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Show Page 4 The Deseret Gazette John Price V- Hints For Tough Cleaning Chores few &; Shirley Farnworth Gazette Staff Writer By Work can be alot easier if wc arc aware of the. many different hints available, anything from eliminating paint odors to preventing clothes from freezing when hung on clothes lines during winter This week 1 have months. several surprising hints that can really help the headache of housework. Having trouble getting out If so perspiration stains? soak clothing in a salt water solutiim. Stains will come out alot easier. ' For those of you with husbands that c.'ime home with greasy, oily elothes. breath a CHEF CHUCK Thanks JOHN L. PUCE Wishes supported hies ta the youth who pet hi el the citizen that I Special thauke le the; J Wildlife Division Report indicate most of 12 good hunts also reported on Icelander Wash. Hatch Point and San Rafael Desert. Utah's big game hunts have been rewarding to nimrods. Four of the five moose permit holders on the Ogden River unit brought home bulls while, so far, 16 of the 20 permittees on. the Uinta North Slopes report success. Thirteen archery elk hunters report success so far according to John, which indicates that is was a successful hunt, perhaps better than last year. In 1974. 16 elk were taken during the archery season. Two of the five bighorn sheep permit holders took rams, although all hunters reOne ported sighting sheep. hunter passed up a legal ram because it was collared for a Division of Wildlife Resources research project. The largest ram taken scored 164 points on Boone and Crockett measurements and was the second largest ever taken in the state. The ram was teii years old and had worn down most of its teeth. The animal probably wouldn't have survived the winter, according to Rodney John, Division big game supervisor. Chef Hats Read? Well, girts, today 1 have the perfect dish for all you early morning curt in hair girs trying to fix your perfect family that 1 received from this wonder-recip- e Oh So pc red breakfast. one of my loyal readers. Faith McLaughlin. Thanks Faith for this week's spotlight breakfast, Swedish Pancakes. SWEDISH PANCAKES 6 eggs 1 pint milk 12 tsp. salt Big Game Success Reports October 10, 1975 e. now, pins 1 T. 14 2 T. sugar Up. baking powder . Soak clothes sigh of relief. for 15 min. in hot water containing one half cup of household amonia, they win come much cleaner. Ever had gum stuck on you childs clothes. Im sure most have. A easy way to remove gum is by first softening with egg whites, then wash. With winter approaching, we'll be experiencing freezing weather. Last winter did you ever go out to the clothes line to bring in the clothes only to find the clothesline, pins and clothes practically frozen? To prevent freezing, dip clothespin, and clothesline in salt water. (Living near the Great Salt Lake could have its adAdd salt to rinse vantages) water and clothes von't freeze. ROMEOS MOij & any MEDIUM, or SICILIAN PIZZA. Also tho PASTA-PA- V. Turn on clcctrii Blend all together by hand or blender. frying pan to 415 degrees or heat tegular fry pan. Butte, Cook on boll, pan and pour batter in to make a thin layer. with in section. Butter, sides. Cut powdered sugar sprinkle Roll and cat. ' lOPEN water to just think, about it. Try this dish and I assure you a better morning. Its not hard to make this guarantee, ladies, after all I am Yumm....Just makes machine. Especially when you're trying to entertain comPlace a foam rubber pany. mat under the machine. The mat win absorb vibration and sound and you can enjoy peace again. If you want a safe, cheap, good bleach, use lemon juice. A mild solution is made with a cup of 15 percent alcohol, a drop or two of glycerin, and the juice of a lemon. There's nothing more annoying than a noisy washing LARGE K AkU-iltowhSa- l1, 11 A.M. DAILY my clever little mouth MELBUAMS Chef Chuck FACTORY SHOWROOM Custom Upholstered Furniture What we don't build - Baby Contest Icly "V1 dhcount price, . ndiTOns md uphokKnd EXCEPTIONAL BUYS ON UNSHIPPED STOCK!!!! Baby snapshots will be judged weekly by a panel of judges. Weekly Grand Prize winner will be chosen by the public. winners will be published by No middleman costs , 561-77- 52 Tiu2) RULES The other animal, which was seven years old, scored 157 points, making it a good trophy animal, also. The largest ram taken in Utah was harvested in 1967 and scored 168 points. 1. alette 0 Send 3027 W. 7800 So. SZSSSSEBBBBBSS8BBDBD09BBQQHQQHQBR&mu WANTED snapshot Weat7M0 g 2. entry fee Wcs Jorf, Uuh 3. Baby must be under 2 years of age v Sofa el 51-0- FIRST PRIZE 6 month supply of baby food 1 month diaper service 525.00 woth of baby clothes and many other prizes!!! Judging will begin this week. Send yours in Now Field checks on the Parker Mountain antelope unit showed 80 percept success, with Investment 52500 working or non working Sowfij Growing , ' Call 571-155- 2 Wed. Frt 8 am to 10 pm Tukes Than Sat 8 am to 5 pm 9 am to 5 pm S.V v SAMI Save V I-i- s 12 up to list V iXSXYlMSlX V Us'A.V IBSVAIIKV.V I MSTW I by doing your own upholstering mmaaawmaa 2 BLOCKS VISIT OUR J f 54 REMNANT TABLE All types and sizes of fabrics at a fraction of the original cost . perfect for Christmas gifts purses stuffed an use your imagination LOOSE WEAVE DRAPERY FABRIC $4.49 to $4.98 . HUNTER'S SPECIAL HERCULON SOUTH OF FASHION PLACE MALL I 1 SHAG FURS could sell for as high as $22.00 but at remnant house $2.49yd. V lV 2x12x12. ..$.28 each Beautiful patterns '& colors to choose from 6x1 8x18... $1.97 V IMS ALL SIZES I NAUGAHYDE VINYL COLORS Poly-Fortr- el blends reg. $1.98 " Denim 54 $9.95 yd. as low as $1.49 yd. V IMS each ALL DRESS GOODS 50 OFF ALL v v ims J POLYFOAHj elsewhere One Week Only Oct. 10 - Oct. 17 cushions valued to 10.00yd. J BEAUTIFUL only Recover ss those worn zz camper wide V IMSX V I9S v I LftrrojammM reg. $1.98-3.4- 9 Polyester knits reg. $4.50 umv miinsrcy 9S"VVI9SVI9S,VI nncmBEB J |