Show amin ngeW V W H havener came out aiom salt lake on sunday for the purpose of vis biting some of the tintic mines C D avery A very has accepted a position us book keeper and sun surn ea a or for the gemini and godiva mining 0 companies com JohnDavis john davis was masin in from his north this week and states that he is now cross cutting the i ein and that the showing appears to be improving with en ery shot mr davis da vis Is confident that he has a mine in that section of tintic gintic and those who have been seen the rock which has been taken out during the past v meek eek or ten days are of the iame opinion george was in silver city the first of the week tuesday afternoon lie went to bait lake and expects expect sto to return to ne nev nevada v ada where he haa has secured pome come very ery promising ground mr I 1 bixman spent about six weeks ato in to giai ih and goldfield but does not think that these sections hold out the inducements to prospectors that are to be found in other parts of the state mr bixman is interested in some good claims near pioche frank D kimball was wag in eureka the early i art of the week having just re turned from a business trip into tona lali pall and goldfind Gold fied fled I 1 evada nevada mr air him in ball states that he saw so many people he knew in that section from ludeka salt lake and elsewhere that he lie could hardly believe that he was outside the tle state he ile was very favor ably impressed with certain parts of the new diggings and will probably iro bably nial e another trip there in a short time tint ore shipments the ore shipments from tintic gintic for the past week are as follows name of mine carloads bullion beck beek 9 gemini 14 yankee lone lons 2 may ma day 9 uncle barn bam 6 agle eagle bine blue bell 13 ri tennial eureka 88 8 a abax 2 L tu abiba u I 1 giand grand central 5 mammoth 10 cotal otal 9 |