Show 11 oab 7 1 7 q 41 P C 7 CA r C i T CC r r N Z g 1 11 4 iw all peruna DIC runa is recommended by fifty members of congress by governors consuls generals majors captains admirals eminent Physic physicians la clergymen Cler gym many mally hospitals fro and public ins titu lions ions t 0 and thousands upon at thousands har of those in the humbler walks of life fiefe CARBOLIC SALVE Z will prevent blood poisoning in cuts c m wounds sore sores bruises and heal them too 25 cents would you have TOOTHACHE for Z X 16 15 cents our jap anese tooth ache C M drops will rid you I 1 of both decostas LIVER z PILLS is health M insurance for C yv 25 cents a policy x A what is your health x worth all lung diseases start with a cough Z af f you will cough up M ft A quarter for a bottle 0 i of cough balsam I 1 a you pu 11 stop coughing japanese corn cure Z will rid you of a C M dozen CORNS for a quarter which do you love the best corns or quarter ALL DRUGGISTS OR OR FROM I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Z M a SALT LAKIE S P IE C I 1 A L we hae have secured the agency FOR FORM M J bra CO celebrated M 0 co choice NATURAL LEAF JAPAN TEA 4 the F car has just arr ej and vie are in a posit on to F 11 II A 10 I 1 0 dars ders P cm om ily HEWLETT BROS CO SALT LAKE CITY ua DIAH all tf sore eyes with use eye water W N U salt lake no 9 1903 cm at o 0 ELSE beat cottrll syrup las a in t me so d by d uve S R a DOSES 41 T A red LZ 10 kl uly CURE by PON 10 KITS ara V SOLO sh E E amm 11 12 FOR WESTERN big vi 31 war aa 1110 IL LJ 4 P new eighty Eight page illustrated catalogue free write today to day BARTELDES S 6 COMI CO 1521 fifteenth st denver colorado sa zer s rape gives rich fe fre d 1 at FARM ca wim a aa W SEEDS BALZER S SEEDS FAILI 1 tv ors proudest Pron dest r record ord of any on earth fand and yet yette we are cocu g oat for ino e he ace des e by ju y i t 9 0 more mm and hence this gnp ece dented offer 1000 fol joc joe i we ive wil 11 maa noon rece rec pt t ot f loo io in s tampa mpg k our onre amat reat catalo catalogue ue or W 00 to all a y M a awake f farmer u or cardenar car ar dener ener toj uj toy uy k taher v h joany farm r seed ea ap aple es alteo ho n beard bear es ess ba a e ey ir I 1 ron 0 n caje e e C pa ve y wo 11 aba to az t 9 a tw h iral iles 1 pon me e pt of but ab geld a in sumps 8 2 adt wo w I 1 ca aa to 17 A adato ato 0 E d AR A R s V when hen you plant vo eler elers s seeds you plant the beet best A pao pae e catt catalogue Catal llague osue tells all a I 1 nood n seeds sent free be sure and send f r it SEED CO SALT UTAH LAKE CITY 1 RELIABLE R ASSAYS go 00 ll 11 t a alo ami ver SIM ti W lead S 5 1 b d r ft V to r puan p um t re urus na n 0 m p pea ea ogden assay co 17 1 donver 5 arapahoe rapahoe RAP AHOe COLO ST when ailts kindly TIL ask tour your dealer for alien allen a foot root base ease A powder it rests the feet cures corus bunions en sore hot callous aching sweating feet and In Ing growing rowine nail aliens foot base ease makes new or tight easy at all druggists and shoo stores 25 cents accept ao no substitute sample mailed mum address alien S olmsted leroy N Y to cure a cold in one day tahe take laxative bromo quinine tablets all dropsy treated f free ree by dr H H green 8 sons of atlanta ga the greatest dropsy specialists tn in tie tl e vo id read their adver themert in another column of this maex how s chist 7 we offer one hundred dollars reward lor for ai ar y case of catarrh that cannot be cured by hall a 8 catarrh cure F J CHENEY CO props toledo 0 we the undersigned have known F J C chamy chemy h e n y tor for the last la years and believe belleve him perfectly r f aly h honorable in all bu fesq transactions and financially cialli cial lV able to carry out any obliga tiong made by their it farm rin west A truax wholesale dru Drug giste IsM toledo 0 walding kinnan marvin wholesale D ru 4 lodedo ohio hall s catarrh cure is taken internally act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces 0 the system testimonials sent tree free pric price 60 per bottle atle sold by all druggists hall s amily rills fills are the best besl A ban tan who can cant t open his jaws jar s haa has been sent to bellevue why not end send su such eh men to congress instead new york mall and express the public health department of paris estimates that there are 3 live rat rats in that city nearly 2 were destroyed last year mother gray a sweet powder powders tor for ChU children dres successfully sf ully used by moti er gray nur in the children a home in new now york cur cure constipation feverishness bad stomach teething disorders Dk orders move an I 1 regulate the tb bowel bowels and destroy NY orine over 30 te timon timo nials lale at all druggists ac 2 bampi sample address Add ressA A S 8 olmsted lenoy leroy N Y economy Is the road to wealth PUTNAM FADELESS dyb DYL Is the road to economy IT f e tilt 4 0 jaa 4 rm z f K tt 0 ft ler 14 0 et r ia miss rose peterson secretary park dale tennis club chicago from experience advises all young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex to rely on lydia E Ve vegetable gettal compound how many beautiful young girls develop into worn wom listless and hopeless hop elee women simply because sufficient attention has not been paid to their physical development io no woman la is exempt from physical weakness weal and periodic pain and young girls lust just budding into womanhood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally if you know of iny young lady who is side sick and needs motherly advice ask her to write to sirs airs pin pinkham bhain it lynn mass who will give her advice free from a source of knot oi ledge sledge which is unequaled in the country do not bout stating details ahi h one may not like to talk about and which are essential for j full understanding of the case miss fUs sHannah hannah E mershon ner shon collingswood N J says j 1 I thong thought ht I 1 would write and tell you that by following 3 your our kind adi achica achico ice I 1 feel like a new person I 1 nias was always thin and delicate and so weak that I 1 could hardly do anything menstruation was irre irregular ular 1 I tried a bottle of of your Vege vegetable compound and began to feel better right away I 1 con minued its use and am nowell now well and strong and menstruate regularly I 1 cannot say enough for what your me medicine acine did for me how mrs 5 Pink pinkham liam helped fannie kumpe ij DEAH dean MRS PINKHAM 1 I feel it is my duty to write and tell you of the benefit I 1 have derived from your advice and the use of lydia E Pink hims vegetable compound the p puma pluis luis 4 in my back and womb ha hat haie t e all left me and my menstrual trouble is corrected I 1 am very thankful for the good advice 5 ou cu gave me and I 1 shall recommend your medicine to all who suffer from female weakness miss fannir kumre 1922 chester st little rock ark dec 16 1900 lydia E vegetable compound will curo cure any i woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles inflammation of the ovaries kidney troubles nervous excitability nervous prostration and all forms of homana special illy ills RUNNING FOR COVER ORIGINAL I 1 c OILED MAN IN DLA WILL COVER YOU AND kit YOU DRY III THI sto g CH balz 00 TAKE NO A J CO MASS Us A at CO L a 1 CM WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS MILLION howarde 11 p w do of american americans bl ave 1 settled in western canada bur aur ug ng the past 5 years they are ight HAPPY 11 tm IND altous and tb there e re la to room 1 till l for fot aali 1 LIONS Wonder ru y e de do of wheat beat w and obber gra nit the best crazing lands on abe font cont nent magn fluent cl 01 ma ms e p enty of vater water and fuel good a e boo a ex ce ent ebur ches sp eddu ra way fac t es HOMESTEAD LANDS of ACRES ARES FREE WE treon the on charge forwe for wh ch cb la 10 for entry fiend send the to lo 10 v aar for an A laa and her as we lee for cert fl A ate e 9 vl ayou 9 you redu ed ra way rates etc superintendent of et arami amm ston at on ottawa canada pr to J W tay or sh sat t I 1 ake cl utah bled canad IB agen 1 t A C CANCER A N C M CAN CURED BE dr F 11 graduate erf of cooper med cal college ban 1 rand to blagg of J 75 has bas for the past io 1 years given spec fu PA at tent on to the trea ment of cancer and JA all case cases us 18 per tent have bave been effleeta 4 y and per nanen y cured ur vr clardl dg does not use a knife or caus lo 10 pas e but hie his treatment Is by the admin stra ion of internal interval bened es and local app caldone wb ch do not riot produce s ough or irritation on Os eer ot of the ch eh womb bladd r inject oes des itte t treated and ana cured A penn renn anent 04 0 ro re guar ante edin in al all I 1 c cases asea ap ed e CANCER CV CO 2408 washington ave ogden utah tah for and particulars parti eulars I 1 1 18 1 I 1 BUY BRAIDS 0 forthe lor the new now york evening news the dollar a ye yea daily easy aay to get subscriptions I 1 got la IS 15 in keep posted I 1 lait kukets tish Lons evarle po I 1 i ctr joe ion ph boirard jr the inoel mosi ignoll lamou w per man ill in america write writes exe asive 7 for usta ewi ork I 1 oward see inq alone f worta more than thin the entire pr ce of the paper ou yon on do ar r per tear year for a tie me roro itan da ly newspaper new paper SCOT 1 ed etor new york li evening mew news Broadway tori SPOND 00 WITH BROTHERS keat REAL ESTATE OFFICES OFFICE progress building sail salt lake city viah their office established 1871 we sell home and investments manage non resident property on email small commission collect rents etc ew write as us if you plate local ing la in bait salt lake now Is the time to buy before the new railroads arrive IW DISCOVERY elve gives 10 u q 1 1 ackre et of and curci cures worn worst eare book of tee nonty 9 and 10 treatment br H BOMB box atlanta 0 |