Show aff notes wednesday v a pay day at the r james crooks piloted eonia of the salt lake stockholder stock holde rs through the Bal hinch mine lest queeda L holbrook wa e at the grand central mine thie week lot kin after corn pany g affair dun g the absence of loose in the east afloat shares of stock were gold noder the haamer to satisfy the recent assessment of 4 cents a behare the stock brought 11 enta a thare harra josephs 1 pe ut sunday and day in tintie looking after his interests moat of his tinia was pent in looking into recent develop me ante at the casa john aylwerd r turned to nggam calyon tuesday aft er a visit to the ato nia in death canyon the own efa are figuring on bonding the aror erty while at work on 1 s lease in thie bul ho i beck mice monday nelson had bis left hand badly cut by a fall ni toab dr taylor dressed the wound which is a pa ahful ne the force at the eagle fe blue bell mine has be sed considerable ring the few days considerable ore is now being tab en froin the mine which is in splendid shape at this time four carloads of c were sent out from the eureka hill null yesterday and another consignment the sair e num her of cars will be forwarded to morrow about forty bars of 11 will ready for shipment in a few days W V lander and george keyer bos capitalists wei e at the mammoth mine last tuesday the former together ith his associates have been figuring on tret ng the low grade ore from this mine by the chlon nation process the trouble over the conflict between the MeKin lev ang co and the morning star claim orned by apt hugo depre zin has been aro bably settled the ermond of the mcfinley co and the beneral logan ang co will form the babie of a new corporation the stock will be owned principally by ka people the shaft at the grand central is being put down at the rate of about five feet in every aa hours since sinking was commenced a abort time ago about SO feet of work has been done the shaft will be put down about feet further until this work is finished the shipments from the mine will be quite light M W havener who has been a coit autor on the branch of the ore gon short line and san pedro railways for several years has resigned and will go to nevada and devote hie atten tion to mining mr havener was one 0 the mist genial and accommodating will be pleased to see him make a success in hie mining opera eions wm and J P Ped ereon left yesterday for the N ew utah ground in the erikso district where they will commence the instillation of a small ho at and the bu iding ot a shaft houe black smith shop and other necessary att id nga mr bas a number of buildings at silver city which will be torn down and removed to the mine to be used in the construction of the new shaft house As soon es possible a new shaft will be I 1 sunk for the development of the property those familiar with the showing in the old workings believe that ore of a grade suitable for shipping will be encountered at a depth of feet or possibly less the lease of mcpherson and mckellar on the toot level of the bullion beck mine has improved wonderfully during the past week and the ore has been pene grated for a distance of about eight feet without reaching the other wall the the lessees are working at a point about feet south of the shaft and opened up the ore after having drifted a distance of 16 feet the ore is rich galena carry ng values of 50 per cent lead and about 10 ounces lu silver manager farnsworth who was at the mine last saturday in sheeted the new strike and informed mr mcpherson aon that he could work number of men wae required to take out the ore and do the necessary timbering the hoisting of the ore was commenced this week and mcpherson and mckellar should be able to make a nice inake before their lease expires if the ore holda out ae it should they have feet of ground in which to raise on the ore body jacob braadt who has been working on the same ore body below the foot level sold out hie lease this week to mr bray |