Show February 101994 PageS : AceVentura: Pet Detective Upcoming Events difference between a “Ace Ventura: Pet dolphin and a porpoise Ace Ventura When the Detective" a comedy tuning Jim Carrey Sean Young Courtney Cox Ton Loc and Dan Marino it now tuning nationwide Thit Morgan Creek Production! film follows the adventures of an unconventional detective who specializes in locating lost pets The Miami Dolphins football team's mascot a dolphin named Snowflake is abducted on the evening of the Super Bowl When local authorities are confounded there is only one man with just the right credentials only one man with just the right intuition the only one who knows the dolphin-nappin- g is followed by the vanishing of star Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino — everyone wants Ace on the case Shunned by Miami police for not being a legitimate sleuth the ingenious creature catcher relics solely on his wits and the undying dedication of his menagerie to get the job done Ace with his wacky antics bizarre hairdo and unfathomable professional skills always gets his person (or dog or cat or parrot) students get a night out Non-Traditio- nal If you walked through the Student Activity Center Thursday Feb 3 you undoubtedly wondered about the size of the crowd There wu an invasion of sorts little people every where Members of the student government advisory council ASCEU gave students who have children a break from their normal routine Of the 43 children in attendance their ages varied from under one year to their early teens There were different activities offered to entertain the wide range of age groups Disney movies were shown in the lounge while most of the older children were playing video games g and all evening The seemed to be had by the most fun smaller children who painted colored and made valentines for their Ping-Pon- parents Some of the parents went out to eat at Mallard's where three wu a meal deal Others went to the play in the Geary Theatre the movie at the King Coal Theatre at a special price or simply enjoyed a quiet evening Ryan Sorenson sophomore representative commented on the success of the activity "It wu a really good opportunity for the students to get out and not have to take care of their kids for an evening I'm sure it’s really hard to balance school and a family I hope this will happen again in the future” students were All notified in the mail of this special 'I Cabaret Night a The Dance Gub will sponsor Cabaret Night on March 8 at 7:30 in Center Selected pieces from dance studio at the Bunnell-Dmltrk-h Broadway's "Sweet Charity Pajama" "West Side Story" and "Pippin" will be performed by members of Musical Dance Company Ticket prices will be $2 for students end $3 for non-studen- ts Founder's Day President Michael A Petersen announced names of those persons to be honored at the annual Founder's Day Dinner held on February 26 Outstanding Alumni Awards wiU be presented to Lou Cokislmo (1951) and Bob Dal Ponte (1957) J Eldon Dorman MD will receive the Eagle Award and Boneta Harrison (1941) and Elvln "Fudd" Jullano (1951) will be ndded to the Sports Hall of Fame Social hour will begin at 6 pm followed by a dinner and awards at 7 Dancing will be from 8:30 to midnight with the Jimmy Dart Orchestra Tickets are $20 per person for the entire evening or $5 per couple for the dance They must be purchased by Feb 22 at the cashier's window Cheer & dance workshop offered will be held from 9 A cheer and dance workshop for 8 to ajn-pm In the BDAC on Saturday Feb 19 The workshop will be 4 g cheer yell and song squads taught by CElTs Is The workshop for students who want to learn basic Intermediate or advanced cheerleading techniques It will provide an opportunity for par tlclpsnts to learn cheers pom pon routines and dances that can be used to tryout for cheerleading positions at the various schools this spring Each participant will be given Individual Instruction and attention In all facets of the sport The registration fee Is $16 and Includes an "Official CEU Cheer Squad for each participant award-winnin- T-shi- rt al al activity While the turnout for this activity wu low those parents who participated had positive comments ASCEU hopes to sponsor a similar activity spring quarter $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FEDERAL PROGRAM LET’S YOU WORIK FROM TOUR HOME SET YOUR OWN HOURS NO EXPERIENCE NO TRAINING NEEDED GUARANTEED INCOME BE YOUR OWN BOSS CALL NOW fhi Fabulous Fillies sis beck d Pop's 1 Ice Cream Parlor 713-587-54- 07 D&K ASSOC 6180 HWY6N STE257 HOUSTON TX 77084 smm$s$$s$$ss$sssssss$$$s$$ We ' tret now serving ! SANDWICHES! Open everyday from 11:00 to 10:00 150 S 700 B Price 637-69- 74 |