Show College of Eastern Utah The EogloTVolume XVlIlT Number Vole 0 Of The PrlceTUt S4S04T Thursday! February The CEU Alumni Association is holding iu annual phonothon throughout February and March Last year the association was able to raise $16848 for the CEU general scholarship fund The phone calls an made to all of the residents in Carbon County Donations are also asked of graduates and any 0 of CEU from others who have donated in the past The list of people called totaled nearly 3000 people Last year approximately 2J500 to 3000 of those people wen actually reached said Karen Bliss CEU director of development Of those who wen contacted about 700 pledged to donate and of those who pledged about 300 sent in their donations The calls an made by CEU students Then am sixteen positions 1937-198- held at most important CEU because it assists the general fund-raise- rs scholarship fund which is responsible for helping many students cover the costs of attending CEU She encourages all who have the time and opportunity to participate and lend a helping hand She would also like to dunk all of those who have so generously donated in the past for their support of CEU CEU to lease Durrant property by Jaren Holder staff writer President Michael Petersen has been authorized by the CEU Board of Regents to negotiate a lease with Carbon County School District for the property of Durrant Elementary The building which sits adjacent to the college will be added as part of the campus for additional classrooms and offices and may be used as early school year if fire and as the health inspections by the state fire marshal and the Division of Facilities Construction and Management authorize use of the building Petersen said It is not yet known which departments and classes will be moved to the 94-9- 3 building The school district announced last year that Dunant will be closed after Spend your returns in 10 days or less Assistance Program is agam V underway at CEU The progrm is headed by Henning Olsen and has been offend since 1983 The assistance has always been offend free of charge particularly to the elderly disabled and low income people although it is not restricted to those groups alone This year the free tax help is still available but new to the program is the electronic filing system The new featuro sends lax information directly to the national tax center through the computer No envelope no stamp and no eight week wait Olsen said Electronic filing has a $3 fee with the incentive of having yow return mailed to you or placed directly in your checking account within 10 days All of the tax work is done by students who have taken accounting and are registered in die income tax prepartfion class They attend a training course in January and fat : February they begin completed by 1996 if finding is granted he said In an article in the Sun Advocate Petersen told CEU’s Board of Trustees "We are hopeful the Legislature will appropriate the money to plan the student center this year I wUl take no action that may delay funding for our new student center” After the student center is completed and an agreement of appraisal of the Durrant property is reached Petersen will ask the Board of Regents and the Utah Legislature for the funding to purchase the property and make it part of the master phut of the campus whereas the college will have the ability to construct any new buildings on the property as needed for campus expansion and student growth he said Proposed changes to IncomeTaxes: newaedltnr The voluitcer Income Tax 1 ensure adequate space for projected growths in student population he added The college will be leasing the property for the next two years as they set first priority into working to receive legislative funding for a new student activity center that may be Association Phonothon to fill and the callers an paid for their work Bliss said The calls are made from the Computer Business Building four nights a week from 6 to 9 pjn through the months of February and March If you an interested in helping with the phonothon contact Kathy Painter in CEU's job placement office for further information Bliss who is in charge of the phonothon feels this is one of the 0 1 994 the current school year The property will be very valuable to CEU to CEU Alumni by Brandy Bishop staff writer 1 returns Olsen added They do their first work long hand and then put the information into a computer program that checks far errors Olsen is the last to check the form and says "after this process of checking the work the forms are virtually error free" The class meets Tuesday through Thursday from 12-- 2 pjn in CBB room 236 Students are ready to help but will only be available until March 15 ASCEU Constitution ASCEU is proposing a change in the constitution concerning the executive council Currently the executive council offices one of consists of which is the executive This position was first introduced last year and is recognized as one with little responsibility ASCEU would like to combine two positions that of financial secretary and executive to make a council position This called financial financial handle would all position aspects of ASCEU The position will be appointed instead of elected Student Government is also proposing an amendment to officially change the annual ASCEU election from the first of spring quarter to the end of winter quarter This change will allow time to train the newly appointed officers The proposed amendment will align ASCEU’s election schedule with the other colleges and universities in the state The student body will need to vote “yes" or “no" concerning the proposed amendment on Feb 14 from 8 ajn to 3 pjn in the Student Activities Center five-elect- ed vice-preside- nt vice-preside- nt vice-preside- nt |