Show BONI WAS BOUNCED anna gould a Il urband loses ilia ills seat in the drench french chamber of deputies after as an excia ng debate the french chamber of deputies by a vote of to invalidated the election of count boni de castellane aa as a mem ber of the house the question came up when the committee on contested elections presented its report without recommendation leaving the chamber to pass on the election M chauvin made maele a bitter attack on count de cast ellane declaring he be had bad been guilty of irregular irre gulant it es and saying that the count had accused h b a opponent of be ing German of descent and a dreyfus ard count de castellane replied classi cussing 5 the charges as false lie ile said he be had bad been accuse accused dof of buying the electon elect on and practicing charity for election purposes noth ng of the kind had ever been proved he declared and closed h s defense with an appeal to the chamber to uphold hia his election wh ch he be asserted truly represented the wishes of the inhabitants of the basses alpes d strict just before the count left the charm cham her berbe he turned and shouted defiantly gentlemen I 1 vall be with you |