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Show TCr ; ; I. Vjol. St, George, Utah, Wedflesday,Augiist 12 1868,. Shall. Business, The laok;of interest GBAFE3 FOR SOUTHERN UTAH. , in Eleotion in Utah,i even by the Candidate? for office themselves. May. We.; are v oft ear siked , "which, are .the. RIO SEEDS, SEEDS! Is Pnblhtaed every WED I f Hloitreted by tfa, fact .HM .t: I rtMtlon In. thi. City with Seeds fresh and pare of NESDAT ml F TI1! "!!!?'. at the morning years been intimately most vegetables needed for the garden, mes I Office and at newspaper hand; Dulldlng, St. George noPrinting and a choice eollection of Flower Seeds vineyard we areiunablo to ;gi tetany anouncement the of was candidates' UtaliTer. 7. Drug Store.it ordered i and not an election tiekefprint Very satisfactory awnser. there afo' ed for the county. We dont expect that thosainng' xs,v north and: south; hr: SMILE AND, BE CONTENTED- TO SVRTETORS " havo arjet.hod'little to do in even the successful candidates will bring raiding e set of . A The worl-- grows old, and men grow cold out a the ftflit of Vine,-whthe write and talk gill of anything to drink. SURVEYORS A ENGINEERS 1NSTRU To each while seeking treasure. claim to know and', much upon this sub-- 1 . MENTS FOR SALE. And what with want, and care and toil, We scares have time for pleasure, jeet and aro ready, to; give- - you any in Inquire at the Timms office Corroapondofice. But never mind, that is a loss formation you desire,. and yet rare proNut much to be lamented;; . foundly. ignorent, in a practial sense of Lifo rolls on- gaily, if we Will St. Giougs August 4th. 1868. IPaaiblJl, our wants and neaities. They may Blit smile' andbe contented. i . Editox Times. have read and travelled much os claims' Tho undersigned will attend to the If we are poor and would be rich. On the lit- ult I left St. George lor execution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, It will not ,be by pinlcgi. our Iron work at Plntoi found our eih, dn&yefa before they produce a good" Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, No, steady hearts and hopeful minds box of raisins, gallonwine 6r"eiuv friends Hank Duncan Shirts and Rich-- , Are lifes bright silver lining, . Contracts,' and all other Official Busiter of grapes, their theories will vanislr Tbere'q neer a man that dared to hope. ness required of a Notary Public. ey pitching in manly, testing clays, rook, choice of Use his s repented; Office at Rio Virgen-Timerooms, and building cupaloc to test the same into, thin air and they h'kve to dssend to eoule on eerth arethoss The happiest St. George. Who- siriile and art contented. in as well as our Iron ores. After burn, the level of those who learn all here by' J. E. JOHNSON, Notarj Public mg down five Cupelos wo are now experience. Wheft grief doth come to back the hearh Our seir elitaate and peculiar tempeat-tur- e And fortune bids us sorrow, satisfied we have a rock (Granulated From hope we may a blessing reap, is veiy different from that, of any' J. E. JOHNSON, quarts) that will stand in a furnace And conaolation borrow. Auction and Commission Merchant, If thyrne may riae where roses bloom. We are now bnilding an air furnace, grape growing regioncJ We are located midst of a vast volbaniccrater, out soil St. George, Utah It cannot be prevented coal and feci sanguine that for digging 3o make the best of life you cany all more or less pointed-- with-- ' solts Will receive and dispose of, as instruo wax wane and moons shall ere be contented. emile many and And are stroug ted. Goods, Wares, Morohaadiae, Grain A' sensible wife looks for her enjoyment Dixie shall boast of her Iron equal to and alkalics&c, some o! theso terms. liberal Stuck &o., upon at home, a silly one abroad. fertilczers end science must be brought? any on earths bro d sphere. For the that our exper-meslast few days and1 nights we could hard- to bear upon the subject KIM) WORDS, WHEELWRIGHT I may consumo the least posslblo -i-- v ly realise we ware in Dixie, tho olouds made or repaired, and usua have given1 ue thunder Yes thunder am; amount of time. nsvsr die, WAGONS dene Sind on short notice at In older to make an early solution of the such with too showers oopious lightning Cherish4 and bleat, Itf ELMORES. question referred te ,we have imported witnessed west we never as of the river . how God knows deep they lioy aboue 100 known TaitoUes of grapes, tho the re&u't Platte a produced wetting best selectioiv from both foreign-annative' Stord in the breast; in our and Harness For Sale wickiups any- sorts, about 30 of which are this year fruitdrying proaoss Lika childhoods simple rhyme tho holidays While but agreoablo. fnii hand harness for Sale or ex thing Said oer a thousand times. ing. so at the very earlist period we hopo for took I a visit (for to be able to give our frinds an opionioa change were prospective grain. Go thro alt years and oliuM ALSO lTiSTEB. milk and butter)through Spring-Valle- y to cheat. si to the success and value, of all leading heart The Fire-wiand fence pickets on sub Eagle Valley by a direct route across the varieties in this locality. We have so doub ecription or in exchange for othr pay. Desert via. Desort Spring ranch vailey but at tbe present time we have the best J. E. Johnson. Chorus to Spring Valley whieh route is collection of grapes there is in Utalu Kind worda can never di nearer than the old route via Nryer die, never dier Fruits in Ssason. The season of our Eagle ville; this route is now being Kind words can cover die. and Wnh President Moody earliest peaches is over, and tho next ioru Surgutn by A pair of No, never die. to friends in Spring Valley. Our visit roll t ie for Buie, inquire of in- succession i now ooming shortly that beautiful range of valleys looated along. The season has been- noted for J K. Johnson. Childhood can never die. almost on the tops of the mountains, the great size and- excellanco of flavor, Wrecks of the past. tho inhabitants well suplied with of many of our early sorts both seedFloat oer the memory cold water from a thousand limpid lings and imported. We never enjoyed to tho l.tst, Bright brooks was to and as Floral St. George streams, Gardens, them more than for tho last three weeks a happy thing, A nico collect ion of bedding k pot-in- :; Many o a treat. we Eaglc-villAt stopquit Plums, Nectarines, Apples,, and our new Many a daisy spring, for sale. Chasat old our Chrysanthemum II. hybrid cherry have also in moderate friend plants, ped Float oer times ceasless wing, Verbenas. Stocks. Pansies, Ice plant Oliphant and feastod on tho rare pro- supplies have been enjoyed: In grapes w Geraniums. Oleander. Putanias. and Far far away. ducts of his garden: And we should hard for some trme been eating white many other varieties. from the also and variety of his and red Ch&ssalis, judge Adirondao, Israelis, Our souls oan nsvsr die, J E. JOIINSOV. Bro 0 is prepared to fur- and somo other sorts: Tho that nursery Isabella, old Though in the tomb nish north Dixie with Orchards if they mission, Blvek Cluster, the Black HamWe may all hftTS to lie, SHaYINO AND HAIRDRESSING SALOON ! wou d only buy his trees and set them burgh, White Raisin, and large White Wrapt in its gloom, out which we to do next mm I No. 20 Cork. . . VIRGEN TIMES f !l For-Sal- e, : Jfl 3t.-Georg- e - . ; first-rat- o . J"1 - G3$ar I - - . - 4 - Uf : pci me In-th- e !'A -- , I. ! nt wo-dso- an an d I o. M 15-mile- CANE MILL. ed s o-pe-ned - - - HOUSE PLANTS, i i ! . HORSLEY What tho tho flesh decay, Souls pass iu pease away, And love thro eternal day, With Christ above. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF PRINUNG OFFICE. 8tf II J Did the dafendent Good Witkemks. with tualiee down knoek the plaintiff PLATT SADDLE A HARNESS MAKER .ir; he knooked him down with a iron. The best of Work done. Next door flatYou misunderstand mo my friend I Si. of south Printing Office, George. want to know whether he attaoked him Itf 8 HI with an evil intent? P.S. The Times I found taken by se veral of the outside was sir it no "Oh, and I belaive many more copies would be tent. whethif a lint la exertion was made to obtain No, no, I wish you to tell me er tho attack waa at all a preoonoerted subscribers. I1L.1IR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. St. George, Utah Ter ltf affair." I GUNS AS No S. M. B. sir; it waa not a free ooncert affaia if vas aetreus Next witness called. ! de"Did the defendant stand on the guns for sale, or exchange fensive? ' No, yer honor, he stood upon a the, bonoh and flt like the devil. X spring. propose We found the eitisens encouraged in those sequested vales with the prospect of road directly north to Salt Lake via block reck, Deseret City, Tintick Volley, and Camp Floyd, as we learn suggested by President Erastns Snow. Farther a direct route is in process of opening to Belment Nevada dy which it is said 75 miles of travel will be saved. Yours Ac Seth M Blair. GUNS St George Drug Store. :X. f. Musoatei, are now coloring and ripening: Beside these we havo a seedling from the adirondao now ripening, cluster medium sizo berries black, larger than Concord, with blue bloom, juoy and sweet with musky flavor, ripe middle of August. Our grape season will soon be full upon us. Crops causally heavy and twice as broad os last year: The spproxtmate circulation of some nf the New York papers is as follow: Week 100.000; Agriculturist, 15U-Harper's Weekly, 95,006; Independent, 75,000; Frank Leslie's, 40,0nt); Daily Tribune, 40,000; Daily Herald , 75,000: Dailu World , 35, 00U; Scientific American . 50,000; Christian Advocate and Observer, each about 25,000. ly 000; r A isos masks, lal ending to be absent few days, lampbl&cked a shingle with thn The other evening a lady, who io bea- - teep aatill.her beau had kiseed following, without date, and nailed lit upos , bur, woke up, as if in the greatest amdze-hi- s Will be at home In tea u , deor: wui, and said: 1 should think you ought from the tune you MS this shingle- to he ashamed,1 V '? : r v rm SSS- - mm S5,--ir- w jw r Jfcfh |