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Show UINTAH BASIN STANDARD. September 19. 2000- - Pj I ? msm Onmfo Gee 738-263- 21 The Duchesne Seniors enjiiyed a dinner on Thursday, Sept. 7. Karl and Kommy Vanderheyden of Rouaevelt were there, aa well u Rommy' sister who is visiting from Holland. 4 Ron Tollefaon. Vernal, his mother, Vova Tollefaon, Duchesne, end Bruce Tollefaon traveled to Springville to attend the funeral of Betty Jmn Sam, wifeofformer Duchesne stake president David Sam. Betty Jean was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease last year. George and Edythe Marett were also present at the funeral after which they traveled to Colorado to attend the Marett Family Reunion. Floyd and Ruby McQueen have returned from their short honeymoon. We wish them good health and hap-pineaa. Erica Liaonbee, daughter of Jerry and Sherry Liaonbee, waa baptized at the Duchesne Stake Center on Saturday evening, Sept. 2. Cecil and Carol Hanberg, Bridge land, are spending some time in Orem. Their daughter, Karen, presented them with an 8 lb. granddaughter on Aug. 3. Arnold Remund was interviewed on Sunday. Sept. 2, end ordained a high priest in the Bridge land Ward. Jeanie Wilkinaen's mother, Irene Thorn, is now a resident in Stewart's Care Center in Roosevelt Irene haa been spending time with Ken and Jeanie. Mas Buch is also a resident m the care center. The Harold Gees received word on Thursday that they had lost another friend. Freda Middleware They have been friends lor many years, going back to the time when the Gees used to visit them in Mesa, Arizona. Luge Lugenbell traveled to Colorado last week to spend time srith his sister and her husband, Lois and Tom Wise. Luge said he was going to do some fishing. " On Friday, Sept 8, Harold and Orinda received a visit from Orindas cousin, Aaron and Luts Shelton of Orem. The Sheltons daughter and her husband, Sheila and James Gibson, Pleasant Grove, were there as well. The Duchecne County Da lighter of the Utah Pioneers Convention was held in Roosevelt on Sat, Sept.9, at 10 a.m. Books were sold, a nice program presented, and lovely luncheon served to a large crowd. " On Sunday, Sept 2, Justin, ton of Cari and Jodie Evans, waj ordained a deacon. Jeffand Joan Evans and their four children came out from Heber for the occasion. The family etyojeda lovely dinner at the borne of Emmett and Dorothy Evans after church. 0er the Labor Day weekend George and Edythe Marett attended a reunion with their children and grandchildren at Powderhorn Resort near Grand Junction, Colorado. Adele and family came from Denver, Annette and family from St George. Julie and family from Farmington, Utah, and Roger and Jeff and families from Duchesne. The cousins had a good time swimming, hiking, and getting to know each other better. Merlin Wilkini Sullivan PAVEMENT Ciews from Burdick paving by down asphalt for the new parking lot at the soon-to-b- e completed Utah Stale University Uintah Basin Branch campus. There will be an additional 85 to 100 parking stalls located at the northeast side of the building. M. Sullivan Merlin Wilkina Sullivan, age 81, in Roosevelt after a lengthy illness. He waa born Feb. 16, 1919, in Roosevelt, toThomas Alexander and Delora Caroline Wilkins Sullivan, he married Merle Barker Sept. 30, 1939, in Upalco, and later solemnised in the Salt Lake Temple March 28, 1919. He was the first bishop of the Roosevelt 4 Ward and held that position for 8 W years. He wu UB1C president in 1953. he was also a city councilman and then Mayor for 2 terms. For the last several years before his illness he taught at, and owned the Salt Lake Barber College. Merlin if survived by Bis wife. Merle, Roosevelt; children Kent Owen (Katja) Sullivan, both of Pearland, TX; Sylvia (Gary) Hansen, Roosevelt; David Randall Sullivan, Salt Lake (Sty. 12 grandchildren, and several great grand children. He is also survived by brothers, Orman (Luella) Sullivan, Roosevelt; Arden (Delores) Sullivan, Salt Lake City; a sister, Rhea (Merlin) Richina, Beth Roosevelt; and a aister-in-la- w Sullivan, Vernal. He was preceded in death by brother. Rondo Sullivan. Funeral services will be held 11 anL, Wednesday, Sept 20, at the Roosevelt LDS 4 Ward Chapel, 10 So. State, Roosevelt. Friends may call Dram 6-- 8 p.BL, Tuesday at the Hullinger Mortuary or one hour prior to the service at the church. Interment wiU be in the Roosevelt Memorial Park. died Sept. 17, 2000 Snask MINUTES FOR REGULAR COMMIS- - traffic on it at thia time. He alsofeh that SION MEETING HELD AUGUST 28, the ordinance should designate a atari- 2000 inf and ending point Commiaaioner Thayne mentioned Rond I tenia Supenriaor JVjug that the ATVa ahouid stay on the Nielaen county road and not on private prop- Supenriaor Nielaen had planned to erty. giro the Commission a report on Fund Judy Mutton aahedifa copy had bean 41, but the Auditor, Diana Fraetonia out aent to DWR and the Sheriff? Commie- of town due to a death in the family, aaoner Thayne atated they would tend Doug reported that he had an offer of them one when the final draft had been SA500 from Wherbr Machinery far the completed. old 1979 Caae Backhoe. Whet be will Coauniaaionar Thayne invited the 3 taka the Caae Barhhot in exchange fcr gentlemen in the bark (Mr. Hall. Mr. a one year leaae of a new Cat 416 C Cooper, aad Mr. Stein met) to addroaa Backhoe. The leaaa ia for unlimited the Commuaion with their concerns. hours, the Road Department will be They preaented the Commiaainn eith for the foal and tiro ooata an announcement of a community and for greaaing every 8 hours. Wheeler meeting. It ia their wieh that a Commie- will eend aomeane out to eerrice the atoner attend the meeting on Auguat Backhoe. At the and of the Iroae each 31at in the Moon Lake Budding regard- year Wheeler wifi exchange the Backhoe mg the oflenairo odors from the disposal a new one for the aame pnoa of pond owned by Chria Denver (Water S600. Whoelrr Machinery Company Diapoaal Inc.). haa the option to change any of the Report on Mental Health Audit condition upon one (1) year notifies- - Conuniaaioncr Happen Commissioner Happen reviewed the tion to the county for approval. Motion: Commiaaioner Roaa mo- - latter from the Department of Human tinned to enter into the laaae agraemawt Serocea Divwion oif Mental Health and with Wherlrr Maduntry Company for the audit report from Northaaatetn the New Cat 416 C Backhoe. Commie- - Counarling Center. Commiaaioner Happen declared that aionar Happen second. motion earned. Roil Call Vote: All Commiauooar Vol- - Kyi Snow ia doing a ooaunandablr job, and in the future it ahouid be policy to inf Aye Commiaaionrr Happen aakad Super- - hire management personnel such a nanr Nielaen if they had alerted paving director with a financial background onlheforoatyrt. Doug atatad that they toororwethe financial aiattenof North had not, but were hoping they would ky eastern Counseling. Iheandof the week, the Forest Service Motion: Commiaaioner Happen mo-had ran into some Right of Way prob- - tamed to accept tha letter from the Do- Warn. partment of Human Semcee and the Commiaaioner Happen suggested to Financial Report on Northeastern Doug that would be a good idea to hire Counseling, Commiaaioner Rose see-some extra trucks needed to get tha end. Motam carried. RoB Call Vote: Ail rest ofthe Tar Sands on the road before Commiaaioner Voting Ay. Commiaaioner Happen expressed the weather gets to cold. Supervisor Nielaen atated that aome concerns about the procedure of Bunhck Paving wiU ha Auehmg aO the tha audit on Northnaatarn Counseling nawfy chipped nrob and the tnpmir'iU Cenur, it 6 montha lam' he stated, tart on tha 6th of September. The Commiaaioner Roaa automated that a Commuoioat would like to add tha Arcadia letter be prepared by Commiaaioner and Bluebell roach to the list to be (inped. Happen stating that the GommiasiMi ia rommneionar Happen mo- - not pbaaedwith tha lata date of the tinned to hero the Arcadia and Bluebell report. Motion: Commissioner Roaa mo-second by Com- Roads senped. BumunerRoH, tha motion earned Roll tamed that a letter be sent to Northeast- Call Vote: All Conunnaaonere Voting era Counarling regarding the tirneb- neaa of AudiU in the future, motioa Ay. seconded by Commiaaioner Happen, Review Ordinanc Elaine Berger stated that the erdi- - Motion tamed. Roil Call Vote: All Com-nance looked good to her but she had a m Manner Voting Ay. few questions shout the ordinanc, one being on 3 Tula 41. Chapter 6 of the quant Payment to CIT far Water Utah Cod. Judy Mutton atated 4 waa in Treatment Coats Deputy Attorney Roland Croak waa isgardb to bcvnsii and insurance of asked to be present. Roger atatad that he tha rohidea. rnmmimamrr Rcao Mt that there had brea approached by the CUP Board be reetncled use during the gm- - wanting to know why the Starvation oral nfie hunt in CMofaer, because tha Water User Association ware not pay-Red tVrek Road would haro a lot more ing their water treatment hdla. Mr. w 00-17- 1 BogwrHichon-DiacuaaiononDeH- n- Uichtn informed the Commiaainn that tha Aocialk waa delinquent $216,000. Huger reported that aoniaoftha water districts ara paying their aMaaamcnt to Ducheane Ciiy, who in turn ia auppoaa to amid the money to CUP. Ho re-marked, If that ia true ha would hka to know when that money ia anting and who ia accountable for it." Mr.Hicken ateled he oould get information on how much rock water district enrolment ia. Commlmionor Roaa quest) onod why the CUP had let the billing goao long. Coamiaaioner Roaa asked Deputy Attorney Uraak if the Oommiarinn ia raaponaibla for auditing the Water tricta Deputy Attorney Uirok replied that it ia up to the State to perform the Audit Conun iaaiemar Roaa adviaad Mr. Hicken to hero Dave Prichard write the Commiaainn a letter explaining the aitu-with atioa. Neal Poltar Bntldlng and Ground. Glenaa Mayhew- - Fair Board Neal A Glenna approached the Goaa- miaainn with aooia coootme regarding the old blur building at the Fair Grounda. Neal atatad that noat of the chain and tabiaa that war atorad thara ara miaa- mg. He caked the dty aTHary, Joan Foy where they won, and aha mated they had been loaned out and not returned, Glenna aakad the Commiaainn if the Fair Board could keep their current office qmoa year round or wiU the fair hoard need to find a place to atom the ropph and equipment during the rest of the year. Mr Potter wggreted that tha county harp the building and uae it Cor rentals instead of tha Gateway Senior Canter, Coanmiaaioner Roaa stated that if the building ia needed than w should keep Uintah Basin STANDARD CLASSIFIED V'-- 1 Mr. Fottar facia that it would b la ... our advantage te keep the bufttwf and fix it up. Vein Frtenoa - American Legion Mr. Peterson asked tha Commia-MoUi- k aaonm if there waa a room in the old county building that the Auxiliary oould use once a month for meeting. Cnmmimiontr Roaa answered that tha room formally uaad by tha Water District is avsilabl. they aiey us it at no cost until it ia needed Cor rental Mr. Peterson wondered if they would naad to b bonded, Deputy Attorney Urosk atatad that he should check the legion policy for Lability oovsngw Diadoeure Statement Carol Casey Attorney GiUeapas stopped by the d CVrk'a otfiro with a Diackmiro mant to fUw with tha Commission, tha Diadaaui ia on fib fcr review in the C .''I Q - cr72T-513l- '- . J . Randy and Jamie Price are the parents of twin girls born Sept. 7, 5:30 p.m., at the University Hospital in Salt Lake City. They are JavleeJ., who weighed 5 lbs. 5 os., and Cailee D., who weighed 4 lbs. 4 os. Grandparents are Larry and Dorothy Pnce. Tabiona. and Ron and Jesse Johnson, are Duchesne; Georgetta Ivie, Duchesne, and Enid Wagataff. Tabiona. and Mr. k Mrs. Phillips of Salt Lake. Jaylee and Cailie remain in the hospital for ten days. A baby shower will be given for them on Sept. 23. The Craig and Rosalyn Thomas Reunion was held last weekend, wit h over 100 family members attending. Also in attendance were Tom and Flora Fabruw. The gathering was held at the Craig Thomas Ranch. Lance and Jackie Webb and their grandson took a few days' trip to Wyoming. Montana, and Idaho. They also visited Jackie's sister in Wyoming Jenefer Evans and Cheluy Drake attended a Chns McCabe State Camp in Pleasant Grove. They had a spaceship on which they started out as engineers. They were required to do that 14 time before they became captains. The girls reported that it waa very interesting and fun. 'Charlie ScrebeLJrofMoab. underwent surgery for a neck iqjury in the University Hospital Salt Lake City. Shane and Sharon Strebel took him home to Moab on Tuesday where he will recover. Mr. k Mr. Ron Page of St. George visited Willis Moon. Lloyd and Tracy Roberta, and other friends and relatives in Rooseveh. Lloyd and Tracy Ruberts and Kristy Jones traveled to Sah Lake on Friday where Tracy kept a doctor's appoint ment. Florence snd Gay Tumbow drove to Salt Lake last week to attend the wedding ofa granddaughter. Angela Harmon, daughter ofNeil and Mareha Harmon, and Robert Mark Baird, son ofAllan and Brenda Baird They were married in the Salt LakeTetnple and their reception was held in the Came lie Reception Center. ts 4-- -- . Need Drpeall Work? We do patches, basements, remodels, or full houses. Call llandv 722-205- 0 First Security Bank presents a blockbuster, smash hit! State-shoul- Orfc'a office. (Mite ftp f3fnfaHTg3 V?FYXI) gUfCB SBA unveils new web site ARE YOU ON A FIRST NAME to help women A new Web site launched by Uw US Small Buaincaa Administration (SHA) will merraar procurement and networking opportunities to women-owne- d buainreaes by placing all contracting aaaisUnct information at a e aingle site, SBA Administrator Aida Alverrt announced at the White House. The new Web site WoreeoBti gor is a joint prqject of SBA'a new Office of Federal Contract Assistance for Women Busines Own-er-a, SBAa Office of Women s Business Ownership, the Interagency Committee for Women's Bueintee Come to the premiere of our new branch inside WalMcrt at 1851 West Highway full-servi- ce on-lin- SEPTEMBER 20-OCTOB- 31, ER 40 2000 Enterprise and the National Women's Business Cou no L WomenBit.gov will provide women owned buaineoaeo with direct acceas to the federal acquisition tools and government networks to tap into the 1200 billion federal marketplace. The site will serve as tha official gateway to more than 100 procurement and acquisition aitea (mated by varwus Federal agenoeo. It also include links to PKO-NeElectronic Posting System, CBDNct, the GKA Federal Supply Schedule Program, DefenacLlN K. and SBA't Government Contracting nafe. The Prroident haa calico on the SBA to pave the way to ensure that women-ownebuameaaeo receive their fair aharr of federal contracts, said Administrator AJvarea. 1 believe we are answering that call and reaffirming our commitment to the Administration's initiative tar endorsing the launch of thia Web site and errating this office. Theas are two important vehicles for providing women-ownebusinesses with procurement opportunitieo. ms nenr ro out mw munch -- NOW SHOWING: JOS DISCOUNT ON AIL CONSUMER LOANS! 4 awqaft tow mi wo saw boa txdtoq to A t, AN EXTRA , Mwrixaaww 50 w ON CD KARMNGS! dSwiawci ONI TUJti FUZ OCOONG MT BACH TOM 010 OOCXSt FOR Will IVIN JL'cLiiLde TaC d d s FHK MOVIKPOPCORNSODA AND A OUNCE TO STAR IN OUR CASH-BOOT- H! HURRY! Offer good bough wwto 92300 WriOLS OPOHUMTIAWm aacg SKOAL FOOD RAIt ON VISA KA7MUM SmetW LREINHARDTJ j Refrigeration, Heating & ACi 43S-7SM3- M or Call Toll Froo 888-736-33- 90 ft W oxae wsM 4 aesewl he Ww Li Seek. 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