Show gratitude well expressed sault ste mane marie mich feb ath mr C L smith painter and decora tor whose home Is at ja anne street this city makes the following statement 1 I was laid up with some kind of pains some said it wag was lumbago others sciatica and others again rheumatism A few of my friends suggested that it was lead poison but whatever it was it gave me a great deal of pain in fact almost completely crippled me I 1 had to use two canes to walk about and even then it was a very pa naul task A friend advised me to try dodd dodds s kidney pills and I 1 began the treat ment after I 1 had used the first box 1 I was able to throw away one of the canes and was considerably improve ed the second box straightened me up so that I 1 could go about free from pain without any assistance and very boon soon after I 1 was completely cured well and happy without a pain or an ache dodd s kidney P Us seemed to go right to the spot in my case and they will always have my greatest praise teosinte and D illon dollar grass the tn ako tko 0 gr adest fodder plants on earth arth one good for 14 tons hay and the other 80 tons green fodder per acre grows every vl e e so does victoria rape yield ng 60 ibs lbs sheep and swine food per acre JUST IX I 1 STAMPS TO TRIB john A balzer seed co la crose wis and receive in return their big catalog and lots of farm seed samples W N U PUTNAM FADELESS DYES olor color more goods per package than others to cure a cold in one day take labat ve bromo qu nine fab ets all AU druggists refund money it it tails fails to cure 2 sas 14 hows this we offer one II undrel I 1 D are reward for any ny as of catar cater I 1 hat cannot be cured by ha ila I 1 a catarrh ou e F J chery CO to edo 0 0 we the unde code 8 ha e inov anu v F J cheney tor or the bat 15 1 ear nd ad eve h b on perfect y I 1 n rab drab a 0 la tit a I 1 bus n as an a t ne us and fidanc a y ob b e to carry out any ob g e 0 ads adebah by b firm WALD NB no h X AN MARY MARV N wh b e ened K ed SK av a elu lo 10 edo 0 US 8 ca ar cu e ak ac so ng a nob bob lent 1 aal c u fa es f the 0 n a ee I 1 e cents per aten bo tie in so 10 ya take ila H a bia b a y I 1 a ear f r cona cons da un on F I 1 ri 0 no Stua eito n amer ca there are at least 20 fil pino stu cents in american colleges 04 11 1 1 low A WOMAN WOMANS S MISERY mrs job john la rue ot of pater fater son avenue F pate a t e N J says bled tor for ak about nine years and what I 1 but suf terpy none will ever know I 1 sed used about every known remedy that Is said to be good for kidney con com plaint but without deriving perma nent rent relief often when alone in the house the backache has been so bad that it brought tears to my eyes the pain at times was so intense that I 1 was compelled to give up my honse hold duties and lie down dowil there were headaches dizziness and blood rush ing to my head to cause bleeding at the nose the first box of doane doan a pills benefited me so much that I 1 continued the treatment the stinging pain in the small of my back the rushes of blood to the head bead and other symptoms disappeared doin do in s kidney pills for sale by all dealers 50 cents per box loster oster 14 milburn co buffalo N Y lire mrs winslow a Sooth inor syrup tor per cht d en teetai g softens the guras reduces in t a pa a cures wind co in to a bogue art arli 1 lands land blado brado those parched dry arid plains ut of mont colo ariz idaho and other dry lands respond quickly and give a biff big yield when planted to a hanna barley macaroni wheat t 60 day earliest oats billion dollar brass and bromus above seem to flourish and laugh at droughts and arid and soils JUST SEND 0 IN and this notice to john A balzer seed co la crosse WIs for their bis bl catalog and farm seed samples W N U feet comfortable ever since 1 I stiff suffered ered foi for ear a with my feet A friend recommended aa 1 S 1 F 00 r EASE EASM I 1 used two boxes of the po ader and my foot have been entirely v camf camf ratable ever since ALT ALI EN S FOOT basl is certainly certain lv a pod god send end S to me wm W L bw S ton tan D 0 bold sold by all druggists bac i WELL POSTED A california doctor with 40 dearv I 1 experience in my 40 bears ears experience us as teacher and along bagle nic lines says a los angeles ghyst clan I 1 have never found a food ta t compare with grape nuts for far the bene fit ot of the general health of all classe classes ot of people I 1 have recommended grape nuts tor for a number ot of years to patients with the greatest success and every years experience makes in me more enthusiastic regarding its use I 1 make it a rule to always becom mend grape auts and food coffee in place ot of coffee when giving my patients instructions as to diet tor for I 1 know both grape nuts and can be digested by aurona As for myself when engaged in much mental work my diet twice a day consists of grape nuts and rich cream I 1 find it just the thing to build up gray matter and keep the brain brall in good working order in addition to its wonderful effects effiec ti as a brain and nerve food grape nut always a 1 w a y s keeps k e e p s the t h e digestive dl e organs ID in p perfect e rt e e t h healthy e a lt h y t tone on e I 1 carry a rr y it with me m e when w he n I 1 travel tra viel otherwise other wise I 1 am ant a almost 1 mo st c certain ert ain t to 0 have trouble with my stomach name given by co battla batt creek birli strong indo isei it rit ike I 1 ke the above from physicians all over the country have stamped grape N ts the most scientific foo fool ir t tie ie world there theres s a reason look in each pk for the faatin tan ous little book the road to Well vUle |