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Show Distributed to over 25,000 Families PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE DIRECTORY Barrington call to our Want Ad department will not only A MMMAMMMWWMMM Phone Bill & 255-03- 4 Harold Bill s sell your service, it will give you the most effective Buy-L- o results and the coverage you want. Careful, Quality Shoes CLOUGH'S AUTO REPAIR 9727 South SOEait 12617 So. 1700 Sandy, Utah pool refreshments electronic games 7800 So. 3200 i 1824 W . 12600 So. W. 255-980- im Satin Has Riverton, Utah night WEBSTERS, INC. PAINT A 0 Market Appraiaal GLASS Special 1972 Toyota Extra low Laud Cruiser. miles, brand new lircs. Sclec-In- i hubs, roll bar. bard top. rear healer, extra So elean. must see to fuel. believe. U.KtX) Just in time for l lie hunt. Call or after 5p.m. radio-stere- o 561-75- HELP WANTED Opening ncii rast m 4 Strict Tksff" Whirlpool Gibson LITTON 254-072- Free Checking No Minimun Balance required 1974 Liquid cool 440 Chap Snowmobile, only used one winter, excellent condition, 5 5750. call lose weight with New Shape tablets and Hydrcx Water Pills at West Jordan Pharmacy 20 gal. aquarium 520, hood and light 58 wrought iron stand- - 517, King-siz- e deluxe Water Bed - 580, call now Window open till 9:00p.m. Drive-u- 9 for beauty operator with some clicntcl if possible, full or part 6 time, Help wanted: adults interested earning extra money distributing papers to youth earners in Midvale - Sandy area ear or truek needed, will pay your gas and hourly wage. Call eireulalinn depl. Two e salesmen positions now available to sell advertising for the Caettc. Male or female good supplemental income for husband or wife, high school or college students. Call Randy at 6 cylinder Chevy 561-755- 1 7. INSTRUCTIONS Learn GullarS3.50 per lesson. Folk. Risk. Classical. Call 2 Bryan Russell 8073 South 1475 East Sandy Utah p Mon.-Fr- Save Plant hangers with plants, velvet pillows, rugs, 3 paintings part-tim- CARPETING I R U S 272-270- 5 561-75- VIEW SU ' phono' Hunter 254-398- 1 MOUNTAIN APPLIANCES STEAM EXTRACTION METHOD COMPETENT CARPET CLEANERS For qu oron toed work, lost service low T MISCELLANEOUS 10. in RUG ClEflJH J1 E Maiys Hairbeadcn 0 MlnjstetaMtssional 1 DRAPER 255-790- 2 lumiu 255-356- 561-755- - TRUCKS PUIMliM Golden West Realty 255-650- CARS 6. TWO LOCATIONS 254-392- 1 1Z7MH.17NW. 1 4 LUMBER ft HARDWARE WE NEED HOMES TO SELL Let ua give you a Free give us a call today. visit W1LLAS BARBER SHOP West Jordan 6 Phone liMishall hiurnw W: 254-99- 72 DIAMOND MIKES foosball help you with pert Want Ad writers your Ad. For your best spent advertising dollar will quickly tegular $20.95 Sale $15.95 Wrecker Service ex- 50-.- 525.00 Call 571-228- YOUR PERSON-TO-PERSO- 571-31- Mating, must sell at sacrifice Sandy. Ut. BANK N " engine 2 4 burial lots at Redwood Estates. 5600 including perpetual care. At this price you can afford to buy as an investment. Write 600 N. State 10. i. Open 9 am to 6 pm weekdays , 41 BUNK ORDER 84070 metal Detector Rayscope Latest model 5125 or best offer New Call WRITE YOUR AD HERE 255-437- 2 Tape recorder for sale. Excellent for sales presentations, home movies, learning and many more things! Includes Video tape recorder. batteries, AC converter, camera, tape,' TV monitor also attaches to home TV! Call Randy at Akal Video 561-459- Anil Aiuidc 561-069- 8 909 East 2100 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 McDOUGAL MEMBER OF MULTIPLE UNO DEVELOPMENT. LOTS FANMS INCOME PMPEIITIES .r, f FINANCING I'ttit CONSTRUCTION S. PROPERTIES nr 255 8744 BARBER SHOP 14 r. Httrai j Two Barbers stylist now, Rev Rogers, and Craig Day S2.IMI discount ' on S6.00 hair style Opening Soon 2 jdnip in. Draper appl. or just I W'aleh for our For J Jlbers KSOP KSOP AM-13- 70 . . DeAnna Ceramic Studio and Gift Shop cm the corner of 900 E. and 12300 So. Draper 12580 So. 950 K. call Call 571-228- 2 FM-10- 4.3 POA Mare: 3 years green broke, gentle. make offer 255-219- old, 575 or 1 P.O. BOX 15009 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 1U' MISCELLANEOUS SALE-TRAD- THUNDERKLOUD Be on our teai cause we have and the a great one CHIEFTONES We pay Boys And Girls to deliver the Deseret Gazette at Call Larry 561-755- or 561-518- t I A AAAAARAARAAAMVMM 4 Need Ditto Call GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Picrpont (250 So.) S.L.C. Your Name For Our Record Address Or Telephone No. or Mimeograph pay rash. Will 1 PETS 15. 1550 W. 7800 So. Five Cute cuddly kittens, box trained, in Sandy area, call 255-824- SB- - West Jordan, Utah 84084 HOT 5 See Rate Information in Box Below REAL ESTATE 17. SALE-TRAD- E 521-05- New tread highway TIRES and snow caps. 512.88 exchange. Same guarantee as new 3 year guaranteed tires. batteries 519.95 exchange. Used tires and rims 55.(X) up GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C. Broken Cookies, Save 23 cost great for nursery school, churches, or your own kids. Gel your 3 month supply now lOlhs. 11.50, Little Dutch Boy 12349 So. 970 E. Bakery Draper INCOME PROPERTY We are in need of rental property call us for fiw appraisal. Gnldoi Wbst Realtors 561-143- 1 255-650- 0 4 Paint fur dnwnpaymcnl; hdrms, full bsnit. family room eiirH'led, fenced yard, carport extra parking, only 21.500 or Call 299-597- 1 Owner-agen- 291-675- 9 t MARKET REALTY 3514 Market Street GazetteAds Sell Classified Advertising Information CHECK YOUR AD Classified and legal advertisers should read llicir ad the first day it appears and report errors not later than I0:0flam The Gazette will Monday. not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion and then only In the cxlcrit of a make good insertion or credit for that one line. The Gazette reserves the right to properly classify, edit -- 1 Need Ride In IVke Manufacturing. 1025 S. 7th W.. willing lu par, contact Sliauna Kccteh machine. E 521-05- BILLY MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 906-597- -- MAXIMUM POWER 1000 WATTS 1L FRUIT DRYERS, slicers, juicers, wheat grinders, apple parers, deep freezers, wheat. Stones to make your own electric wheat grinders, ready to mount on your motor. (REXS riKl flSBgj 9020 S. 2700 W. WEST JORDAN -- 0 music (lip this ml guild fur Imii I Kl I' giiini v iif Imisliiill nr S.5II nil till iiilinissinn In mi iini'iiiiil iIjihi' llinir. SMOKING OR DRINKING 8523 South Slate 255-986- Mcekeiiil. mil; Wholesale Prices SPECIALIZING IN SELLING YOUR PROPERTIES 561-14- Dilute In lite null Spanish Mcdflerruin deenr USTINGS BUYING CONTRACTS COMMERCIAL $.50 eff CANNON IMPORTS REALTORS Pure Washington Honey, 533.00 for 60 lbs., 528.00 for 48 lbs. call or refuse any advertising. WHY FIGHT IT? Smog, traffic, crowds when beautiful you can escape to a 5 bdrm. brick rambler on 1 13 acres In peaceful riverton Finished basement. 2 fireplace double garage, completely fenced. A real find! 4 Realm 561.4284 3 laud chance al this price; htlrm. full bsml, only 4 years or old: 526,500 Call 561-55- I Vi 30.500 Call 299-675- or 9 299-597- Child Care 2'i to 5 years old. varied activities, full or 0 half day. Draper. 571-635- se. Give yourself a break and buy this lovely 3 bdrm. brick home with full bsmt. West Jordan area with beautiful landscaping for only 128,500 . MCDOUGAL REALTORS 561-141- Dial 4 561-428- 561-755- 1 SPECIAL SERVICES 1 MARKET REALTY 3514 Market Street MARKET REALTY 3514 Market Street 19. only owner-age- 299-297- 9 0" V1S0& baths, carport, TIGHT SHOES HURT! So docs living in a small hou- MCDOUGAL 561-141- Contract Sale; 3 bedroom Brick rambler, nearly new. full bsmt Alteration Call Maria is what I do best. 255-918- 8. For all your rental needs. Contractor equipment, .vara tools, paiiy, wedding, sickroom. automotive equipment. Visit Taylor Rental. 9315 So. 700 East. Sandy. 4 or Mail To Place Ad OPEN RATES 1 bane 2 Issues 3 issues 4 ar more per woo 108 per won 107 per wort 105 per won S.10 SI. 00 Min. per week Commercial Classified Open Rate S.25 per line |