Show birth of a daybreak pink beneath a hedge row dene and A modest flower reared its held with petals white of silvery sheen no other blossom in abe bed As on the slender stem it swayed A dainty odor filled air and yet ahe flower was net content E en though so fragrant ewitt and fair for just across the garden path were of aery shade hut no e brighter gayer could be found E er wet by morn or evening dew the rare pale dower sadly sighed only to have one little flow like all the lovely flowers I 1 ee would r ake me happier I 1 knew A saucy sunbeam herd the agh and gayly darting through th with fiery glance and heated kissed the pale flower of sliver sheea the sudden warmth of the caress gave to the flower of a rosy list transformed its petals ever bore in bud or bloom a dainty blush content the flower in beauty throve no sweeter can be found I 1 thinie we bless the morning sunbeam s k thai gave to us the daybreak pink washington post |