Show THOUSAND MILE BIDE LONG TRIP WITH HEALTH AND PLEASURE THE OBJECTS correspondent wr tes of journey in texas and mexico with a party as guests of the southern pacific rail road gilson willett special correspond ent of weekly writes enter of a thousand mile horseback hunt in texas and mexico with a party as guests of the southern pacific rail road the members of the party represented twelve different states at sabinas mexico he says over halt 0 the thousand mile jour ney has been completed and the fel lows who are here for their health are now hard as nails those who came along with an appetite for pleasure are well nigh satiated and the sports men have brought in day after day incredibly huge bags of ducks geese rabbits squirrels and no end of small gagae not to mention big hauls of deer bear wild turkeys and fish all of which is due to about the most healthful region in the union to a section of country where pleasurable diversion is eternally at hand and to a tern toly that Is literally a sports man s paradise hitherto and un shot and mr willett bestows a deserved eulogy on the splendid hospitality of the southern pacific and the hearty welcome accorded the party in south ern cities from new orleans onward visitors to southwest texas will not need to be told of the really marvelous work done by the Sou thein pacific in building up that section of the coun try mr willett says then we again boarded our train and railroaded on for the most of a day through a country in which the southern pacific has caused a blade of grass not to speak of stalk ot corn cane or sugar and blossom of cotton to flourish where none grew before thirty miles farther inland on the san diego river we made our first camp in mexico after that our camps were from twenty to fifty miles apart and thus we have progressed on our thousand mile horseback hunt passing through strange villages and seeing queer peon customs visiting the headquarters of mighty ranches of a million acres where the owners escort ed us to the front door with six hun died white horses or six hundred black horses or six hundred bays as the case might be and having all sorts of diversions of big hunts and witnessing many kinds of unique sights in primitive and quaint old ico our first three or tour camps were made on one 0 the largest ranches la the world the trevino ranch of 1 acres of this great ranch as big as a new england state as on all the other great ranches we have trav eased the southern pacific management obtained all hunting and fishing arh illges it was on the great trevino ranch that the health seekers of the party first discovered that they were get ting in mexico exactly what they had come tor a new constitution the sportsmen of the party too were out late and up early on the chase that plea seth the motto always was to kill only auch game however plentiful it might be ab was actually needed for consumption at our table for the southern stands for the kill ing of game foi food only many interesting stories of the dis brict traversed are related by mr wll lett he concludes thus on this trip every promise made by the southern pacific railroad has been kept to the letter just as similar promises will bo kept on the second annual thousand milo hoi se back hunting party already talked of for next year |