Show TO TEST FLYING MACHINES dev ce erected at nice by an aero nautical cal expert of french army capt ferber has built at nice france the only aerodrome in the world this is a structure where fly ing machines can an be tested without danger it consists of a skeleton like frame from which airships can be suspend ed then the inventor can put them through any desired maneuvers with of this is laid another steel truss more iran ninety feet long this moves on pivots and Is exquisitely balanced A flying machine can be suspended to one arm and counterbalanced by a weight on the other then I 1 in n this position it can be maneuvered with out danger by having the steel arm set on a phot ph ot it is possible to adjust the mechanism so that it will bear ships of any weight capt ferber has now in course of 1 tic ak ite the assurance that no matter what happens there is no danger to him capt ferber who commands at nice the seventeenth alpine battery Is an expert on military aeronautics and a member of the aero club he holds it the least part of his achieve ments that he is an inventor he oon considers siders that he Is entitled to most credit for the willingness with which be lie makes tests of the airships in vented by others the aerodrome consists of a stel truss sixty feet high across ane too tod 44 construction the largest aero aeroplane he has attempted in it he included many new idea ideas that have been evolved in his years of study it Is confidently predicted that it will be advanced on previous mechanism of the kind it will be tested at the aerodrome within the next few months the french minister of war 1 is deeply interested in the experiments of capt ferber and has had him decorated for his services to the french army |