Show FOO FOOD VALVE 4 OF FRUIT prejudice against its liberal use Is result of erroneous notions 3 there are many popular but un founded prejudices against the dietle use of 01 fruits it is generally supposed tor for example that fruits are conducive to bowel disorders and that they are especially prone to pro duce indigestion it if taken at the last meal the truth is the very opposite ot of these notions at A exclusive diet of fruit Is one of the best known rem edies for chronic bowel disorders during the late war large numbers of the soldiers suffering from chronic dysentery were in several instances rapidly cured when abundantly sup plied with r pe peaches fruit juice may be advantageously used in both acute and chronic bowel disorders care must be taken however to avoid fruit juices which contain a large amount of cane sugar juices of sweet fruits should be employed or a mixture of sour and sweet fruit juices or acid fruit juice may be sweetened with malt honey or mel tose a natural sweet produced from cereals raisins figs prunes sweet apples and pears may be mixed with sour fruits indigestion sometimes results from the use of fruits in combination with a variety of other food substances but fruits taken alone constitute the best possible menu for the last meal of the day the combination of fruit sugar cream bread butter cake and pie may well produce bad dreams and a bad taste in the mouth in the morn ing the use of fresh or stewed fruit alone without any addition whatever will produce no disturbance and will leave no unpleasant effects behind to be teg regretted retted in the morning verk very acid fruits sometimes disagree wit with persons who have an excess of acid and those who are suffering from chronic inflammation of the stomach but with these exceptions there Is a al most no case in which fruit may not be advantageously used I 1 the notion that acid fruits must be avoided by rheumatics Is another er which Is based on inaccurate ob ions the fact Is rheu rheumatics maWs are greatly benefited by the use af t fruit at the same time they should abstain from the use of flesh foods of all sorts beet beef tea and animal broths and all meat preparations also tea and coff coffee ce as well as alcohol anci and to bacco it Is of course possible for one to take an excess of adds acids as one may take an excess of starch or any other food substances vegetable acids differ from mineral acids in the fact that they do not accumulate in the body but are assimilated or util laed in the same way as sugar and al lied substances very diss there are a good many persons who might be said to be dissipated a and nd all broke up according to the japanese use of the word illustrated in the following anecdote they are talling in boston of two or three japanese students of rank who have been in the habit of dining each sunday at the residence of one of the prominent citizens of the hub on a recent sunday one was a absent and when the host ed why one of the guests said solemnly oh he cannot come he very very adissi the host thought it best not to make any further inquiry at the time but after the meal he ventured to ask the same young man in vate you say mr nim shi Is not well no he not very well he very dis he chasn t been drinking oh no no be he no drunk not gambling 7 9 no no gamble may I 1 ask what he has been doing thena oh he very dissipated he eat sponge cake allee time he all broke up now frances willard and fashionable dress said frances willard in litone ono of her last addresses speaking of the ad van cement and present status 0 of f women but be it remembered that until woman comes to her kingdom cally she will never really come at all created to be well and strong and beautiful she long ago sacrificed her constitution and has ever since been living on her by la s she has made of herself an hourglass whose sanda sands of life passed quickly by she has walked when she should have run sat when she should have walked re dined when she should have sat she has allowed herself to become a mere lay figure upon which could be fastened any hump or hoop or far thin gale that fashion mongers show and her head Is a mere ro tary ball upon which milliners may perch whatever they please be it a bird of paradise or beast or creeping thing she has bedraggled her senseless long skirts in whatever bombina tion of filth the street presented sub to a motion the most awk ward and degrading known to the en tire animal kingdom for nature has endowed all others that carry trains and trails with the power of lifting them without turning in their tracks but a fashionable woman pays lowll est obeisance to what follows in her own wake and as she does so cuts the most grotesque figure outside a jumping jack she is a creature born to the beauty and freedom of diana but she is sn swathed ached by her skirts splintered by her stays bandaged by her tight waist and pinioned by her sleeves until alas ala that I 1 should live to say it a trussed turkey or a spit fed ted goose are her most appropriate emblems A substitute for leather an english inventor has devised a perfect substitute for leather which can be used fo boots shoes and tor for every other purpose for which leather Is employed the new tissue Is called alft it is being extensively used in england haling haning been adopted by the london shoe company especially for walking shoes on account of its coolness and its lightness Is more more durable than leather and la Is much more waterproof while at the same time more porous which makes it nonconductor a and to a large degree obviates the necessity tor for wear ing rubbers which are needed by one whose feet are clad with leather only when the slush and mud Is so deep that the feet are half halt burled buried at every step food value of eggs eggs are a very nourishing food and represent two important ele ments tats fats and prot elds in an easily assimilated form A single egg weighs about one and one hall ounces of which one ounce la Is white or pure albumin and one half ounce yolk the nutritive value of the Is greater than that of the white though its bulk and weight are small er its solid constituents are about one halt half of its fat fresh eggs prop erly prepared are readily digestible the best mode of preparation Is whipped raw or cooked tor for twenty or thirty minutes at a temperature ol 01 about curdled the yolks are more easily digested when boiled hard and the whites are also easily digested when hard boiled providing care is used to reduce the coagulated white to minute particles which may readily be dissolved by the gastric juice A single egg Is equal ao 10 value to a dozen oysters RECIPES mashed peas with nuts soak a pint of scotch peas overnight in cold water in the morning drain and put them to cook in warm water cook slowly until perfectly tender allowing them to simmer very gently toward the last until they become as dry as possible put through a colander to remove the sa s1 ins cook the peanuts separately drain from the juice rub through a colander and add to the peas beat well together season with salt turn into an earthen or granite ware pudding dish smooth the top and bake in a moderate oven until dry and mealy if it preferred one third toasted bread crumbs may be used with the peas and a less proper tion of nuts serve hot like mashed potato graham gems place one pint ol 01 cold water in a crock add one egg beat water egg and a pinch of salt together then add pa as cups of white flour and ya cup of graham flour beat thoroughly and bake in a quick oven irish corn soup take one pint ot of slice potato cooked until tender add one pint of corn com pulp obtained by rubbing cooked dried corn through a colander season with salt add wa ter to make a proper consistency re heat and serve split pea soup for each quart ot of soup desired simmer one cup of plit peas very slowly in three pints ot of boiling water for six hours or until thoroughly dissolved hen done rub through a colander add salt and a slice of onion to flavor reheat and season with one halt cup of thin cream or a spoonful of nut meal prepared as directed below remove the slice of onion with a fork serve hot with croutons baked parsnips wash scrape and divide drop into boiling water a lit tie more than sufficient to cook them and boll gently till thoroughly tender there should remain about one halt pint of the liquor when the parsnips are done arrange on an earthen plate or shallow pudding dish not more than one layer deep coi coer er with R ith the juice and bake basting frequent ly until the juice is all absorbed and the parsnips delicately browned serve at once |