Show ghouls CONFESS CRIME point out graves la in indiana indians cemeteries which 11 ey had bobbed robbed rufus cantrell and john Me mcendree Endree leaders of the gangs of confessed of indianapolis have po anted out between thirty and forty graves which they said were robbed by them at the anderson cemetery the men told the detectives tl at about forty graves were empty in the anderson cemetery cantrell pointed out the graves of a woman and her daughter as among those which he had bad robbed hie ibe sexton sad sa d he always thought the body of the former was missing and that there were some persons who suspected her husband of being implicated cantrell said he stole the body of the woman by agree ment with her husband and paid the husband half of the 30 which a prom nent local phys cian clan paid for the cody at yorktown lork town N VV T a young Douk hobor woman of attractive appearance pe arance dressed herself in white cot ton with white canvass shoes und end proclaimed ed b herself er sel I 1 t the be V virgin r I 1 ID mary ary ciany many of the D I 1 bob r believe her story at ory and ehe sh may m y cause trouble trob leif if her ad advice vice I 1 is I 1 in t the he wrong d direction I 1 re e t ion |