Show praise for judicial becis on judge hazen of kansas Is an orna ment to the bench he upholds with integrity the rights of citizenship and the privileges of happiness as vouch sated by the constitution almost in the same breath he decides that the bible may be read in the public schools and th that at theaters may be opened for the entertainment of the public on the sabbath day the chris tian van may not be without his bible where he will and the heathen may surrender himself to quiet pleasures as he may elect it is likely that botu both christian and pagan will quarrel with this eminently fair and unbiased decision each declaring that the goad good judge is pandering to superstition I 1 pray you said the beautiful theo I 1 dote what is superstition super I 1 station replied replie cT the wise socrates smiling miling benignantly is the other fel low a religion roswell field in chi cago evening post |