Show THE TES OF TIME mra mrs clara J sherbourne prole elonar nurse of 27 cumberland street portland maine says I 1 heartily wish those who suffer from some disturbed action ot of the kid would try doan deans s kidney pills fills they would yke me be more th thyi an surprised my bade back annoyed me for oars physician PhYSIC IA s w who ci diagnosed my caso case said ft from my kidneys when the grip wag epidemic I 1 was worn out with constant nursing i an 01 when I 1 contracted it myself it left me in a very serious condition I 1 could not straighten nor do the most trivial act without being in torture the kid were too active or the secretions secre tlona were too copious and I 1 knew what was wrong but how to right it was a mystery it seems odd tor for a probes nurse who has had a great deal of experience with medicines to read advertisements about doan deans s kidney pills in the newspapers and it may appear more singular for me to go to H 11 hay ray sons drug store for a box but I 1 did however and had anybody told me before that it was possible to get relief as quickly aa as I 1 did I 1 would have been loth to believe it you can send anyone who wishes more minute particulars about my case to me and I 1 will be only too glad to tell then personally As long as I 1 live I 1 will be a firm advocate of doans doan a kidney pills cure conf conformed amed 5 years later lapse of time has strengthened my good d opinion of doan s kidney pills first expressed in the spring of 1896 1 I said then that bad had anybody told me that it was possible to get relief as quickly as I 1 did I 1 would have been loth to believe it years have passed and mi my continued freedom from kidney complaint has strengthened my complaint ion on of doans doan s kidney pills and given me a much higher appreciation of their merits A FREE FRED TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured mrs sherbourne will be mailed on application to any part of the united states ad dress foster FosterM milburn lIburn co buffalo duffalo N Y for sale by all druggists price 50 centner cent per box to cure a cold in one day take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund money it if it fails to cure ma 6 I 1 E owe my whole life to burdock blood bitters scrofulous sores covered my body I 1 seemed beyond cure B B B has made me a perfectly well woman mrs chas hutton berville mich birg mrs winslow e soothing hooth lne for achl drea teeth as soften a t tbt beg g a reg red ces in flamma namma Uon tiou pain cure cures w wind ind col cot 02 a 2 CA bottle there is more catardi in this section of the country than all other diseases put together and until the last few ew years was supposed to be incurable for a great many years doctors pronounced tt a local disease and preset abed local remedies and by constantly railing failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and ther tore fore requires constitutional tut ional treatment treat mert hall s catarrh cure manufactured by F J cheney co cc ri oledo ohio Is the only constitutional cure on the market markel it is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful teaspoon tuL it acts sets directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the they oner offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls fails to cure send tor for circulars and testimonials address F J CHENEY CO GO coledo ohio sold by ac hall rau a family amily pills are the best riso a 8 cure for consumption la Is an a infallible Intall lM medicine tor for coughs and colda cold sN N W ocean grove N J peb feb 17 1900 you can do your dyeing in halt half an hour with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES the little folks love dr wood woods a norway f pine syrup pleasant to take perfectly i j harmless positive cure for coughs cough colds j bronchitis asthma I 1 |