Show FOUGHT IN THE DARK russian officers knew noth ng 0 s pans vladivostok A series ot interviews which the correspondent of the associated press has had with naval 0 bleers who survived the battle in the sea of japan has developed a most sensational story of the causes of the russian disaster first of all and the complete demoralization which fol lowed the sinking of the flagship kniaz Souva and the wounding of admiral it Is explained that not a single of fleer of the fleet knew the commander in chief s plans the admirals in corn mand of divisions knew no more than the sub lieutenants and had to rely on the signals of the flagship admiral Nebo gatoff upon whom the command devolved had seen only once after the juncture of their squad rons and then only for a few minutes the japanese concentrated their fire on one ship until she was placed out of action and then on another thus successively sinking the alexander III and kniaz some ships developed deplorable structural defects |