Show WANTED A GOOD FAT BOOK its contents not matter of moment to boston ch id senator lodge remarked one of his colleagues Is naturally proud 0 massachusetts and Is not disinclined to believe that the children of that commonwealth have no superiors in any part of the world in the matter of mental equipment nevertheless ho takes pleasure in telling a story of a boston child who wrote him ask ing him to procure a cop of the big volume of the coast and geodetic report senator lodge was naturally pleased that a child of boston should request a work which dealt with transcontinental triangulation and azimuths but wishing to be tain in regard to the work desired he replied in a letter setting forth the contents of the various volumes of the latest report of this important branch of the government conclude ing his letter with the request that the applicant specify the particular beoh desired I 1 don t care what the reading mat ter Is came the reply I 1 want a feord fat book for pressing leaves |