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Show The Deseret (iazciin- - (Kii'lu-- 975 10, Pattc 3 Carousel Opens at Pioneer Memorial Theater by Frank and Carrie Connolly stop a show to applaud the scene changes, but it hap and more than once pened Carousel currently showing during the performance we at the Pioneer Memorial Thewitnessed. atre and directed by John The choreography was also Nina Janik headed excellent. Fcamlcy shoud be an excellent production now. We saw this department and is to be it on its second night and it commended for her innovative hadn't completely "jelled" Howand artistic creativity. but the potential was there ever she did include a few and given the additional week steps that were more than of rehearsal (performances) -esuggestive and perhaps in bad The scene on the taste. specially for the orchestra it should be s real winner. beach where Louise, the 15 Probably the biggest drawyear-ol- d daughter of Julie and back, aside from the orchesBilly played by Kitty Lynch, tra. was the slow beginning. danced her life story was After a short overture the exquisitely done. The pathos, curtain rose on an amusement joy, and bewilderment of a park, but the orchestra conyoung girl were beautifully tinued to play and the entire portrayed. scene proceeded with no diaRobert Peterson as Billy start Larry Bastian, the logue. Bigelow got off to slow but rapidly warmed to his role conductor, tried in vain the whole evening to hold the and gave a thoroughly enjoyorchestra together and the His own able performance. discordance was obvious even special interpretation of his to the untrained ear. This musical numbers coupled with his beautiful voice make him coupled with only action on Most an excellent performer. stage made the characters seem more like caricatures -outstanding were his rendit ions of "If 1 Loved You" and only shadows of real people. It wasn't until the second the "Soliloquy." scene where Julie and Carrie Marilyn Kay Caskey has a were walking home from the lovely voice but didn't quite seem to fit the traditional role park that things started to for example when conic to life and the audi of Julie cncc had something to idenshe was supposed to be 16 tify with. years old, she seemed more The most outstanding part like 32 and her hairdo also of the evening was attributabelied her age. However she ble to the special talents of was excellent in the scene Ronald Crosby. His sets were following her husband's death Gail Christensen as Carrie nothing short of works of art. It is rare when audiences will was outstanding; her voice Entertainment writers -- - entary School in Sandy get set to watch a film showing hazards they might come in contact with in their neighborhoods. Insert is the poster found in many homes where children can get immediate help. Helping Hand Can Be Found Children Learn H.E.D. Kcdford us Jigger also had a slow start hut lu too warmed to the role am) for M.i . -- Children in the elementary grades in Sandy are learning about a new program started by the PTA. Vicky Fulkerson, safety chairman for the PTA, stated that the whole purpose behind the helping hand program is to be able to help a child who needs help without the child having to go home. Signs have been installed in various homes around the school childrens neighborhood. The signs show that the home is were the child can go if his in need of assistance. ' The program which has been implemented in the Jordan School District is now in the process of getting started in other school districts. The children as pait of the training program view films and receive literature to help them play it safe. The film and booklets received caution the children about meeting an talking to strangers and shows them what to do in the event they arc confronted with a stranger. -- How The Wile); - Alf ( yi TV SPECIALS SATURDAY October 11 CBS Children's Film Festival 11:00 (KSL-5- ) World Series Baaeball Game I 1 12:00 (KUTV-2- ) Two Gun Sheriff Rey Rogers Presents 3:00 (KUTV-2starring Don Red Berry Dirty Work 4:00 (KUTV-2- ) starring Laurel and Hardy The Mechanic 8:00 (KUTV-2- ) Vincent starring Charles Bronson, Savage Wilderness 10:30 (KTVX-4- ) starring Victor Mature, Anne Bancroft Champaign Murders 11:40 (KSL-5- ) starring Anthony Perkins SUNDAY October S. L. MONDAY October 13 Across the Wide Missouri 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring Gark Gable, John Hodiak Monday Night Football 7:00 (KTVX-4- ) St. Louis vs. Washington Charro 8:00 (KU1V-2- ) starring Elvis Prcscly Country Music Association Awards 9:00 (KSL-5- ) FRIDAY October 10, Sweet Hostage 8:00 (KTVX-4- ) starring Linda Blair, Martin Sheen The Raven 11:30 (KTVX-4- ) starring Boris Karloff Ibe Cobweb 11:40 (KSL-5- ) starring Richard Widmark, Lauran Bacall TUESDAY (KUTV-2- Leslie Uggams far Concert 9:00 11:30 by Chay Thomas LcSucr Entertainment writer ) Something that's been overlooked in the valley here arc the theatres whk.h bring us the good old fashioned films of yesteryear. The and the Blue Mouse are two such theatres. Both are owned by Art Proctor a man who really cares about these priceless films. If you like a movie, all you have to do is tell them and these two theatres have been known to book a film solely on the requests for it. If you get tired of the humdrum and find that Bronson, Bedford or Newman just dont do anything for you anymore, try Cooper or Gable, The Marx Brothers or Abbott and Costello. These are truly the kind of films that can make you laugh or cry and I'd even bet that when you (KUTV-2- ) (KTVX-4- ) Wednesday Movie of the Week THURSDAY October 16 Dark City 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring Charlcton Heston World Scries Baseball Game 45 6:00 (KUTV-2They Only Kill Their Masters 8:00 (KSL-5- ) starring James Garner Paul Williams In Concert 9:00 (KUTV-2- ) Staff I KharS N. McDousal WEDNESDAY October 15 Three Guns For Tesas 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring Neville Brand, Peter Brown World Scries Baseball Game 44 6:00 (KUTV-2- ) Ipcress File 8:00 (KSL-5- ) starring Michael Caine, Nigel Green Haunts of the Very Rich Qualified Always Available October 14 World Series Baseball Game 3 6:00 The Young Lawyers 7:30 (KTVX-4- ) starring Jason Evers, Michael Parks. Tom Jones in Concert 9:00 (KUTV-2- ) Too Easy to Kill 11:30 (KTVX-4- ) Wide World Mystery 12 NFL Football 10:30 (KSL-5- ) Chicago vs. Detroit Philadelphia vs. Miami World Series Baseball Game 2 11:00 (KUTV-2- ) Invisible Mans Revenge 1:30 (KTVX-4- ) starring John Carradine, Jon Hall Pro Football 2:00 (KUTV-2- ) The Stronger Wore A Gnu 3:00 (KTVX-4- ) starring Randolph Scott, Lee Marvin Cinderella Liberty 8:00 (KTVX-4- ) starring James Caan, Marsh Mason Colombo 8:00 (KUTV-2- ) starring Peter Falk The Delphi Bureau 11:30 (KUTV-2- ) starring Lawrence Luckenbill, Celeste Holm Adolf Hitler:. A Portrait of Evil 11:45 (KTVX-4Wide World of Entertainment Offer Great Variety Stranger At Sunrise 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring George Montgomery, Deanna Martin ) Theaters ) come out of the theatre you would even know what the movie was about. Incidcntly if you haven't noticed. Trolley Theatres have opened up a brand new theatre downtown. Formally the Rialto, Trolley Theatres have fixed it up and given it the name Midtown Trolley. Those of you who remember what the Rialto looked like will be pleasantly su prised by what has been done inside. Incase you've ever wondered who docs the paintings which the three Trolley theatres, it is Dale Christensen, manager and just about thing else you could there at Trolley Theatres. This guy's so busy I'm beginning to wonder if his name isn't really Howard Hughes, because nobody ever hear from him anymore!! Are you listening Dale? TaTa re listings Th:u ' I'l.ncctii'li R. David McDousal (j'a.i (i.ii lii' biw.'.' ( Our Diuosors and Cinderella I Ra.vr r 'is West Jordan Mortuary . ' VdV-- i 2- b.oipiing Gang - M1 ( ..i; . - .tnv. ' r Invisible i.'.i In. 4 v.'i:'.3- "r unfighlcr i - f i ! O. r flinnsors lit. ivi'. ,i Hire . "I 5l ' .in .mil i Marys tiu-e- i Msl.i- -n - M I lardy :I5 ;1" Dumpling Gang ;mii Hotel Balderdash ) Weekdays 7 am s T W Open .4s Starts 7:15 Fieiiuigs One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing and Cinderella Adults $1.50 Children $.75 Student with card $1,110 SERMIGE Mm Deer Hunters Specials 1973 Pontiac V6 CJ 1966 5, 3 speed Hard top roll bar, hubs $2488 3782 12 ton ps. auto traps. . .air cond. $2888 WnSnolwv Z $2988 7i CJS. OIL M wanes 777 7IWMMIM 1973 Ford Ie Mans, 9 passenger ..iatkm wag., ps, ph, ac, stereo, real dean WILLY (BB CJB V-- B 1295 73 l orn Ion. One of Our Dinosaur is Missing Il US tank Cinderella 22 24. I'tekup hm Sal M.ilimv 2 pm 1973 Ford Torino 2 dr. H.T., ps, ph 2SO-3-4 1 Starts $2888 food Ml ctloii of goedru iming arhaal drill pickups and umd cars' ThaTB Modala i Wall Disney's Pontile feature pd WB W7LL DKUVKR Opan Msnday thru Saturday Oct M iliru Ibi; Winlcrliawli ami I Bootleggers and Movies Each Week Nite 7:30 and 9:00 pm ("inning 0 i t Interspace Connection |