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Show Page 2 The Deseret Gazette October 10, 1975 SOUTH A JORDAN- woman drowned in a bathtub at a friends home Tuesday afternoon when she apparently suffered a seizure. Sandra Ruth Moore, had been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moilgatc, 9920 Florence Dr. for about a month since returning from Alaska. Paramedics worked without success for more than 45 minutes to revive the victim after she was pulled from the tub. SANDY- - 3500 members of the Utah School Employcss Assn, will hold its annual convention Thursday and Friday at the Union Jr. High School. 615 Fast 8000 South. Sessions both days began at 8:30 and included clinics and seminars for school personnel involved in secretarial work, transportation, and those serving as teacher aides. , MIDVALE- - The Raza Unida Party will hold its second state convention in Midvale Sunday at pni at St. Thcresc Catholic Church. 122 South Allen. The main purpose of the convention will be to discuss The group is not a support for a gubernatorial canidatc. Utah a candidate so they run cannot in and registered party will support a canidatc who supports chicanos. SALT LAKE- - Gov. Calvin Ramplon formalized his offer of reward for cattle mutilation arrests and convictions by signing an executive order setting forth the offer's terms. The reward is authorized under state law where a felony is involved. In the event more than one person supplies the vauable information leading to a single arrest and conviction, the commissioner of agriculture shall determine how the reward is to be divided. 1 WEST JORDAN- - Bardc Howard Beckstcad. .18. 8037 South 2360 West. West Jordan, was bound over to 3rd District Court, where he was arraigned Friday. Bock st cad. sentenced to Utah State Prison earlier in September for sexually assaulting an II year-old boy. waived his preliminary hearing in Salt Lake City Court on charges he forced a boy to submit to sodomy. Bcckstead was denied any bail by City Judge Paul G. Grant and is currently in jail. -- WEST JORDAN- - Raymond J. Abcyta. 35 3055 West 8600 South has been charged with aggravated assault in a complaint signed by Stanley Parkin. Bail was set at S1500. The complaint stems from an incident Oct 1 in which Linda Abeyta. 30. Sandy, suffered a scalp wound from a bullet. ALTA- - Three persons have filed for the two posts on 'the Board up for election this year in the municipal Alta Town elections. Both incumbents. Charles Morton, manager of Alta Ski Lifts, and Jim Shane, owner of the Gold Miner's Daughter, have filed. Also joing them is Thomas Plofchan, owner of the Phot-haus- c. er Knock on Wood a liberated women's viewpoint by Laurie Wood to federal law, are entitled to know what's in your credit record. What's a Credit Record? Who records a Credit Record? What can you do to change According you an entry you might dispute? Credit is a necessity in our You sophisticated society. can't cash a check without a major credit card and someNot everyone can times two. get credit, and in the past single women were considered a bad credit risk. However, the picture is slowly changing. The criteria for credibility has now become the capacity to repay the account. Taken into consideration is your job. length of time employed, salary. other debts, residence: Whether you own or rent and length of time there. And of course, other established credit accounts and references. Most everyone who extends credit is Bureau of Salt Lake. According to General Manager of Credit Bureau of approximately 975 subscribers including panics, department stores, clothing stores, furniture and Companies such as utilities or inappliance stores etc. dividuals such as doctors and dentists are not involved with' credit bureaus. The credit bureau keeps files on individuals, and most records arc computerized for even greater convenience and for an time. Credit bureaus do not classify an individual overall credit rating, but rather has an entry for each account. There may be as many as 20 or 30 entries and a profiled For instance: an open account status on each account. shows prompt payment, a stisfactorily paid account shows jut that, or a 60 days dcliniqucnt with a date when the account was brought current will all be rclectcd in the credit rating. The The file is detailed and will review a 7 year period. You exception is bankruptcy which will show for 14 years. are entitled to know what's on your credit record. To find out write Credit Bureau of Salt Lake, P.O. Box 1598. Salt Lake City. Utah 84115 and include full name, address, phone number, and social security number. Or you can obtain the information by visiting their offices at 165 West 2950 South and 4:30 pm Monday through between the hours of 9:00-aIn order to protect your There "is no charge. Friday. privacy, proper identification is required before disclosures are given. In order to establish credit, and you arc divorced or widowed, apply for credit where you've had accounts in the If you're married, its a good idea to have several past. if you work and add to accounts in your own the income. If you have never had a credit card or account, start small at a place you regularly shop, or where your family might be known. Try your bank. They're probably the best reference you have and each bank offers some type You have to begin of card for which you might qualify. Don't get discouraged if you're turned down b somewhere. a major department store or bank. Try again in six months. Laws arc changing like the new Equal Credit Act and the Fair Billing Act. So try try again. Good luck and remember CHARGE the moto: n cord HUNTER- - An electrical short caused by a strung from a house to a frame shed in the backyard caused a $6000 fire. John M. Hailes, 6650 South 2200 West, lost wind-blow- ' Business Profile Gazette Welcomes Dental Plaza to. Valley A new Dental Plaza has opened in West Jordan featu-in- g the newest and modern equipment that money can buy. The plaza located at 2414 West 7800 South was built by Adventure Homes Inc. The building will house dentists and other doctors con ncctcd with dentristry. The building will feature an machine which is This machadvanced. of the entire ine lakes jaw and surrounding bone str uetor. This type of machinery is valuable because it can detect early diseases that would otherwise not be detected unThis til a much later time. time, in some cases, could make the difference of life or death for the patient involved. which All the equipment has been installed is the very latest in design and function. This is the first professional ' dental clinic to come to West .e .Iordan. The Gazette extends a welcome to West Jordan's newest professional plaza and hope ext-ivm- , The recently completed West Jordan Dental Plaza is now open for business another vital link in their total health care program. 'Jordan Valley-resident- they have success new clinic. in their urc Wood a member of Credit Mr. Clyde Tooman, Salt Lake, there arc banks, finance com- - sficVcuqal VS rut Jordan Mortuary fl""' 561-028- 1 STOCKS LAST ' Old Fashioned Favorites Swccl Adalines To Present Musical In commemoration of the Bicentennial, the Salt l.ke Chapter. Sweet Adelines. Inc., will present a musical on Friday and Satproduction. Happy Birthday America urday evening. October 10 and II. 8:00 pm, at the Utah. Technical College. Calvin Ranipton Building. 4600 South Redwood Road. Salt Lake City. Headlining the show will be The Peoples Choice, Bountiful Chapter. 1974 regional quartet champions of the Utah State Fair. The Salt Lake Chapter. Sweet Adelines Chorus, directed by Dr. Jay J. Campbell, will also ring a few nostalgic chords with melodies depicting days gone by, along with songs keyed to a modern day tempo. Show chairman is Bcrnicc Spencer, 12755 South 1300 EAst, is Lois Ballard. 12535 South 1300 Draper, and East. Draper. Utah. Tickets can be obtained by calling or GRANGER- . 262-021- 7753 QouHi (700 West and offers 3 29 Flavors n.mc-espccial- Parking WHIl His in merchandise in addition to the $1000 shed. fire. in died the in was which the shed, dog, TAYLORSVILLE- - Because of litter left in parks this summer, the Salt Lake County Recreation Board Wednesday ruled dog shows will no longer be held in County parks. said he has received Gary C. Swensen, superintendent, early warning from neighbors complaining about the barking dogs which have been taken into the parks the night before the shows. He also stated that the producers of the shows have failed to clean up the parks after the show leaving dog droppings, hair, papers and other form of litter in the parks spoiling it for others for several days. $5000 278-888- Served Parlor Style |