Show i SCOURGE STRIKES NEVADA TOWN HEALTHY MOWED DOWN BY THE REAPER DEATH tonopah nevada ravaged by a 0 strange disease and hundreds are leaving camp reno Is evada nevada hundreds ot of peaple flocked into reno on the virginia truckee train friday night fleeing from the sickness now so prevalent at tonopah every train for a week weer has been crowded and strange as it may seem the ingoing trains have been filled also that people are dying I 1 in the bo be generally nanza camp Is now generally admit ted but the theory that their deaths has been caused by wood alcohol POIS aning Is scouted the p people eople of the town have taken the matter in hand and the nevada state journal ot of reno I 1 will send in a physician dr late of the united states army anc and 1 4 1 man who has been through a nt number of plagues he goes to find the triai true conditions in the camp and wll will sub mit report a soon after his arrival 4 9 V there governor sparks has also appointed a special medical commission and sent the members into tonopah these hese men will cooperate with the hasl clans of the camp and at once begin a campaign to check tha the disease that Is mowing down people at the rate of pf five to twenty five each day on firl day twelve bodies were stretched out on slabs in the only undertaking in the camp an equal number at least were dead around the town the disease strikes without warning the healthy are the most sus bus cep tible and in from twelve to awen t wen ty four hours are dead the bodies blackened by the mysterious poison that saps their lives away |