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Show s r A S.A - . JV ;v, 'A VOICE FIlO.U DTAHj A - 4.1 Y.lf . ;V? I Dixie Y i ; RIO VIRGEN TIMES 5 l .1 - r ;. - - : ': Rates : off Pd-gri- m OrxNixs TICKET i potatoes spring. Horatio Seymour. FOR VICE PUESIDEKT Frank 1. Blair. lflth. weeks industries dcnwrulited a if b:.dly enough in effort getting issue. to tois roller in tolerable order print havoboow ilioseriDjdowa Tio rrnsshopPfcW wck the last 3 days, in myriads eponus alaos. and two nights days Trehadriinfor lost succeeded after a lull gOUtUcm Utali Fruit Growc 2$ Convcrttioii. ft.- o!d a pomologicil convei- i- yoar cho"e delogues z an.j rl ioi:e variti's or otier. vrije ene! entail r.Wsble fra t to a (ruit-gmCmr .t on. U bo a hH at clnk Hall in St. George, on th U. :St.. cay of August, at 10 o Satnrdi firm and orgmite a Southern ioc'a, :;ih Pom logical Socily an, to take to adraece tae fruit growers is- -i j ra trill. Camnalile. C t ii!-rc!i- The Bishops, inetch se;;Vn-it- , are to call a moiting of th fndt grewtr-- . and elec: as many driiii: att-rrb:i?gii;tkeh S$ tnev may wh t iu'ii E. J'n'o-i- , S Subscript 'on tn IIaspeV Bz 'Veuxly. ani i'i P ib:p 5 i e year, $i0.i)Uj or. tw. o: 0 l:cl), B t me o r.? a itir-si- fir s ck Numbers can be 3I.t G.z.nz a!dr :a tj r i,r.st .i- sipliJ j iJ j ;!-7- u y -- J e-- - ; o--- h 1S$5. CrastV9-rs- . al rr f. v.:1 u -, of,he revet: s M ur a 1 fie Sir.e af far a'fciss i-- h s A ofs.At-- .i on Line is Pirier ewa a p eisi : i rr.i! s.iry. Mrs. P.-e-: a. ci W Mr'. of K- - .:u ky. M s. N ji is .h G.roliaa ani :h- - I il:? ;ei ? ctry is f-o- :a fas . l!-n- Timrd, .he last ?.ect v;r wr;.:su .ia, -v oy Citrine Fab.?5hai by D. II. 'Bill ii &dvaa: or 5 cants for SaJs. V ur or two theo an !aterais:on folirwed j besides sffii o;hsr sm jrraia md corn, tei s:e every ce'.t'em -- at p'ope If ,rP . h a Sh u d our lata c kA er.p come in r.acce for tTe ciiil Irsn watch Ci i ae f u .4 acre-o- f x IcL hcoe, mien rare fri.it on xIbi.ior? ii.i;i.,' i na P1,031 w.? iil.aol'4 lint it E t .oar. Dix-dm, (i u f Til iab iafi.muir i f coVi .ued with great glee ana infinite zsi. a great e uud e fur v;l!c with nni bread y sirl of gau Tx oMcck wlei the a! il;e of nil sges j T' -wrel fence i a .! i a cr.v (l.Citrd; and that we will generally have a j ' t U . I th. d..-- e t. lMrT-B.;;bV,ri. ..J b,-- , geed ani profitable tis ,b,urj I !hr-sfA, (jrun'.w. W, h.?t T e) hvjve mi. a :w moms each, ct acK, ni:h:cs cc.-Itra th-- .t tbe j or rsa: tu iov, wli th? jai?ral pleasWeather. has Veen Terr favomhle: csy even1 nj ta Yail, ael paI for ob: c.t:iens t ji S3 a- -: 7 1 31 a:i1 t!:e cf J it as. ' bre! a:? V h ca?aF for crcr and fruit for the paiVi'oh credit is dse to the Marshal.) nee or twics a week, and Twelve i r. vi i!jl Shower i rear by Bre. Morris and th be as in ha k . rarze f the mercury ,r thefBiame:tBil pa.cels to tegru.; t cent which they dchargei SLiV pe:rhs--ru nisuer the shade been 0 to 1C5 at nocm in 1 --Vr w aid il Eif-V.I!- ? I; their ia:l?s. I cr tw Ji ll. JCkiuen ,7i fBiee earn for ah- a Saa temperature to give the ripening (We can do no briber thsm ipp-a- d k, Jv i I 05m j (p) T.m ti Upir. fiw cf ths toxin received with applause.) -Ijiit a Q9d fitter. St. George Angmt Hi!. Ci J 3 ic3 y T!FaTn 1 : g-n-- :sit ral e .. i bj 1 ,, ,t - k FruM, lom Cans For (fiaa Sale,. li . u.-dc- :v: -- it-cu- e, ikr-.-.i'- v, V gr; X:r,M .is. :onr. - O). a.iy fr bi. Carolina. Terms: $333 r r.- - vnsi fr-n- t. usiofs. fosut UO. t-- ca. LdilorUl .Helanzj. Wa B:rc!i. igis:. 523 fl od a wrkin;iw wit santi iiss arrirc i j., Hull (la j. ir ai iriJjr the ani ieis 't'a.h2gt?n. ij Jaiag al Clx.-- i.'.i. m Vs. Saa;a Htr.On the 21 uh we had ail giuVcg tj Oirwb-:a!isver a car of r'3-:coif.- hrr. el Oir j'"ody h'diriiy s? p A hir:sg es:tisl w.ti lirti :) c -- -- Li p?st secmi in be p-in- 1 St. Gear?? J. IIaiper's Weexlit, ne yrar . . . $1 03 An iir.r-- i Ciy af.-it'i-f thi ;J.ai;xz. ci'.i De or U.izis ' eeklv. y smpUi gri a f'jr tcry Cittl of il . Ml-ui St 'J etch, o is reti lit iv t t.t Cjj.et j r 1 er le-sur- TER-ii- : Jm-ai'crsb- le raa-i- i o i Jarpzr's WEtKLV it 23 ap a.i rn ai it be i yeir pu i us Tue Annual Volu n's o' H W ik-i- v, came dawn with mid, iu!,eiicit:i oml az. iii irprs i:,;: :y A c n rex?, :i a ur. .i o.hsr dsiris with a p.'essj f.ve of exp.Me, f r $7 Set. Cjinpr-siuP Te.i V - o's. s; fv.it of n tar 2) fesl pj-- p ui c al ir r ei,!: of c is i ,ii- - r p.r ie o! $ 23 Voldni'gj was do e to :he erjp-- ju freih: o ai e;2ue and fields below B, Coriugroa J XI reiiiy Ji.tiiry Is pjcaner, havi.g .WfV aiei a c nsidrable loser Suiszr.phit n fron be Pfeincet I'jcerizw mml i ic: Pine Ya!lei much dsmege nas dan' jI njo.i p A. Tit.a 2J cssrs aou:ti:-.hl- , tsortpij to tLei: rscei anl f lnoj tnd m.c me.;., S.aiis Ad:r'si. And at iheSi:ita C.ari Ihsir ditch an HARPER x BAJHIERS. othrr vaiojblM went, minyold wash- Ft.v.i:x !q .Ait Nrx Y ar. ani heavy :els of s:rji!B hira be. The Laxd We L ve J ilv conti nth swepf out clean an J d rep old spri.tgi cn- i i an.cles fro a t.i- tee ,u .vr.i-ra larged and new oaes op? i.icreaiiaj ll h Compira ire Ga stni pro'pjet of rater on.i e ah y fjr fu-Sri: art c'e on firrr'i miii-atuVi I: io still clarl, anl gi s us o?ca - crer. Th- - r itri .. D:iy of a the Soatav a it ars treai-n tmx! rowe:o- mik ng i g-- j r a i our . i fr Mircellisnaunj.-0:cr.i's tl iu rrops leak anus ally flato.ir g aae proais- r i fjrijfcir cltMien .vt c! tio v it k'iO-v.- , flo.-- i; plu-n- : of 3. L C. D;. m: Com;..c.ri ,is i .:e:e) : :;it::y Tbe barely nen t-- with aMu.v iubter bur's JtU-VSD- -l thi fsn'iy aetii' s E. suJ.hol T:; p ents . prl-icipi- se-,- 1 -- WaTr.a Big Riys. 'Ji ce uiir last we have had soma dasM.ig r lia, an 1 fall size il.icds. Oioas of tho3o oaevsions terr wa iuu lctc J on tho ws.t si e of ;bis cit and our romicil for a brief spa-'t, d nd .;ithrinia; to :t a .un upon m At Was ingo i ne fired nos T. e o'c mil b o. .i:!g iu Pri ide:it csr- ricd il) i o'.rta.o, with all ci. ai;te eet-ticn- fr e J. in tjja Bishopsof each city, tow?s, e rats an! erird in S.mtaeru of Y u are req ielel In eill n l fr rit gowe- and elect and voar Tho objects of this motgj no- - , talk far lh t r fruit growers tnget g on fruit culture, rompaio the vuied Buercst of experim;i t , iliwaii the mu- - : ive value of the differant ki.uls, com j are !ls size nnd quality of Tjrio is fruit.a ia the variono lcolit;.ea and fa oronis assoc. pMnjtrrnt Urie Fruit grower and adept, ear oc nnd genetail to tike, ll best fnriir w a lneaurs,ai.d meins, ate, dero!oyo acideco :r.?g a more r Bj an! t Id ad,ine,mat in this cs most important branch of il rtuu!tar? of im. The best of its ei&u in Am:rioi. Bns, ton Trav tiler Harper's Wesxly nny bs unrsiirvad ly declare! ths tKt news oapsr in Ame.'l t. Fruit Grower JJoovcutioa. 8 this C ty on Saturday he - 1 Club IT oclock A, K. At the gardiacra ?) geliit , a Tho aad wist stat Three he .. t chcrrs for Sejmc ur, i- - es d-.ir- tm a s At a meeting rf the ir'ncSpal fruit grow-erof 0 - city, this pm Beat week, i. was I ciurv-tr- y bimplctc in all th depirtmnts of thi American Fa ni y Pap :r llaBPcs's Wezxlv ius eirnsi'f ir ItoeT a r:gh: to its title, a JvUrxal o? oiviLiTioa ; NevYork Fveneninj post. Our fuiure historians will enrich them-selvout of UaRpcxs IVxzxlv lon after writers, anl p 'inters, ani pj'riishera are turned to dust, Nej YorkEtin ui'.l ba presldeatiLl nominee a yri& upClms Bill ou appli at. on and onr nex: 1 -- Hall vrtcsiMfstT ri.trsTRATr.i. Crll ical Xct'icet of th tVrtai. ThMo..L NEirsrAPxi of omr , rtr-:t'- r ul The1 Editor is nnfortnncly confined to a sick ernch and tbe 6oy" have udiilicalt job getting tho paper issued. " y 10 .jr--t . . pression of nunrs couvietioa, high p..n-- c President Andrew Johnson. ple. ned feeling, anliuo thnr pitas Take him all in all a brave and noble nan. un.ng ill a hoit nwspiper writing of ths rum. jrlh American Ileuieu) J. Dot ton. Matt. Oar Pilgrims Progress, Tin Pibli;h)M hive parected a system bo as great in ths future as it hi. it f iiiaili ig by w-- i ch tie csi suipiy t.e My been rapid iu the past. tl.io sits. Wk vklv, a , 1 B.Zik prgnpiy Who to rOive in i j li J. ij IRvaeec.l fron the Oifii of Pub ei.m, Postmos'eri an I o.h r . I ce.lt Horatio Scymonr, ig molasses, luscious apples an I many uthcr chaicc blessings coming from that Valley. It is a plaoe of rural beauty and vrild gran leur, with a climate tempered midway between onr warmest and coldest settlements w iter cid and pure timber handy :ini raue f ir stock excellent. Ero long we shill see this beau-tifvale dotted with villas an l suiumr shall pass the residences, where w heated term' insight of ih) d Volcanic crurers, climb the nniuiuin for pass time and uiuriUe oa p mines, tai k nnd honey fine baiter and cheese, uud tike our maraia' ton fniu the cool springs guti'Dg from the rocks. Ml determined ' j Springs hive pr odu ed astreim that has been running all tummer, large enough to water near 100 acres. This th) company have included in their claim, but should tho water fail, they expect to raise fine whoit withjuc irrigation. Wo expect yet to see pnYitocs, wheat, FOR PRESIDENT, St. Ccorge. Sat. 0. cheapest and most successful ... . iu the Urion. FamilyW Paper .. ... . The best - of our country than the children oftha .v Tie Independent, Ne-j- Yo'k . father" are now. The ar iiL3 upin public s wh eb qiiioi Johnson. WEERLr HaRPes from vtat jppcirii The Pioneers and Mormon Br&ailion, Dem- to w.ek f irm a remars-viisar e of ocrats every one,! as true to the Constitution, brief poitioil essays. They ere disiinf most of for the by oieir anJ painted i. t:o same asthjy wsrabriro and selfsaerlfi-in- g. putting preparatory My Bonse, by ihd p nl nc, n wheat this fall and tho balance in tneir children be an honor to sires so illnstr.-on- s. y good c iuxmon n a hrtai j: viev T iey ire the exMountain next J. Advertising: Otr. A Company of A square is the space that 10 lines of has just been formed for th type, this site, will occnpy. purpose of fencing op a big field at 1 qua re or less, one insertion $200 1 00 once in Diamond Valley,' 12 miles hene Each sulsequuent insertion, OUR Times. - Presidential $andidateii H. W: Miller. pleasure' as a Democrat, and a frien 1 to v ' Oar constitution and common country, The Infantry of St. George. ' May they to hoist to the head of oar columns the Increase their Number of Infants, in arms names of this two great statesmen the and Drilled in tbe good old wav. nominees of the Democrat party flora , By their Mothers. 2Jth. tio Seymor and Frank P. Blair, than IS P UBLISHED, by whom n'ne stand higher as statexen,ax :,TLe day we celebrate, t3o (Si 4)vlOKl(0)S3 A day of gl&daess ti the Saints. Let peaee friends to tho Constitution ou this conST. GEQKG UTAH. : Gentlemcn J. tinent. you have our earn- hilarity and good will abound. w w WWW frwlw ww7T est wishes for yonr elevation, f or the OurPilgr'ta Parents . . .. HfdMflj ingest 12th. 1258, line of Prophets Presidents Priosts restoration of the Constitution, civil libMay a 't TCRHSt erty, and the prosperity of our once hap- Poligymists, Printers, and Politicans sneceed. More intelligent and good and mare trus to Per Year, $5.00 13 Months, $2.00 pier country. a. Months 3.00 Single copies, 25 the Cjastitation, equal rights anl the wilfaro pictorial History efthe A Complete II it never lack Lasses. . May v vr ; Lerncn, Alilio : unjustly , excluleij.from our : Tbe Lion of the Lord map.he joog livr American to l!ad Israel, rightful privilege, asa free ' citizen, the Tight to rote for .bur next The ladies of Irffll. the pride and glory President, we canno; bo debarred the of the men, Gcd bless them. : p, V" , v. '. KiW |