Show February 10 1994 PageS CEU competes at home and Point Loma Moore received the second speaker award and Pressett third In individual events Elisha Ray received second in dramatic interpretation and was a semifinalist in poetry interpretation Moore and Theodosis received best novice duo interpretation Pressett was a semifinalist in impromptu and extemporaneous speaking She also received best novice in informative by Renee Pressett suT writer of Eastern Utah team added another first place trophy to their collection at the Point Loma Nazerine Tournament in San Diego California Feb 7 Thirty eight schools were in attendance CEU placed first in junior college division with 83 sweepstakes points and third among all four year colleges and universities Pepperdine placed first followed by Arizona Sute University in second In junior CEDA Michelle Grogan and Chris Theodosia placed third The teams of Ryan HoglundTony Benjamin and Tristy Atwood Brittiany Johnston tied for fifth Johnston placed as fifth speaker and Hoglund received seventh Jennifer Moore and Renee Pressett won first place in novice CEDA 't he College forer-sic- s 4-- speaking and extemporaneous speaking “This is the first time ever we've attended the Point Loma Tournament It was a brand new pool of judges and we emerged victorious" coach Scott Pull an stated CEU Forensics Tournament-“Wh- o are all of those people in suits carrying Rubbermaid tubs on campus?" This was a commonly asked question on the weekend of WISH LIST ' vnrpufpfrrrp mmtouttMi C Jin The answer is of course debaters CEU hosted a regions! tournament in which four schools were in attendance CEU placed first in sweepstakes In speech to entertain Jory Johnson placed first while Atwood won first in programmed oral interpretation Danny Kourianos placed third in prose Robyn Bliss was a finalist in 28-2- 9 extemporaneous speaking Grogan placed third in persuasive speaking and Benjamin was a finalist Pressett received second in impromptu speaking Johnson was third and Chris Lee was a finalist Ray (diced second in dramatic interpretation and poetry Theodosis and Moore second in duo and Moore finalist poetry The Readers Theater composed of Kendra Marvidakis Kourianos Lee and Ray placed second performing "Love is death" In Lincoln Douglas Debate CEU placed third Hoghmd Pressed and Atwood tied for second in CEDA debate and Moore Theodosis and Grogan tied for third significance (coni from pag Sports of human to find the unlimited scope possibility within myself I've got to conceive the inconceivable - then accomplish it!" Vee had found not only the significance of sports but in it the will to move forward in life Vee died a few months lata on April 28th but his fight against cancer is reminiscent of another heroic battle The battle Lou Gehrig fought against the incurable and fatal neurological disorder would claim his life at the age of 37 When Gehrig now overcome with the disease stepped before the microphone in front of a sold out Yankee Stadium and issued the immortal words "Fans for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I got Yet today I consida myself the luckiest min on the face of the earth" That was probably one of the most emotional moments in sports Those feelings weren't being acted out a real man stood before that crowd and those were his real thoughts and his real feelings -- Gehrig changed lives that day and altered the direction in which many people were headed He showed that we too can overcome our obstacles and we too can find the courage to canyon What it all comes down to is that the spirit of sport is the same spirit of life Sport shows us a breed of individuals who have made sacrifices put forth the effort and although they may be knocked down again and again they are always back ready to dig in strengthened by the hope that this time in this moment they can conceive the inconceivable - then accomplish it! Tonnoptions USA Have a date tonight! A unique eit178 $198 per minute muet be of the Jimmy Dart Orchestra Hove founder's Dag Dance Saturday February 261994 8:30 pin to dtldnlght QCaren Student Center Dallroom $$ per coupU ivitfi activity cad (Advance purchase requiitd-CL- U Casfutr) with your personal computer! Begin now ! Free Details Students needed! Earn $2000 monthly Summer Holidays Fulltime World travel Caribbean Hawaii Europe Mexico Tour guides Gift Shop Sales Deck Hands Casino Workers etc Ul Gian htnyimn lUntm IlnwiimSpwl HWw Kent ftrnrt Art! 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AMaMuNmMtar 1 Roses are Red at the Jiahu Llihafi VltwpaM dating service e DISCED Student Officers We Hove You Dance to the big band sound By Mltar on-lin- 1(800)443-062- UloletsareBlue nwmnws FJuta 6 24 26 25 Big Bands are Back Founder's Day 7 pa SAC AX President's Day Holiday Eagle Publication To have an event featured on the Feb 24 Eagle Calender call 637-212- 0 c TYGC Basketball CSI ext 250 by 3 pjn Feb 21 |