Show NORTHWEST NOTES tl TI e total sl of wl eat cat from portland ore for tl e past weel acel avero bushels bushel S near castle pock rock c lo 10 a tra n struck a hand car kill ng tl ti iee tee men and ser bously injuring two others fhe all A ner can trio of ten pin bowlers in astor a ore defeated the olympia team by a score of 1849 to 02 3 6 james W kelly relly tl e butte editor who shot dr cayley 1 on tl e n of october bilth will be aira atra ened tied for trial on tl e the wife and cl id of charles L campbell were ki led at ashwood ore by the overturn li of a wagon in roand ng a sharp curve frank scott and john tyler both colored quarreled over a triv tn al abfal at M soula mont when tyler shot scott inal acting a mortal wound 4 jack dalton who arr ved at seattle from said that the stories recently started of the finding of pus sian boundary monuments is ground less ex city detective charles A ray of butte was stabbed by edward J daley a dancing deacler teace er during an election row in butte and died the following day J 13 harleson of the canadian pub lie works department who built the yukon telegraph line says the gold output in the I 1 lukon ukon this year will aggregate 12 the stage coach which runs bet between een ouray and I 1 ed mountain colorado went over an embankment and rolled down the mountain a de for a distance of feet len lea passengers were in aured ared burglars broke a E large a sl ow window of the simons dry goods store in butte and stole worth of jewelry E policemen were stationed within a radius of feet of the window when the robbery occurred in portland ore thursday of last week the sales of hops in that market were the largest ever made in one day the transactions trav factions included 1 bales of washington and of oregon hops at prices of 95 5 4 to 0 jj o cents per pound the county commissioners commisso ners have made a discovery whereby it is alleged that assessor nat mcgriffin of cascade county Mon montana tatia is short in his ac counts in a sum mating 85 5 it is believed he used the county s funds for his own use the supreme court of oregon dis barred bt raynor attorney for I 1 rank acdan el who was convicted of the murder of clara pitch fitch at portland three years ago the state bar asso elation brought proceed of fess ional conduct against A special from glasgow mont sas s that as a result of ill feel ag ng engen dered during the campaign united states deputy collector of customs james r stephens shot and instantly killed william humphrey during a pistol duel three bystanders were injured A deal is bract cally accomplished for the amalgamation of all the exten sive roaring flouring mill industries of the pacific coast it will take in the large plants of washington oregon and california and will call into existence one large corporation with a capital oi I 1 0 dr adolph lorenz of vienna ap feared in ill the lecture hall ball of the affidi abed colleges of the university of california and successfully performed without the use of a knife his cele berated operation for tl ti e cure of con genital hip disease treating two 1 atle fout year old boys george allison has been lost in the woods about cumberland D C since thursday he ile started after b g game with a compan on from quartz creek canyon the other side of comox lake half way up the mountain they sep abated to meet on the other side alii alit son has not been seen since james mcgeary the blayer slayer of william J evans has been placed on for his life at anaconda mont mcgeary shot and killed mr avans some months ago and after baini taken to jail he be de dared as bis his reasons for committing the crime that mr air evans had refused to adopt an invention which be he me mc geary had designed it is in BOW now generally believed that superintendent hagan eagan of the kalispell Kul Kal division of the great western railroad who was lost while hunting last week ie Is dead every effort has been made to discover the missing man a number of searching parties I 1 abing been out ever since he be d ed As it has been snowing in the mountains it la Is feared he has succumbed and that hia his body will not be found till the snow melts in the spring dr john reid of the memorial pres by terian church one of brooklyn a best known mm min was stricken suddenly in ii s pulpit just as he was beg nning a prayer his ills collapse was caused aused by acute indigestion and h 6 cond tion is reported as being serious after having been incased for six months in a plaster cast which cov ered I 1 is entire body except it a s head and the lower parts of his legs the rev horace porter v etna of a bicycle accident has returned to plymouth tb church brooklyn N i a |