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Show R. Cotm iy ENIGMA. No ltt. J - J run cymp'iscd of 12, letters. Mv 3. 0, 8, is a mctnl. f , 3i'10l, 7 whole should bo:a blessing to St H, George.. By Citid. ...r- - 1 ... TWO ' B0X17JG METAL. A slock of the bel mtsl for boxbussing or 2 tbo earth And cheers the drooping flower . foi machinery, rails fco., for Giv s freshness to the Iierbuge green, ing or ' exsliarigV for ' grain -- Inquire at And frugiinoo to tho bower. the.Times Office. My second, usd in scecn3 of Mood, Jn many colors seen By day. but never in the fin 'and amteDslihj, 50 miles East of, , the i.--i .SANBERNRAD.TNO, story, entitled, HAROLD!Ths last of tbs salon Kings, r it-t- f GOODS! GOODS Bmj sqxIs srri TSOWAG, The is to , Just prjd-ueby those calibrate:! writers Red Brinno cow 0 or 7 year old and Diou Bcucicault. lteade Chas. Lrorkl? face while under belly, hranae I word-- that 011 lert hip r.ot legible, crop off fight,' notch Note. Any person , AT !n lift exr. they wllpay e son as pohihl after . 17 3 year obi bull half urthr crop h j harvest in 'colton or wheat w ill have ths i to thi tip of jeft par, slit in 1 ighf, uhi'c ppot 'Jidersigncd happy mix'-E. L,T, Harrison. TuWi rout of tail,, white mder belly, tall r the Citizens 0 cf C;ty, , with white. Southern Utah and Norther Tho above if not clfli:ii,d will he sold at j the St., George ee'ny pound on th 3;h j,ltm Liuforih, ll. tfiRuil. F. D. Kellogg jliat he has a general Sleek of day of Oclobfr 1H03. as the law direc a KELLOGG is RAIL "BiL John Pymm Co, P. K. VIE.. IB. sen-ling- SciuTC'ir. o-- California story tells of a man win resolved to quit drinking, nnd went to a: notu.y to goihiiu toiiruw up un affidavit to that tfiMot. The document was drawn, read nd proved; the party hold up his hand Hiui murmurd the uvul solp me'r It waa probably seaiod and delivered What's to pay?' asked the pledger lo py--t- o p i,? exclaimed the party; 'nothing, of course this is a labor A ; -- d till Cuff, can you tweu (Stuccwert to L. E.ncZZcy k. Co.,) rRY JOBBERS 07 UIGUSII & GERMAN A?1ERICA?H f.-- J acre-- . fa-- T.. lb. iu..il w ilmibi pri-cinc- oF ti , c-- a ceit.ua cou.iiry j S.ab.e3. ' a laiuli usj: j 4 ri n c Brown v v A!l-- n, Tanners is Cuniers. Keep on hand number one crticls of Fine sole Ieaihur they meet, for Ilill-wii- tri B. II. PADDOCK. T a The St. George t Garden era Club, has a fine . 8 if iPrti.dvT.Ali'! r'lnhvl fjclidullOl b VlllD! " wrJ SHOES, . rales. Weil-renro- of . evchar.ge for Grain, Lumber, Horned block, and Produce of the coun try .paying . a liberal pree and telliiiggjoda at reduced 13-- U a tnVtlia, . And all nuch GOODS as arc by CiliztT.s or Tr.ivolir., which required he will sell Orders respectfully solicited. n-g- g-a:- A . SJJWRAXC1SCQ, er 1 J i Iar.fi s t . giv Kgb! ir an fn'r an- Yeij anv wr if jai?' , vl!!e riil;bv kip. l'oin.ifyj.a--r Bhou osHiid i.i.l the liver, T f.e,aUe!l ffn.aJ i and la cro?. i:i;o b l.i'i-- . v tul.i be an accu ri ir somebody t.'r u'd ;:ill him oat, that wojM L aub- - ! luv-te-. l:rw!- wi'l.. iiv.. rcorn eic'.i. on , Also, Arizona GOODS, ' mik MiMm sir, :,irop The i:rihrplg ed l a'C 0p pxrriieet lilsole . V annoiuiaa HARD W RE BOOTS and Pithing feint about SOxard lcr.g Inquire of the Eui or. Igricul ural inpl ment & Mining Tools. Nos 3 and & Front Street, apm bv - GROCERIESr . . I . 1. IUFO&TERSA!tD FOR SALE. 'Youre a the difference rr.e ami uii an-ucuV- : 03053.23.3Llsio j Xoiiii g to pay? returned tho gr.ite-- i afii-mt- ! . if lve. . fill I ut vei v foiy-cifu- l brick! LetVtuko a U:inkir Hf . Story of pimiRyyn - i CROSBY is CLARK, Tanners and Curriers, St. Goorge, by TJulwer, CQ With gaudy tinted shven. u - au j the intcusly exciting and thrilling . n'-gl-it and goad aconioaiatBonsTnr S JTow publishing grand My first spreads In decorations gay Tbo toiling ox kn?ws well its U33 And bojs use it at. play. SPLENDID-STORIE- f 18-- L OTAH MAQAZII ME! ronuntia The : s.-le- 15lh 18J3. ..AIM . H. Prarce. ii'iV ;J BARLSY, i . My whole is beautiful and bright by . SL'o.ira.eLoiEsf, !:-- l .HAY-- ' JeiustvJem hfiS 22 000 inhabitants. My charade; 5IOI3ATE BS712U , Vgo inorning, arid my eiht hour ended at St. George, Juno 2 p. in.0 Serves them tight. i. used' by farmers. MAufoni frtkitifjy ,Si IJVT . pon jH.u 2j.7 6, 11,' Uro. or say one1 up my v ; bcyerago.iiv 6, 8, is a Messing to Dixie., 7, 5.10 12,is tin animal,, 2, 9, 4, kind yy7 illhothepicked An eight hour a day man, on going home tho otlinr evening for his sup per, found his wile sit ng in her best chi; lies, ..on. lh$ ..(rout stuop re ad in ; a Uow i this, he volume of travels; Cow-hid- er eld deg Trowsvr. th-- j b..ry Kip, calf is goat skin, 'ihe earned old iW i hilled him eif a b- kii at t i :d i.iio- - t'ji- thoriff. Be you o..e? Our ini. d ide on. - V'liitii tho .m. 11. a!9 u leutjier, poiu'iugio ilw 1 ' l.tu-- r s i-- urchin. the. l Uiiai du yen suv wheu your jfeU lo.? U.w ' was the J7J ii J J IJ . J iJO k J L.1vsw - the Medubics that grew mid the Mountains and slop importation and lwe w-!- irivi-- pr.8oiire.lr.; . thirty. the king 03T - v oihi-rw-s- - q (utd ler o:s isfaclurily rewarded. much vu2Sb.m 23 j "H.iw disconsolste you luok. said r bmki-- to hi' fellow- - tucket, as they j we'reguiig to tli- YVtll. 4Ah icplied the oiher, "1 was n-- 1 ileuiii-on the usulesr.ess cf our he- iug tilled; lor let us go away ever su back cinpiy. lull, we alwaya-.cim"Dear me! how strange to look at s.dd tho bucket.! it in that way, ih-rvow I thought hit, how-- 1 rnjoy t . - j j ; I liable Go nv i Ju;iC ; Wanted! Can f low nice l-it- r be gat- - j cars for r j i,av. rnnge . ! 1 over 3 on nr brd - Tibs, ci U10 : j fl.,,. B WllShillgtOIi plse Geo-Utih- . 1 fMrpvVl t runaer I 1 Geo. W. Jolmsca, 91. havc .WASHIN GTGN, IIs',JVearPrbSrtTorSrro',ft.aPPW tile are rfqnes- - j MU1! ! St. uco. Diutr Slo.c. j. e. Jshnson. p a when the expected IHtw Hill arri- - st. I Persons hunting Wool Carding ! first cUss UirdiMg, Having rc.i'u Fruit Store! mil '.pill. went. City eowfl lie fora steer 1 lSuS- - RIPE FRUIT 10 Stock. Losi Stock scat'ered on the St. George Utah, May Machine ovvried by Bro. E. Suow, I proputiii g it up in Pa row an, and be ready ! pose to receive wool ami deliver roll by the Isi of May. I respectfull solicit the parnnflge cf he Dixie and adjacent eitiyreue oi tlo- I Kavo row rl;e and for sale several flIltS vn1 ferivs of grape, and neachc. and 12-- tf Gcorcx OaiMSHaw. of tlie best fruit peer t1' keep a eui-p- l 10 Tarowan sea1863, in c.ich in its Apl. thie region projMiT j grt'.wn er.,b the quantity oral retail. ruit canncil lo order. Caune.l fruis for sale. Frarl. Sale. fair. Inquire at the Times St; Gcorgo August 15CS. J. E. i p t i, Prret. n?Jn Wm. Branch, St. George, Utah. May 20 1863 E Jonson' vr4 r Reports. - (Csn nYup - The New Orleans police arrested a: far cals and hook 8lici:ed Mr thp library j 5 r. 1. ia k l,f. frmn the 1st to the 80th tf July, were should r wi'hJ inside, or brardd on the l oin. J. E. J or G. W. J. or; 821,500,000. I llinoi paper says ihero is a man they may have both flush ai d horn in Olney so dirty that the assessor brands, and several are branded on R. p. J. j th put him dowaas real- estate. of inlrrual revenue, s cxcliana lur , . proauee. Pai o wan Utah Ari 20 1863. . I Cdnloci'es. . hey 53 jiway mil. Only Jock at it 111 tlMl, Miiil.lv- 1. .n din light end you ll be as cheer: ul ' and work oxen; all flint am. Th c ; t J specimens . uniraal. or vegetable; cunosties I HOtaiYiyr shall cs.i Lei n living sin a:.d to trim: them. o n.e cant U als oner to u lu r J l vvitli the els y solicited vgethbles arc gi.iiis :uj of mineral 11ihvss Leather ret., - - Ive 1 Iruits Uicv ; Are you a'J.iratd t the king cf or root, and , or r' rst9" 8xuura.nib.tr to- a i.k pioiltsc-!;"man. Uli, to; 1 - $nr wfi fine Seeds of all beautiful er desirabla a l.nhwatory for dis- - 2T IS ALSO provbsed to send extracts g s?ed of rare wild flowers by mail, wild Cowers, for .wLvh a libcii.l r, 'aii 7 ells ar.d ward will be p .id, if ali who accompanied b ;n exciiange. for such' sends ar.d cul- of epccimens pressed learo arid Cows as arc desired by tbo clubMJDHfll HM. jli'-eof tho ers shrub or plant. oil-Period-f-thneo wh.- discover t;!!ing-E-s- f ; i ' XT I stub of Ur,, SPECIMENS V and are ol Bj.f-r- C. SO lw'C3 J! 0 Jj u..d.i; . paiiio, Jo. J ily - S. . (S 53 3 853 3 (L (L the latest improvements, and am art?. prrp.ired to turn out a vf with-Al- l first-cla- 1 Xji Maxx, Juab Co., Ur.vn. O ss XIT 2FL 1 r. EA This years wheat crops in Min- , , . J. E. Jnhns n. 8 lrou nesota is tbo largest ever been har I Sf George May the 20th ,68; vested. -- tbo pu?!io. Mona, Aug. 20 -- tf j dromptly attended to. Grain. lit. 1818: Mf OitEfor Apple Storage E. SNQW. . l '1 . ! 1. i it t'tt ...: "M, - .1 : i - 'Vf w-r- I1 i : ,r 'S - tb 1 ' ie &- WVW;-- '!t -- tyii . : - .. - v- v . - : Vv- - i,' J . V T. . " . ; ' rrr "PI hsT -, |