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Show tS3 as A Notice. Estray. dsribd trayx The wjll be' fold following auction non A bidder public l.f the Highest tbc on SU office friday in George, e tithing charend claimed not if of I ..'nig previously .pwd. . J.Pymc.p.K oU 7 Dtrk ted cow about 9 veai Tine back crop effleft; two under bite right white 'ar two white spot in forehetd and un-irbill- jri tail. little white on all legs Yellow brlndlea steer 18 ; month? 100 lll slit right ear. ' Brindle steer 4 er 5 year old bletcb j jjSrand left hip. Ht left ear. wiite 105 Red and stag old all 103 Dark red aleer 18 month on left rand b blotch ear jeft, hole cut r:ght 101 : . V Flca-- : BepMltorj of. Fashion, Boro, and Yyiil Instruction1." the kind Bro. or any one else picked up my O.V POIN? OF ROCKS STA VI MOHAVE BITER hy ,do37:-- , between St. George, nd my farm, or IH1AY (he Santa Clara wheat field on or about! be o obliging an to leaveit ins the gth on Novem- with bro. i The Publisher's will eommenee Pymm and very n ull oblige' ber let, the issue of Harpers Jiasar, Weekly H. Pearce. illustrated Family Journal, devoted to Fashion 18-- tf 1863. 15tb ; St. June George, and Home Literature. The aim is twofold : to ! supply- - the existing need of a Weekly Fashion first Newspaper,' and to comb' ne there with a TWO SPLENDID STORIES good acomodatlohs, --class literary Jeuanal, which will be indispen... sable to every household. Now publiihing in the i Arrangements have been made, at an immense 50 miles Eat of, CSAZ AM rest, with the molt celebrated of the Fashion til 8AN3EUNRADIN0, 1 famous the with roman tis of story, entitld, , Europe, especially PapeJs The grand &!La t ! fhsnions to War of Berlin, which supplies tothefhrnish ' the II the leading journals of Paris, same to them ia advance, so that henceforth the . The last or the saxon v CROSBY & CLARK, fashions will appear in Harper's Bator Kings, r r with their publication in Paris and by Bnlwer," Berlin an advantage enjoyed by no vther joandlhe lutensly exciting and tbi tiling Tannsrs and Curriers, SL George, urnal in the country. ; r . ' of Ilf' The patrons of Harpers Bazar, wiU receive Story contain? every fort-- r ight large pattern-plat- es, . FODL-ipyof d to from patterns ing fifty forty ! those celebrated writers (adie's, missea, and children's bonnet's, cloaks Just produced byand Dion Boucicault. Chis. Reade and articles, accompadresses, direcand nied with the necessary descriptions . Notc. Any person send:ng word that : tion, and occai son ally an elegant Colored bey wll pay es soon as poible after AT . Fashion Plate r of the' size of Hasmss harvest in cotton or wheat will havs the WfIXLY.: them. to forwarded Magazine Haarcais Baza will contain 16 folio paE. L,T, Hairison Publisher Salt Lake Tl.t 'Jndersigiied is happy to auusurce Pr:n-ted ges of the size of Harkrs WztfcLV C.ty, to the Citizens of ouannerfine calendered paper, auj will be published weekly. Jas. Linforth, E. B llail, F. D, Kellogg Southern Utah and Northern Arizona LINKOUTH, KELLOGG, dc HAIL. (list he has a general Stock of bxs,le'nd PROVISIONS -- - . IA T H R O il A ! ftr , ad fflsm anti aulmaOsll IMS! if D1 . -- simnl-taneous- ly B8hpaY.KI4)o8 hole In 131 Light red oxeta r in forehead out al- oaeh appear to b torn or cut ib lutle 3 a silt in each ear S on right i , hfte under bellly about 6 years old, 141 Red'cow.ox yoke ond W. on left in right ear thigh ai ears to be G P slitbroke oil call upper bit loft ear leit horn nr ithher. 142 Red and while cow two white snot in forehead white on both thouldrn hips - t w GOODS! GOODS full-sue- under-clothin- g, il3 B3sw ST, TKOMAS,A', T. erd under bfllv tall miud wlh while 6 year old branded ouoltft hip W. 5 153 Brindle heifer-- 8 months eld, crop SUBSCRIPTIONS, elf right under hit left ear. IVE (Successors to L. B. Benehley &. Co.,) to prove prop The owners are requested VIZ. IMPORTERS AX D JOBBKRS OP rtv i av charges and lake them ofaway or & GERMAN J 5th ENOlilSn AMERICAN DRY the on GOODS, Publlshrse ld liav a The Auguat day perfected system thev will be at 11 of mailri gby which they ran Piipply: the St. pound GROCERIES, the estray George at lJj8 UARDW RE, 6 or 7 year Mawazinz, Weekly, niid Bazir promptly ox red about, 131 Large, & Mining Tools. ural ilu-is DTctcr lmplrments who BOOTS those igricul period-icaltorerleye right, crop of left to ,ldf r wallow fok inlittle A 3 Front and Street Office Nos. of ilie from , Publication and directly while under belly car, horn tarns up, and others desirous of geing SHOHS, St. George July 15. 1868. A. M. up Clubs will be supplied wit!) a Show-Bi- ll 11 nd euch GOODS a are requ:rn l Ly 8Aj FRANCISCO, on application. Cit John Pymm. Co. P. K. zena or Traveler?, which l:o will Orders respectfully solicited. The postage on Harper's Bazar is 20 t'tthangH for Grain, iminbcr, lljrncd f cents a year, which must be paid at the and Produce of the r j.;n-rStock, subscriber's poet-of;e. Tvi'if a liberal a.'iuducjd TERMS: Unquestionably the best sus- rates. one year Bazar, Harper's $400 Bif B. II. PAD DOt'K. old. of the kind 1 tained work Large red e.nw,6cr7 years either Extra tie Jn of Copy n 'inyazinr. 4ft riba, hi3h borne; branded ,w' in the World. ,f FTersk.'y, or Bexar trill be supplied gratis ear bit in right d slit Uft,uuder ai 4 ciup for every Club of Five Subscribers) at $ Of calf with ltr. each, in cm remittvner ; or Six Copies for B own mi All Roan stay, lSmonlta old. 2 $; o oo. Tanners A Cn,,l,r Brown stag ISirKUlhs old, whit Saq script ions to Harper's Magazine, Wet k NE IfAfOA Till y MAG JiZiXE. 3 one . riicle k ar.d bush of tail. Tattle white on rot ly, nnd Bazar, to one address fr.r one uctr, j; 1 Fine soli le i Ler, Critical Xotic-- s of the Press. Periodicals, to of mil and on tup ef bhouiders act ol $ 13 0O,- or txo of Ifurp-r'- s one address fur one year, $7 CO. vLi-o- . (jow-hiJ- .', i.i the world The moafouHr M?n.hly Aumbers be Back can at any iLpp.id ErliAle cow 4 years oV, crop 4 .Vein Fork Observer . Kip, calf, ti time. ker. calf wih rach ear, in and slit 1 l ajcwrci are rc.riested to prove proptake them away or erty imv cha-g- d andthe St. George eslisy C! filiation oi thev will be so ht anoaj, j iua'UU c pies :n .7 iuui fev'ljr, 1868. 5;h. to bo f.nn.i sorre of t eSarulvan Lt:l. Afl Sd are whose teptvo-k'tiuunaan HARPER & BROTHERS, pice John Pjmm Co. ?. 1C. eho'cest. liaht and gT.orjl reading s thei j Fracklin Square New Yor I f diy. We epeak of ill's wnrlc a an ev- il II I- t- - It . denro of the Anvrca i People; ai,;l '.he Seeds ci r.!l beautiful ; popular ty it has rcq'i red i n.eri.fd- Etch' '.''.'riifiio Niimto r cor pits lul y U4 piir-- s of ! , v:i,i gow., i.1j. n r)r ro il u.'trated vrih 'ood wod'U s i w?ir.J ho iil and it omiVnjs ?n ilsolf iho race m.r h!y . l paid, if comp ;i hie..- more :a the aud teKv. q lenvc clJ i v h pOCI;n! cf prei.-c1 hav Bed cow about 5 yeers eld, white in row lipe and for sal? several dcvl wi:l) the bast 5 ir- -: t!ie div , , , nj brand on supforobcadaod belly, ?pot varieties of grape, and peaches, .ird ex nal. It has t;r!;it a' sru0 i:'s?e:nin. priut. horn. posed to beJ.I. CniDtcn Joft ppet t keep a Mfpl y rf the b at fruit (ion of a love of pwrri?ithe Tr.rn tenlurJ. E. Joav!o:r. jnre !d. brnckle in tiii resion 5 In U 1 erolianiLia 1868. Haraware r Post-maste- .i rs 13-t- v NOTICE ESTRAY H pr'Ceau-ieeliir.ggodi- s - T ann HARPERS cry, -- iv s r 4-- - Mcs. Sste1 RIPE FRUIT t- r.-z- Prnit Store! fi-in- I - i ' - 4 -d phil.-apphic- al d i- - . 1 ench Bed cow, about years grown wLito tail bv the tali reiail. white bully ora', quai tity face, Fruit canned to erdr. hail crop left ta culf with Ler. Can no! frui;a for sale. I'ale red cow about 5 years old, linoi 7 Choice fruits pur based. under half rb! ,B ft white belly, back, w.tii calf an.l Grain ear, slit right left da.y pro.lnr reee. vahle. crp ear, aopuud prpr 6 u-- c dcr ea-so- r., - xkhs Guide to Iou!i n tVe can account ler its success uly by (j.c simple fiot !nt it nue s precisely t f . fur iisiiiiii; a v riety of iiea- popular ins oml instruc.iv reaJia; for ail. ZioHf J:aaljt Boston IriHiness puce bt. Geo. Diua 8orc. Ltr. .1 St, Gro Ut.t It. Jhiinn. Bed heifer, 2 year old, while on fore10 P s Vhou the xpfcVd H im Mill ArriSUBSCRIPTIONS, head Fcrr.e Lalf tail ubiu, wLito under belley, ve I shall ho proMiirrd tow r v arjiloo cr p and slit right car T on left shoaldor aud grapes for tho.ie who desire i;. off I 3 rlh. 1 1 Brindle nil, year old, crop Tlie Pi;blihei lnve perfect 1 a system uuder hit iu each car. fork swallow which they can supple H Bod yearling heifer, large , of inai'iug by 12 NVkkk: v, siul Bzar promptly to Magazivk. j0 right cat, tue lap, tut down. Iins who prefer to wiv ihi' 'ri.!- 13 Bed steer 2 year old, r rop off each can (r-11,0 0iri,:c oE . under hit in right, b on left thigh. i1';!1 Jirccll' m t:,c . Bed steer white en both Harks, white lins n fine 11 14 ierf ihrv meet, for; Th on ll.rrtn-M.icajikk i brnckle face, j shoulder, left and cn right spot "m3 Jt ;b' whito under holly, hush tail white, Branded rn discussions and Kxliildi.n, of frui ;?I, '.''"V1;"1 s , , uuuvt W h It IT Lip, suposed to niml vcgelablcs every Tuesday even- half dop right tar swallow fork left. 18G8. ! ! ll-!l- rv slock if not claimed and damage he sold a the Ft Genrga Krtray will raid, lOtb day of FtplemUr. lggS poui d. on the Juhu 1viuiii. Co P. K. 3 be ng at ftl 1 7 tfrw.a., o'clock. TERMS! of laro, f,nc IIarwr' MagaZn'K, oi yoar $1 rp .dn Extra Copy of either the M'gizin nre Mes vegel I With y or Brzir wit) be supp'd grit s ft" solioiti d also spociincn of mineral every C'uh rf rrvie fWcsrr.tM.ur($4 0'' vnimul. or vegCitiblc; curiosties for en kix or remittance ; ; Copi s for (lie cabirot. 00. $2n Specimens Gcnrp;e IT:ah, M.iv 27 Hivi- g rea ed - Macliiu o: GC0. IV. :o Jolinsoa, t t HI. r IS ALSO pmsosed to . I sccmr rare wilil flowers , B, ,C"d!, n1. M.ii!. . to eno auress for ouc jcnr, $lf- ly. oud oy mail, do. or two er Jlanpi-r- ' Iuriodicnla, to uuo ud-- in and cm- - dre finr one ve.ir. $7 00; oi oxobtnjjrc. for such senls li?'C or are derired by tl o club. PeriodC italeguos, Reports, Rolici-ofor book and (be library icals E. .Tohnson, PrRt. J. TIiva. Jcab Co., Utah. Offers bis professional services to the people r Israel and Utah Oouutie. Keops a eoiupleto nssortrant of botanical trusts by strict atauily mo.lieioes for sa'eand tlio coutiJvr of tue to suit to 0t.tmiou bysiuos bubli.'. r M na, Aug. 1st. Branch, St. George, Utah. VVrm. ft 14 ay Si-cl'- 20 163 : ; lia-viir- li- ownd by E. Snow. I ?riHvan,a.idlv re:i,iy to rece.ye wool aud dvlivcr rolls by the 1st of Mar. . T re pcctfi:11 sMirit the pVron.i" be tiii.ene of Dixie :4d adjaecut sctSe- tents g l-- B-- o. pro-pASp,i- tiii up in P i Geoxg -'f Parowan i0 Apt. Grdjjiuw. !3il. ffasliin o(on Mill!! J have row in pvcivssful opfr.:t!n at WASHINGTON, SI kUBS PATENT a new R qk under-r- n st - Kfldica3 IMoTiesI lJS- - Wool Carding - first chi Cr li'i. tist, rr ! St. o iner ea 1 11 thn l uest improvements, and am article of norpared to turn out n ftr.4l-'h- Fr L Hj O U Kf.iuGOOD WUEAT.: r. OUR M 'rr-ia- CUSTOM Promptly atteoded to. Grain. h for IF HXJT WOitli Ample Storage E. 3No;r, |