Show natural on teas how do you know she s go ing to marry mr hoakley for his money jess t she told me so erss you don t meas to the admitted she was going to marry him for his money jess same thing she told me she was golpl to marry him of two evils lawyer now see here do you mean to say that you dian didn t know when you married your husband that be was a counterfeiter 7 witness Y yes sir I 1 knew it lawyer aha then why did you marry him witness I 1 had to choose between him and a lawyer ungallant man tess she was vaccinated the other day I 1 hear yes but she s awfully disappointed about it tess what s the mater dian didn t it take jess oh yes but the stupid doc ter neglected to say anything corn about her pretty arm easily explained that mrs smiley is a very attract ive woman don t you think I 1 dian didn t think so this morning you cian t no I 1 took the other side of the street when I 1 saw her that s strange biot at all she was using the gar den bose POOR employer it Is said that you and rastus were calm and collected atte ie explosion yas sah I 1 was calm an rastus was collected sab yellow art tommy fidiam paw whose pic we is that feller there where you re f paw why a halt one of a second cousin of the stepbrother of an aunt by second marriage of the foster sister of the chap who Is suspected of being in possession of information as to who was an accod of the mysterious unknown who assisted in sloppy sadie the sad eyed shop girl in chicago look out heres another mob that s a different sort those are eligible chicago men who are anxious to marry the woman in that house and the attraction about her why ashes the woman who was given a month alimony ath per mission to remarry without losing the alimony conclusive ev dence judge you are charged with blow ing open a safe and abstracting in coin have you anything to saya prisoner Is it true that I 1 overlook ed in judge yes prisoner my plea will be insanity early spring item watch out said the wise to the early mockingbird be careful what you re doing why what s upa you are said the sparrow and the first thing you know they 11 catch you and sell you for a song atlanta constitution his S de line business is booming with the hev goodman I 1 presume you mean that he Is sav ing lots of souls no I 1 mean that he tied seventeen marriage knots last week saving souls is j st his side line detroit tribune D t even want to do that j itinerant ike ever play chessa weary walter no too much like work why you can sit for an hour or more without moving but youve got to move some time haven t youa going to extremes guggans I 1 don t think oure wise in in the matter never put off till tomorrow to morrow Is my motto you know muggins scornfully and always go to bed with your clothes on I 1 sup pose bel eving her mrs jawback there ou ve brok en that new 1001 ing glass how I 1 hate to see a fool around the house mr jawback I 1 know you do that Is why I 1 broke the mirror my dear reply ng by suggest on do you really think I 1 begin to show my years ellaa do you want me to answer frankly 7 wh yest of course then let us change the subject surely an affect onate baby friend I 1 suppose the baby Is fond of youa papa fond of mea why he sleeps ill day when I 1 m not at home and stays up all night j to enjoy my society town and country new style suit Flat broke I 1 am sorry I 1 can t pay that bill now you 11 have to wait while and I 1 d like a suit too tailor then ou 11 get it I 1 m go ton b tart on to morrow raising false hopes mr close about how much does an automobile outfit for a woman cost mrs close excited oh george you re not going to buy an automobile are youa mr close 1 should say not im merely trying to figure out how far beyond his income that man brassey is living A spreader of cheer so you proposed to mies hoam leigh eha yes but you know her father won t let her marry you sure why I 1 proposed nothing like jollying the girl up a lit tie you know the praet cal girl s idea why do you waste so many bouts on beautifying devices inquired the old fashioned woman why not de vote that time to thinking beautiful thoughts 7 oh fudge retorted the modern damsel my beau a mind read er explaining it magistrate I 1 suppose you will claim you were suffering from temper ary insanity when you hit this man prisoner no judge I 1 dun no I 1 c u d say timp ranee ity drunk I 1 was at the ser knew the man molly oh there s a I 1 in so afraid of cows cholly it won t hahm you miss molly as long as I 1 am with you molly I 1 know that but when it starts after me you won t be with me not a florist mrs james my husband i a con lve mrs jones indeed why I 1 had no idea he was in that business does h have a large er A way to stop it I 1 declare exclaimed mrs lawly I 1 simply carnot make that cook stop putting so much salt into her soups why don t you get out an tlona suggested her husband who had lived in chicago a long time sheared yeast barbadoes ha a sheep which has no wool Crimson beak it must look like a fellow does after he goes up against wall street for the first time had him there mrs justin debunce I 1 wish to buy an imported cat animal dealer yes maam now heres a beautiful kitten just arrived from persia mrs deb no they re common haven 1 you any imported from war saw dealer I 1 never beard of cats from warsaw mrs deb beed then where do the pole cats come from I 1 d like to know I 1 the truth of the matter I 1 can t beep from thinking of the gallant nay ou led your company into the thick of the fight captain said miss bullock I 1 told mamma only the other day that I 1 thought your bravery was remarkable you neither said little johnny you told her that fools rush in where angels fear to tread detroit tribune guarantees for the future here walter said ahe business man to his accountant I 1 have just given to the preacher tor my pew rent and au to missions what account will you put the items guess I 1 d better put them in the account of fire escapes inanimate deprad ty I 1 see that new york Is having an other spasms over postage stamps yes and did you ever notice how those same stamps manage to weld themselves together in your pocket book every time the tempera ture rises a littlee an important one how many senses are therea six no five seeing hearing tasting smelling and feeling that all how about knowing enough to come in out of the raina springfield journal giving her away maude s pa I 1 wish you d get rid ot that young puppy de chos been calling on you so much maude herself I 1 ve tried to annb him papa but he simply won t be sat upon maude brother won t he since whenn too many Glasses Already mccosh doctor I 1 want you to dooh looh at my eyes dr gosh yes sir they re red mccosh dont you think I 1 need glasses dr gosh no you need to let them alone cleveland leader something easy to shut up miss bleecher are you going to the baseball game tomorrow to morrow mr fann fann well er yes I 1 thought of going misa bleecher alone mr fann fann oh no I 1 shall take an urn brella changed his tune I 1 picked up five winners today to day mary and oh tom then I 1 can have that new summer dress but I 1 dian didn t bet on them kansas city times GAVE HIMSELF AWAY os beggar ont ou give me a nickle ladya im almost starving kind lady my my starving ce help you can you change dollard beggar absently oh yes maam A dutiful son es my son said the old trust magnate when I 1 was young I 1 worked hard and did cot spend my time at any of this hl nonsense I 1 assure you father that I 1 feel very grateful for what you have done A hard blow well uncle bob are there us many foolish people in the old village as there were when I 1 lived there well not quite not by one anyway tacoma dally nothing to be ashamed of mrs julius olde how can a mai ried man like you chase about with a chorus garp aren t you ashamed 7 mr julius olde Ashamed 9 I 1 guess you haven t seen her picture have oua cleveland leader necessary to see him first clerk the old man s got a grouch this morning second clerk have you seen him first clerk no but tt pay daya detroit free press |