Days to look back tions promptly! The frizzled cat upon; making musical the voice which mews! Death to traitors1 Five dollars then spoke, and beautiful, the faco illum- a year! Your doom is sealed I ined by tho passing sweep cf eloquence. A frenchman, trying to give a desFaces, where others searching for it wo aid cription of the negro race, said it was past, not seeing casements whoso curtains a very strong race not strong like are drawn together hiding the glow within. a horse but strong like a sk nk. From A Q'det Life This is the Airic&n scent of which wc hear so much, and like a certain counLager Beer. terfeit coin, it is a bad cent. 1Y JOSH BILLINGS, , lut-.oolu- l., fcao frh : I hav finaly cum tew the couclusfn that - A fellow being asked if he was a-fr- aid to matt his God, answered. No; larger beer as a beverage is not intoxicat1 hav been told so by a genian who said I'm only afraid of totber chap he had drunk it all nite long, just tew tri If Adam ha.l asked Eve to let him the experimout, and was obliged tu go home entirely sober in the morning. I have kiss her, could the latter, without seen this same man dtink sixteen glasses, profanity, have replied, I don't care and if he was drunk, he was drunk in Ger a Ikamlf von do man and nobody could understand it It in proper euuff to state that this man kept An early spring jumping out of t v hav no and could beer a larger saloon, five o'clock in ths bed at morning. |