Show WARRING CHINESE plot to asnass nate three hundred celestials has been D sc two ot of the four chinese high binder societies presidents arrested in san francisco for alleged complicity in the killing of tom yick a member of the chinese educational on fri dax night have signed confessions in which they admit that a conspiracy ex isted among the different ramifications of the powerful see yup society to 0 put out of the way members of the educational organization that a price of was to be paid for the murder of each of those suspected of giving information to the police relative to the plans of high binders an and gam gain biers that was to be forth forthcoming oming for every other one of the me mem in bers put out of the way that in gold would be paid to the gun men and hatchet men tor for each one maimed that in the event of arrest and prosecution for the wholesale butchery the society would pay all the expenses of the defense and that in the event of conviction 1500 1 would be 9 sent to the relatives of the con rioted men in china |