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Show 7 V AIM E TIE S Grain and Feed. Store! - Never (aiic lo the printer while he Is v in selling type.,' ' 1 The ' undersigned 'keeps constantly oxr hand : w--- , . ; '. r V r '!i GRAIN. Sum niens'regFale by chance, but I knew a darned eight uv fem that are mean froulchoic. - a supply of en-g?- ed FEED, FLOUR. - r , - ' r, . Ti ! ill ' i '.? .;' fi FLOWERS ! - i I T . 1 I ; i r,.; if , Snap-Dragon- 4 i ;j t s, gca.so'iro phvsbcbaki c! h. : i ) . i . m : lt is thought Sold at the St. . George Drug Store: ALL-HEALIN- NEW MEXICO, MONTANA G . BALSAM, , . For Uougha, Golds, Restlelixiesa an,! all Affections of the Lungs.' ' Back Charges Paid CHARGES I -- ESSENCE OF LIFR, For Diarrhsea, Cholera Morbus. Cholic, Whooping Cough, Pain in the teeth REFER TO or face and as a Soothing Cordi 1 for BUSINESSMEN GENERALLY OF infants gives immediate relief REASONABIE ! DENVER OMAHA of., SALT LAKE CITV. CANKER SYRUP, For. Canker, Sore .Mouth, or Uleeroni Humors. . RANCHING ! NERVE AND BONE LINIMEMT, purchased of Hr. & M For Rheumatism and all diseases reHAVING the undivided half of the outward apnlieation for Man or Ranche koarn aa Hamblin A Blairs, quiring Beast. The very best Horse Liniment. in Ranche Valley, es it of Spring Valley, J c f Dixie stock growers. bronght Being ap in Texas, I voach no better Ranche ont owns or ever aw north of Maaon A Dixons line. solicit patronage av WILLIAM MOODY. 3-l- m u EYE SALVE, For weak, inflamed or troublesome Eve' Lids, Sore Eyes, Ad. TONIC PILLS, Will cure the Ague, Chills and Inter- BROOMS! many-others- m JiF UTAH; GPtPd33BB I Ttf All Poinfi P. R. R ' (LOKMME) . ' ofthVjJ. TERMINUS r MEAL,...-that'e wise; sum aint CHOP FEED, . as big fouls as utheep, however., VEGETABLES A rale strictly kbneenshus honest man and other won,t bet unless he got a sura thing.. 1 doiiL know what a rat terried dog wus made for, but tbe Lord didnt make hind in at Lowest Market Bates. vain: I wnnldnt be .vain .myself about making eiicli a dog as them. Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in .1 have alwas thnt that ef the kollery j , . any quantity. . , , could be manag'd with discreshion; it i Good Stabling anil Kraals. might prove a public qlessin. . A w ise man dont want to go to Kongress STOCK BOUGHT AND; SOLD. and mity few uv em uo it, Wm. Lmo. A man thats goi the each lean J alwas St. ltf George, Jan. 15, 1C68. cum up to the scrach. 1 know sum. rale road conductors' that aint as honest as Judas lebarriot; but I reckon lbs rest uv ein Is.- About all the' difference I can see in HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, kourts is that the biggest kourt has the and bedding plants for sale, vii.t ' last guess. r . ROSES, LILACS, 1 know sr.m of the best kind of men that SPIRE AS, never had an office. STOCKS, .For a stylish bonnet the Maine farmer VERBENAS, rf com ends a pumpkin seed trimmed with PETUNIAS, fur, the broad end to be worn in front to BLACKBERRY, keep off the aun end wind. JAPAN LILIES, An Irishman upon seeing a negro for tbe WALL FLOWERS, ; first lime. Slid: Boy, sing us a eoug Iris, Tuberoses, and I a a Chinese Pat: of maesa choice also collection cant eing song, Negro: Then, what the devil have ye got yer leg Chrysanthemums. J. E. JOHNSON. In the middle of yer footjike alark for? Never com a woman for her heart. If JBIauks I ! IBlunkct I ! Blanks !! srou havent any inducements for the fair ' object of For sale at the Times Office Blank one to make it an exchange like the for like, you ire simplyin wrong pew Deeds, Bonds, Mortsges, Deeds of trust, and had better, go out with all possible Powersattorney Bills of sale, .Subpoenas, haste. and many convenient and useful business A humorous apothecary in Boston blanks. poses a case of soap in hia show window Blanks of any style printed to order on with the peitinent inscription cheaper ihan dirt. short notice When you meet a virtuous min order 0. WILKINSON, his life size photograf Y u can errry all WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER youll get In u pocket album. l of the Fubli How many feet long was the snake !" A block ami a alf south limber amt Good Street. Main on caked a person of a traveler who had just Square, and aud with well neftluess done work related a story of hia encounter with a boa One hundred and ninety despatch. killed by him. two inches, was the reply; snakes have no feet. S. G. HIGGINS. Pap, I planted some potatoes in our garden, said a smart youth to hia filth r, Residence in thn north part of the City, and what do yon thinlc came up? Why there two blocks west of Claras Tannery. No, eir-epotato (s if course. came up a drove of hogs and ate them all While thanking my patrons for theii in the past, 1 wish to inform favors up! them, as well as the public generally A man had a sign up 'Cheap w&o may need my services, that I have Ladies Shoes for sale here. He received from the New York laborfound that not a woman entered hia just atories a good assortment of Eclectic ladies the No dont wonder; ltf Medicines. shop like to be called cheap they want JAMES CKAGiUN. to be called dear- - 'Tlfr ain't no men from th$ j - VALUABLE MEGEATH.& CO., . natlETE and FORWARD G 0 0 n S.of! EVE R.I ' KIND! The Uncrsigrsd offers a superior artiof double-woun- d wire fastened wholesale at or Brooms, retail; Grain and Produoe received in payment. cle ALSO A LOT OF CHOICE mittent Fevers immediately. ALSO Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments for Itch, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, Composition, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and moat other popular Family Medicines. fmy good siie i nd best varieties; also ornamental Trec-- and Shrubbery, and other t plants. fanit !! W. B. JOHNSON, y of IIARDY CRAPES. this northern climate, and Fruit abundantly. South Temple SO, Sf.V.ftkeClfy, B. F. JOHNSON. Keeps an extensive assortment of Fanty Spring Lake Villa, Utah. Goods, Toys, Confectionery, Books Medicines, Stationery and Yankee Notions, which hu offers at the lowest . A choice kucIi as stand 1DBUI PDTTI-M1 mur-ketfigur- es. , Look in no eh irge for ahovins hia Curiosities. , will be prrpared to supply the with nil sorts of CROCKERY WARE by the middle of February, ISfiS. 1 wili take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Good clem Cotton and Linen office. Cheese, Colton, Cotton Yarn, Storepay, at this Cash or Lend in exchange. Pottery is ituAted on tho street running to Wash- ington ltf JOHN EARDLEY. Fruit Trees I have a choice ! ! Agency for wanted Findlays celebrated Matches, wholesale nod retail, at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE PLANTS! PLANTS collection of I to be a question worthy A few fine CJabbge, Tomatoi s, 1 liner and Oabinet Maker. Si; of consideration whether a person Cleorge FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL plants for sale at 6 rta. whose voice is broken is not on thst will execute orders in his line with per, doi. at Johnsons garden St Geo. ltf. dispatch account better qualified to sing of good size for trans pieces EXCHANGE for GltAti J. W. NIXON, Y EDI of wishProduce; consisting Why, Bridget, said a lady, who ed to rally her servant giil, for ihe amv.sp-raeSeveral cows, Oxen, and ynnng etoek Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, Apple, Pear, Quince, Plum, Apricot, St. George, Ulith Alolder branded J. K. J. on the hern ltf of the company, upon the fantastic th' Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, did do nd circle with (J) most all with a u ornamenting of a huge pie, mond, Catalpas, Allanthua, how an 1 will reward the artist. Pray P.eide on shoulder this? Youer quite left WHIPS AND LARIATS. Honey Locust, Mulberry, did you do it! finder Indeed, Mum, it was my eto. etc., etc., JOHN L.4USEN , self that did it, replied Bridget. isn ft, St. George Apr, 15 J. E. Johnson. Also some New, Choice, as well as pretty! I did it with your false teeth St. George. All work in braiding, Mum. Ordinany, ltf Ac., done with dispatch. CRAWFORD HOUSE, Native and Foreign Grapes. Cm von Turjinwci. A city buck visited the Shakers at Lebanon, some I I lime lines, and ns he was wandering a.bing.c. Utah, Traveler, and a couutervd he stout, the Boarders village, acommodated with the best through I expect to remain in St. Georgs and and Vines, House Plants, etc. hearty specimen of the sect, and this ae continue in the BusUeis of painting, decAs the above stook is .small, those table comforts the market affords, costed him. Those who wish to employ &c., sea-- 1 orating; WeH broadbrim, are you much of i me Can leave their orders at Bro. cJnows desiring to purchase should be in w H. CRAWFORD. lUf shaker? Log Home my present residence. J.E. JOHNSON, St. George. Nay, said the other, .not much, but I will shortly have on hand a complete 1 can do a little in thst way COMPOUND tock of Paiats, Oils, Varnish; Aa, Ac. So he lined the astonished man by the 11-- tf J. E 8. RUSSEL collar and nearly ahook him out or bis AT (PQ(L(L hosts. St. Georgs Utah, - April 15 1868. l " Blood, nmeve Billioua Aoimt Lxxuq walking on a very cold day J JOHNSONS DRUGSTORE, Li3 buttoned with stimulate the Liver, relieve . . -in winter, warmly up, Complaints, 4 St. GeorJ raw bands in hia pockets, a little boy followed break Billious and other up Dyspepsia, I never give to him aaking for charity. stc Medicine the for drive Fevers, Headache, A suprior p Whooping away MEDICINES, PERIUMERY, I Flatulency and Loss of Appetite, tho poor said the gentleman, who had no DRUGS, help wisli to 'chill himself by applying to his Cough, Coughs, Colds, Hives, and kind of Medicines for the a Bad Cdi. cure the Jaundice, and the right Ac., do To hen, whom, yi pocket all affections of.lhe Throat, or Lungs: People, the Climate, and the Diseases frove to be ho best family Pill in exis Here, here, said aid the hoy.qaickly tcnce. tho gentleman, taking off his gloves and gives immediate relief nothing bet of tne Country. I Prescriptions put up with care, by an I SeW at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE, drawing a stipends from his purse, tohere, can be used. ter tbs I take that; always give ggTMoney refunded whqs latilfaetioB experienced Druggist. ay boy, Sold at St. George Drug Store. Two doors above St. Georgo Hall. is not gives. witty.1 Vcge-ablesEg- 1 STXJ :'Y- nt ' I 4 y-- ih ? 1 i SteWpfinfFlo;tin4SPUn!i ft. i ; t I ! ,? V- i SOOTHING SYRUP. ' i! I 4 ?r U i SMi& MglGB!ME, t i Q3069g(ST ed 1 4 f: |