Show A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE entitle 1 an ordinance on weights and Measure sl be it or dined by the city council of eureka city juab county utah section 1 the mayor shall appoint during the term for which he is elected subject to by the council competent to the tion of sealer of ts and measures who shall hold office until the monday next succeeding the term of office of tl e appointing power the compensation of such officer is hereby fixed at 00 per ann m payable monthly as other city officials are pa d 2 the sealer of weights and measures before assuming the duties of h office ahall tahe and subscribe the lawful oath of office and furn sh a bond to the city in the sum of five hundred dollars section 3 it shall be the duty of sa d sealer of weights and measures to mark and seal with a stamp or by pasting a card thereon as he may deem most proper all weights and measures scales beams and other weighing instruments which he shall find to conform or which he shall so adjust as to conform to the standards established by the laws of the stace it shall be his duty and he ie hereby au to inspect and examine at least once a year and as much as the good of the public service requires all weights measures acalee beams steal yards or other we instruments used in said city for weighing or ing articles of sale by weight or measure and he ball deliver to the owner thereof a certificate of 1 accuracy of bucl we gats and measures as he shall find or make correct and it shall be un awful for any person to fail or refuse to exhibit all weights measure scales beams steelyards or other instrument by which sales are made by weight or measure to said sealer for the purpose of inspection and examination as aforesaid or to ob him in the performance ot his duty as imposed upon him by ordinance it shall be hie duty to keep a record of all scales beams steelyard and other lenses or instruments used for weighing or measuring by him tested sealed adjusted repaired or made to conform to the standards as provided in thie ord nance together with the name of ahe owner or owners thereof and the time chec so healed adjusted tested repaired or made to conform to the standards and the amount of money charged and collected by him for such services which record ceball be public and open to inspection by all persons and of chieh he shall make and file duplicate for each monti as a report to the council at its airet regular session in each month section 4 every person using we gats measures bacales beams steelyards or other weighing or measuring instruments by which any article is intended to be sold in th s city or in the weight and measurement of which other persons or the public aw interested shall cause such weights measures scales beam steelyards or other weighing or measuring instruments to be sealed before using the same and annually there after by the sealer of weights and meas arcs and it shall be unlawful for any person to use or permit to be used any weights measures scales beams steel yards or other instruments for we ahing or measuring articles of sale in said city or in the weight or measurement of which other persons or the public are interested not so sealed or marked as aforesaid or to use or permit to be used in buying selling weighing or measuring any false weights measures scales beams steel yards or other weighing or measuring in st whether the ea ne have been inspected and sealed or not whenever any person ahall change hie place of bub inese all weights measures scales beadi or other we ahing or measuring instruments int used in said beai ness shall be 11 specter spec ted sealed and mark ed with esix days after edich change has been made sect on 5 avery person now engaged or who may hereafter apply tor a license to engage in any business requiring the weighing or measuring of arti clea of sale in this city ahall within gix days after this ordinance shall be in effect as to those already engaged in such business and as to others within two days afar the dathol said appi cation for license to engage in such business report to sa d sealer of weights and measures the nun ber kind and of each and every weighing or measuring instrument intend ed to be used in said business section all itinerant peddlers fers anil i peddlers ar d u ng measures mcaleb balances teel yarda or other such instruments shall take the same to the office of eaid sealer before using and have same inspected tested and sealed and it a sll be for any arson engaged in such business to make any sale by weight or measure of any article without full compliance with this section avery person engaged in or who desire to engage in any euch business shall present to the city recorder the certificate ot the sealer that the weighing and measuring to be used by him in such business are accurate otherwise no license be issued it shall be unlawful for any itinerant peddler or hawker to use ice scales in his bus nes in this city section 7 the sealer of weight and ahall procure at the expense of the city a full set 0 we eghte and measures scales and beams which he ahall cause tobe awed and sealed by the state fann lards inder the d of the state auditor and he hall have care and custody of the d city stan darde so procured section 8 it ahall be unlawful to sell berries in boxes dunlea the boxes contain whole pint or quart or to sell fruit or berries in packages containing a bushel or any a q aart thereof unless said pack abes are or marked so as to show the exact standard quantity there n contained section 9 said sealer shall collect for each examination testing sealing and cart lying as tore required from the owner ef the weights and measures or other instruments tested the follow ing fees 1 any steelyard or beam ground floor platform or other scales by which may be weighed not exceeding pounds 0 25 2 aay elih instrument by which may be weighed not exceeding pounds 0 50 3 pounds and not exceeding 1200 pounds 0 ab 4 cher 1200 pounds and not ex aeed of 2500 pounds 1 00 5 over 2500 pounds 2 50 6 wagon scales 2 60 7 any yard stick or dry or liquid measure 0 10 8 yards marked on counter per yard 0 05 9 any nest or set of measures we attached to scales shall be considered as par of the males in chang ing tees it shall be unlawful for the sealer to collect or received any fees or charges more than once in each BIZ months from the same person for the same instrument unless such i strument ment be toun 1 defective cot conformable to the standard or in case of change of place of business the sealer sl all turn all fee collected into the city treasury on day of each month and make full report of his collections to the chui coui ell at its next regular meet ng bention 10 it shall be unlawful for any person to fail refuse or neglect to pay said sealer his tees or charges herein authorized and it the duty of the sealer to collect same immediately after perform ing his labor section 11 it shall be unlawful or any person to use to keep or permit at his place of bus ness where articles to be bought or sold or offered or exposed for sale or we ched or measured or upon hla wagon or other cle used in his business of weigh ng or measuring articles to be bought or sold any weight or any weighing or measuring instrument which baa not been sealed as provided in this cl apter or which does t conform to the standards of eureka city or the tate of utah or which shall be out of order 0 incorrect section 12 any person dealing in any article of produce or who shall by himself or by his agent 01 employed use any we or other than the standard herein specified or who aba 1 himself or by his agent or employee give short t or measure or less than full quantity of any art cle old shall be deemed guilty of a m ada neanor section 13 any person v elating any of the provisions of this shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof snail be punished by a ahne not exceeding one hundred dol lars or by imprisonment in the city jail not more than one hundred lays bention 14 chis ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and one publication thereof 11 the reporter a weekly newspaper an bcd aad published in eureka uth passed april 1905 J D STACK mayor attest A J ty recorder SEAL OF UTAH I 1 pointy I 1 gerety certify that the foregoing or denance flaa duly passed at a regular meeting of the city council of eureka april 19 in witness whereof I 1 have hereunto affixed my hand and the beal of said city this day of april 1905 A J city recorder Pe corder SEAL eureka lity utah first publication april 1905 |