Show mr aud mrs goody entertained a few of their friends very pleasantly at a lunch acu ecu at the oxford hotel last wednesday evening covers were laid for eight after enjoying a deiy pleasant evening the party attended the dance at the hall 3 he knights of the eee will en bertain their families at a dance and supper on the evening of may ath there will be a brief program followed by refreshments in the lodge rooms and a courle of hours of dancing in the hall be low for those who are fond of that kind of amusement darton s orchestra will conduct ite usual dance at the ball tomorrow night this being good friday the eureka orchestra will not give its regular week ly dance tonight the betra s celt lance will be on april mrs D J sullivan entertained a few lady ft lends at her home last friday evening ibe evening was pleasantly spent with cards and music A nice lunch was served at about 11 30 the ladio aid society will meet next thursday at the home of mrs jno hard the society met yesterday with mrs ifred shontz |