Show baw A SURPRISED PHYSICIAN A dying patient recovers through gli the interposition of a humble german chicago nov 15 some weeks ago dr G a very reputable and widely known chim living on C street was call ed od to attend a very complicated case of upon arriving at the lamse he found a man about forty years ot of age lying in a prostrated and serious condition with his whole frame dangerously affected with he painful disease he prescribed tor for the patient but tha the man continued to grow worse and on sunday evening he was found to be in a very alarm ing condition the I 1 nees and elbows and larger joints art greddy tuy inglam ed and could not be moved it was only with extreme difficulty that the patient could be turned in bed with the aid of three or four persons the weight of the clothing was so painful that means bad had to be adopted to keep it from the patient patients body the doctor saw that h s assistance would be of no avail and left the house the members of the family following him to the door weeping almost immediately the grief stricken ones were addressed by an humble german he had heard of the despair of the family and now asked them to try his remedy and accordingly brought forth a bottle of st jacobs oil the poor wife applied this rem edy dy the first application eased the patient very much after a few hours they used it agair and wonder of wonders the pain vanished entirely entire lyl every subsequent application improve ed d the patient and in two days he was well and out when the doctor called a few days after he was in deed surprised |