Show CORN MEAL IN j one of the most valuable of all trad trado secrets A year or so ago a man discovered a method of adulterating sausages and the odd part of it Is that it Is a healthful adulteration and the pure food people cant t kick on it the cy py material with rith which the sausage Is I 1 adulterated Is cornmeal A man d die covered a way of treating the corn meal so that it could be added to sausage and no one could tell tho tb difference As corn meal is 13 a good deal cheaper than meat leveal of the big packers were quick to adopt it as a an adulteration for the sausage they turned out and paid the inventor a big royalty but they finally kicked on paying the inventor and put their the experts to work rork to try to discover how he treated the corn meal the ex tailed failed to discover the secret but it Is said that elwyn blair of the blair mill has discovered the method of treating the corn meal and the packing houses are after him atcha son globe i |