Show 4 GETTING AT THE THC trutie TRUTH porter of burned establishment at last made a shrewd guess some time ago an unquestionably suspicious birr alre occurred in a ready made clothes store that was carried on in a certain locality of new york the fire was immediately pe reported ported 0 I 1 the office of the company with which the building and its contents were in and an inspector was lis patch ed to make the necessary ib iL eions the partner ot of the clothing firm was first waited upon and ques cloned and he mr nir abrahams by name informed the insurance official that it was his opinion that the lire fire was due to the electric light he con in fact that in some way the glow lamp wires had fused mr lir abra hams partner who happened to be a mr moses was separately interview ed on the subject and he also altri bated the disaster to electricity 1 b t incautiously particularized sparks from the arc lights as the direct cause of the mischief whilst returning to the office the inspector happened to encounter pat rick murphy who held the position of porter to the establish ment and thought he might now get an inkling of the true state of things now look here pat said he what Is really your own view of this awkward fire at abrahams your two governors seem to look at it in different ways mr abrahams says it was the glow lights and mr air moses says it was the arc lights what do A you think about 1 ita t 9 faith replied the son of erin reflectively 01 in inclined to fancy it must have been the israelites |