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Show -- . .a ' rift: UK I, arrainged for acts of a sh.imelul nature and wo await the result of a reformation and better, and more reputable, and ro course of conduct. spoctabl Rays tnko our ndvioe Rcsolvo to do better, then put j'our resolution to Btendfust execution, and you in.iy yet bo 'respected, otherwise you will come to itSs.v, . sudden grief. mm tim ISPVBmURD' !). THE IMKTO IUOS PROSPECTS We have recently, had Vfidassiaj UP A lit Sepitsbcr 9, along converse with Bro, Chapman Duucan thonian-ngn- g npent of the Pinto Iron Co just in from headquarters. Bro D, informs us that they have by flS,3MS(Dli ST., GEORGE firestone, and built nn air furfeet in height nace, and smokestack fou.'.d Ic3, Wwwwwwwwwwwww u 3-- and are now gradually seasoning the Ter Vcr, 5.00 3 Months, 82.00 samo with heat, expecting in nbout 10 Months, 3.00 Singh copies, 25 days to try a bluet of the Ore The Company 'arc sanguine that tiny have Kate of Ail vert Ding: ,. but one great obstacle more to surA square la tbo spare that 10 linrs this ize, will occupy. mount, viz-- to find a fluxing material this TEHIils: 1 nrlraa, rr.r inarrllon, iMre sq (200 Each lubsrqaueiit insertion, 1 . 00 T13E PREACHER. IS McUMC-NIfM- , Mormon Mormons" coiues front one of tbo ancient writers of the Cook of Mormon, a historical reconl of the pi;oplo who origiua'ly ii.hiibUed this cm.ti.ieut, The record wac engraven on plates of cold ur.d tid in the errth, to courc iurtii i.. the fullnes s of tim An a gel made known to Joseph Sir.i h whcaar.d how therecord st juM bo obtai -d aud' commissioned him to reside the cr 'cr. apcsU-liThus, Mutraonism is no new doch ins as -c- c Prlosis and wicked men would repie.-cu- i but iha same doctiii.e tanah.c by Jrsus Christ ai.-- bis dissipba and apostle, viz Faith, repentance, and and the laying on ot k inds for the gift of. the Holy Ghost and the healing of the sick tLc gifts blessings and miracles with as in the cays of cur Savior. Pu nching tL gospi-- wi.hout money cr price, am travelling to the euls.ofiiis ear h w.thouipu.'ss script or hire mak-jrthe wo. da of life and salvation as free as the waters of the Ocean Mormon- bsleive in literal fuifilhi'.irit of cf all berip ture and all propLiccy that no aid is require from learned men to :;1 nhat the mean, and that they need n0 commentaries to ui.ucrstacd li.em. bi-p-is- a-- I l g ecr.-piurc- X s Mormons btliee in Ihd'old Patriachal style cf marrage and iu tho chastely, purity and virtue of womeu, and men too. Mormonisxn, leads us to gather together, that w may bs divided from ihe wicked, to leein the ways of ths Lord, and ts sated from the judgements about to be poured cut upon inj wivktd for the Abominations practiced by the natio.is Oj the eailk. AlcrmuiiUm, teaches industry, pa'ience, forbearance, Luuc-str- , sobriety, lemptr-ai.e- e, intelligence paiity, truth and god lintss. 3$ jcais ago MoruMuism started with 6 disciples.' Ihe Cjiucj. like lbs eid apoj-tobe-c(iuu.iiai!y mobplitern, has bed, hauled, persecuted a id driven, j, cur people iu all the earth number mice hunored tuousaud. with a vast and rapid annual increase. Mora onism is no bembug but will ye include all the good ou cat tin li n tj-da- Had Behavior. There are. several fcois in this City whose belief or for a long timo has been bad, decidedly bai, but on account of the respect we have hud for their parents a.d ' fiictds, and in co stunt limped rtfiuisitd from of uLisiidinent, we to by heiuiu cawing out ihelr n.ints, . , t i pertoiu bJ. bU wf'l iuet ur we chance, this, bow give fur reform. Some have xe Jently been . he Ml i 4 lift, and a few eases thr Missouri River. ... 1 of sun-strak- at e The Question Unsettled. Bid Jcaah Swollow TJio i Wlmlc. , i , , ' '! Tho Salt L ike papers give account of a small monster having been dislodged irorn tho stomach of a Bro. T. Rogjrs, living Hi Furmincton. The. reptile, or fish, resembled a oat fish, with a sucker mouth -- was 4 inches long, snd itr inches head lj broad. It lived 2 hours after being release j from the stomach, and flopped about, like .a fish t rewn out of water. T e strangest part of the matter is, the thing seems ti hue connected to tho stomach by n be on Who enn loll whut it is ligara-.nthow came it there? and has. it any. thing t do in commoi, witu Joiiah and the whuU? Ciua Fair. Let it bs remembered m ill at the St. Geo, Girdencrs Club, bold their aum:l fair iu tUeir IDl, on Sat, nrx.t The C.tizim aro i,ot only iuviled to look In, but to seaJ in,' with pccdilcfirs namo Kccompanyi'g any ra:o, choic9,or baau'.l ful fralt. - , Vttiv fixe -- roister Keate placed us under obligation, la3i week, by presentation f a dish rf large aul meat line ions, Late ? . CrawfordR. Bkc3. IIcxft The cxpe.iencc of several year in bee koepi'ig hern proves successfully. that vur Dixie U a.land of heney. We never kaew bee to stors more riehly ; than we hive seen here. On large new colony we knew of. is eslima'.ed to havo gatberJ already 109 ib of honey and a is regood season yet remains soinj care ou account of moth. An article in tho N. O, modioli and quired The finest lot of npp'C3 we have ever surgic-i- l j niiiril, proves beyond ii doubt, ihnt the Blue nicrcuri il ointment ucd scoa in tbis Territory, and the largest, intcrn iHr, acts as a. powerful aruliel-mintiis a lot of four doz, Teciveifrom ephi and tint worms of every shape size and m be and John on of Virgin City. ' -- . c, length, iy destroyed, rid m a Thus far Virgin City will take the limited got ofj very p riod, may, r.uy not pnve difficult u by its use. have produced pilm, en the apple; they shirt period will now determine if - Go in tape worms and purge larser crops than any other ward in our they succeed at once, their fortunes are Dixie. made, if not. more' means roust be VAca.ixcv. A vagr:r.t nair.el k C!iare A late Crawford from tho orchard of ami further experience gained. Oao onjiiis way home to Sin Bmurdinohai b en Rro Kents, ji st placed beforo us, measthing certain; the company is sound' the ;cole along tho rou v fioai ures 10 inches in circumference and and will be able to command ti l the swindling Lake Salt CL'.y, wrh pro eu e kniwleug3 incans they noeJ, and Wht is equally f weighs 9s 02. Who can boat tint. Astrology, wberaby he lells fortu:-s- , as we hivo So certain and necessary, ilicy are deter-minDixie designates t!ie lu Icy ami unV eky cayi, IIeat.tii of ho:tUh of the iiborvud tha people in thia d vill eink their pile before thy rind Ins duped many a silly pern o :t of ji'.u'hrfin clinia never no good as wili abandon the enterprise. One shaft a i.ollar by thn mear.s. H-- ri i.i I : i h i been ihi casc llu past and presenc ha been sunk for coal, with but mod- City last week, plrt-i- Irs l a:ij .So t!on of ,63 Oac3 of sickness h ive cp erate success, now (hey are at another wo learn thar lu tVnbi-igtahs col2n,tei! boon few, ntid deaths, comparatively much means has already been rpent quite a sum, sucli knaves should be kicked liorio. phviicims compl iin that is distrussingiy hsaLliy, 0110. 31. I), has out or scat and plenty more is ready. up, to public snnice, whil" islorg a'neo gone north, and the othr is Success to you boys, send us in a tin fool j that patroaiz him should have nu vouslcy oadcavoring to got away. lump of your first batch, that we may guardians appointed to keep them from In tho report in our last, of fruit on throw up our li it, with three cheers, ruuning into fire, water or other trouble. tin table at tho fruit gvo vrs for the first successful iron woikers in we omitted to 110100 a d oh of Mizmi:.. 11 AXD i BESIE WHEAT. intim plums very large r.nd li.ie, Utah. i f s acr-b.ts C A. Terry of this city h 8 two by B. F. Feiiclleton, and two in the of willow laud Ciara bottom whi.ii AirajnR one from tho garden ct D. GARDENERS CLUB FAIR. he has cultivate Lr. 5 years with the fol- K'lgcrs. ths otho. from th. gard'.-- nf This annual holiday comes nxt W "i;. Dudgctlio first I'xliibiiion .f iho and tho public ere invited ro io wirg results. real lady ulmond grown in Dixie. Come and see the good tilings exhibited. 1864, C3 bus of wilful Althu it is particularly uCF.ircd that 1SC5 74 Wc l.vspcik the favor of ou- - rei-brHO bus of com articVs now tho hcw of fruit and vvg iublo. e'nouhi f r tin s ri s 1M:J 100 0 'fiL'i-be us fuli and cmplvtc as possible. Still tho .iiir b"'m pii'iiishod in il.o a lilr th re will be room for samples of grain, IS7 6J quietjw' 0 tn:du of a youthfu' of the loom, mndlc work, R,63 100 0 v y Dixit. Jiu'.lur, of ourwn Sunny dairy and kitchen produce, nit s;n3 1,50 4,17 and all the art i clt-- usuf Santa Clara Spt'Jotnpnt The ally exhibited: and akim it is :rCUib maVng totrd smr.il grain cop of 5, C7 have this year raised nearly 3,0 J3 bus, fair everybody is invited to bring in Bush?!?, on two acres in five cor scculiyi wheat. of rare produce, woiks of art, curiasi years witl it nny fcrlil zing. ties itc-- , Tvo ihrosli ng tntchinr,J h iv Lsn Now let us h.'ar who will out do our We shall sec, what we shall see .iclivi'ly rngugc-- for ihe past Month i.i Dixie, even in growing Bread. ilns City and Hirrouudir.g Sotil iiicnirt, CANNING FRUIT. cu'. our l.ist wheat crop, wln-we n ill snow th it Dixie all i3 There is in this City quite a ittleccm-meuemenLocal ifcnxs. Imndsutnclr Ui;3 vcr.r in iho iu cunning fruit this tear, The Grasshoppers h ive qenn gono? lus d'ne i hat a fi v breud linn years lier.ee wo op ne. will and left u3 V'o count littlo dam.-ig:- , bring quite a revtnue to the denizens of of our Dixie. As well as we can judge and v Rl make them welcome to what TltVo; Wuin We lean that the titling ivh:it is catcir.g there will bn two or thre thousand cans they hive if they will givo us a wide in mojt many having frea 2CiOli put up i.i this City of the present sea- berth in futuro. bush la to deliver ihe pri.-jcf throating; sons crop. that lb- - ; cild of wheat b:i3 rasgaii this prows We learn that at Tequ?r the voung One man we know, had over 700 cans to the acre. PrcKy year from j lushcls mud for that purpose. nnd lit1' ril.v uiou. lends fur arc good earning out in mjri'ij hoppers L t tlr. wii-or prisper ty roll luck to all th-'live through our goo-A1 let lUitl AUiOUd. and- . WllAT - H ' - ; fr dai w-i- i j ; i g a 1 gi-r.- s'at-urda- 1 y, s 4 of-int'- r 1 S 11 - pr-nlnot- s i - efTi-ri- 1 1 s man-m-ir.ufactur- s l -- i z 3 t, i . bou-.itifjlljr- 1 i , si iIps-t- nl on-ar.- u one do iho r duty towar.-idhe devf'npmpni of tho mnriy resources of our favored cLne, and not long Inncc )ur privations nd t il will be repaid, i vi-r- y amply with abundance of the of life. t Rome s bles3iu-- , DRYlvG PEACHES. Our Poach crop .s finft and quite thi season, and the drying ex-toiui- ve sea- son is now upon us and cvrynody busy. Let uil reeoluct that the peach crop north is very short, and that dried fruit will bo in dem ind at bett-.-- prices. Savo al and keep thorn front tho wet. r Auxived is tux City. Wo learn from ihe City papers that must tf the inisioiisirios, released from their missions had arrived' at S i t Lake, also sevoral of ike cMnigrant trains with the pour Saints, uni several tuure Lave yjriveu ere this. The hea.th . of the emigrants on the pWM h., g,n(f:tll)b,cfl eoo.l tbi. i gun, if weexcept theri.uU of contagious diseases whiok his some lots of1 - littlo winter were not aftard. tho ti:lo of a niat iiiaiitl by Frar.cis Is Pic'-ar'a- ! woohly, rccoat-i- y Hart nod Co., No. 04 bare had h Y. N. at 53,0 J V year. will set ln!;e Liouitiaidtsiroot iuicrostii-and weekly of Ii tasty, all right, but iCpats got up in tbo host style cinoshaoio-u- ; from our a.,:, uu-- i riou with Coulribut-oa- s peach drying authors. Since last Saturday we nice showers, that crops and range food proves wry disastrous to a great amount h.ia been nearly or ilf-d:z-- ui quite Since the lirgira of tf.o maav tr?es and ahruhs 1ft gra?sh?ppp'e naked through theii voracity arc noa-pa-t tinz fo'th now folia ee from each bud as So oar sutainn will be in spln-tm- ? wi:h the fiCih garnishment of SpriNG vRancBE. snring-tim- C00U. Godfjs Ladys2 woaks ahead ago The August no. is of ull competitors, and so it is with Godoy, in menthly; no uil peruiniuj to bis intei-estinno failing off, no backing down, but your tfieryear, and 'month after month, a s ready and cJrtain improvement; a regular a Ivaccom:. and rau up always with till fast ago. : $3,00 per year. Tiiaxs: 1 1 t z ryC-idiaia- g, lit o Fat hi.iifui cf leaves or grass or a Fair. Ihe ICane Cnoty sgrlcilfural w t h.ir. iierc..ie.s, in your hat when ycu fair comes o IF to- - morrow at Virg, Ci-re . xpoud to the aun iu very hot We rcg- tl wc are uiiablo t respond with wealli-.our presenc, to he urzent i:iviutioa of lien yo i hear a man eay: Lifo is b.r a diojit' ireid 0:1 Us cerua and vjlIO the PreJert(A L. Sder)to attcr, Lii 4j real. Weather Is f ilr. Mercury running up to himu,. Rajlwvv Tbaffio of CmcAGO.No 95 fi 109 through the day in tie shade and iSrailwey trains depart from and cn down to 79 at nlh 1 y - r VV tir Chsvsgb daily. |