Show STILL WEARS HIS HEAD colombian colombians appear to be afraid to exe cute ge eral uribe cribe uribe according to news from colomb an conary sources a battle has taken place between the colombian government and the insurgent forces at agua ag ua duice dulce fhe the government gun boats Chuc chucuito and bogota were oa on their way hither to take over and con vey back with them tl a e war vessel which formerly belonged to costa rica and was purchased by the colombian government at its sale by auction early in september bep the bogota according to these there reports is now on her way war back to Par panama iams in a disabled cond t on as a result bof of the engagement five officers ceis and of her chew being said to have haie been killed the whereabouts ot of the revolution try axy gunboat P d ila a s unknown the costa rican authorities refuse ref to per mil mit colombia to aim the pods pads at this port and the vessel is being steadily w watched to see that no arms or ammu ait atit on are taken on board it appears that the sentence of death passed on the th a revolutionary general uribe e wl 0 recently capitulated to the gove ament forces was not carried out bem bea se general perdomo observed that beneral herrera II errera of the conary ai aimy my has fourteen government generals general as pr auers and he h might avenge the death of uribe uribe on them |