Show ONLY RUINS REMAIN fire in bait mors more under control after fearful fidanc al at loss the district swept by flames in the city of Dalt baltimore imore comprises seventy five bled s and nearly 2 build n s the loss will deac i fully not a single life has been lost and not a human being has beon even danger bously injured the hospital list con sl sl of minor burns with I 1 the exception of jacob Ilgin gritz a fireman from york pa ra he has a fractured leg td and Is badly burned there has been little oi 01 no excite ment and there has been no hysteria there has been nr no disorder and there has been no looting or attempt at looting baltimore new now Is as order as a village and only the throb ot of the laboring fire engines and the boom of da d as it brings dangerous wall to the ground disturbs the quiet so far there has his been no call for aid proffers of assistance have come from many quarters from sister cities from corporations and from private citi zens the pres doat dant railroad station is used as barracks tor for the ml mi litia which is enforcing martial law the building caught fire a 0 times and whenever the doors were opened a inov er of part s was carr ed el inside 3 frank supple a competent a it hority bority on factory statistics leg estimates that the number of persona persons thrown out of emp cyment will beach fifty thousand others have estan ate I 1 the enforced idleness at greatly more the general assembly met at the state house at annapole s monday night to consider plans for the relief of the fire conditions in baltimore senator gill ot of baltimore introduce a bill authorizing governor ld to declare ten success ve legal hot days in the stricken city ao 0 o as to aid prop erty owners and oti e acs ics rs by the fire to get their business affairs in as good shape as poss ble the bill which was passed at once and signed by the governor also authorizes him to extend the suspension of business beyond ten days if necessary an expert the city building inslee tor estimates the loss in buildings alone at on the other hand it is said that insurance esti mates do not place the total loss at a r greater figure |