Show how it strikes an operator A coal operator who was at the capitol to day entered into an tion of why coal is high and as his statement seems to confirm some pub lie suspicions it is worth printing as he gave it his mine is in ohio some days ago the company of which he is a part agreed to sell the product at the mine at 1 95 a ton he was sitting in his office when several coal dealers appeared instead of asking his price a ton one of them exclaimed in a bold eager voice I 1 will give you for prompt delivery 4 a ton another in quickly I 1 will offer 4 50 still another jerked out nervously raising his voice to the th highest pitch and I 1 bid 5 a ton thus by over bidding they carried the cost price up to nearly per cent over the original price the operator had bad fixed the con sumer was only considered as a man to be supplied as rapidly as possible at ex halted prices new york tribune |