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Show THE Wednesday, April 24, 1974 MRK CITY Building Moratorium Lifted GQMION Page 10 TOBOGGAN RACE shall. The Council moved to establish a contract between the city and Park City Ventures. The mining company requested the contract so that it can begin work on the Judge Tunnel water project. The cost of the project will be approximately $200,000, $150,000 of which will in all probability be state financed. The balance of the cost will most likely be derived from prepaid water hookup fees. approaching the bible's few within thit girting night where awareness dart beyond tali mirrog blind math sinking dogger teeth af the east into the belly of my soul no blood shows from the rip that is a gash of challenged experience I ask in panic of fear tear heart torn anguish a scream of loudness falling . silent on fhoso around me Concerning these prepaid fees, Mr. Warren King, President of GP-Cpresented six projects for which the Resort is prepared to make prepayments at this time. The projects are as follows : 1) The Sheraton Hotel which will contain 200 rooms, a restaurant, convention facilities, and small stores, and will be located at the base of the Three Kings Lift. The proposed fee would be $31,500; 2) The Destination Resort Condominiums which will be a 75 unit project at the base of the Three Kings Lift. The proposed fee was given as $26,250 ; 3) The Comestock Associates Hotel which will have 160 rooms and will be situated on the southeast corner of Highway 224 and Highway 228. The fee was given as $26,250; 4) The Clockwork Condominiums which will be a 34 unit project with a restaurant. The fee proposal for this complex, to be located across from the golf course and the GPCC registration building, is $12,600 ; 5) The Unionamerica Lodge, a 10 unit group, to be built between the Crescent Ridge Condominiums and Uie Clementine ski run. The suggested fee is $3,500; 6) The Holiday Ranch which consists of approximately 100 lots for single family dwellings. The proposed hookup fee was given as $35,000. The total sum of these prepaid fees would be $135,000. C, con-dominu- im In another water related matter, the Council granted GPCC permission to explore the possible development of the Spiro Spring wrater source. This study will be financed by GPCC with no expense incurred by the city. ; The Council voted to accept an out of court settlement of $8,575 for water and sewer hookup fees from Skivations, Inc. The settlement concerns the Edelweiss II which was granted a building permit when the old fee schedule was effect but which attempted to pay for water and sewer hookups after the new schedule was made operative. The old fee cost would have been $1,200 as opposed to a new fee cost of ot hmhina mil ini" tin- - I smiH-snin- the knife of comedown Is hr .iiimin hi tlriittn a sightless awareness vrt. yiiu harr matlr mhrrs frrl nrrlmmr in thi hintur Hour I am Ihr imly umrrliiimriiHr. sunless with woes gray the questions answered the circle of the mind having made the question the answer RUGBY CLUBl jj PRACTICES III There can only be a grin acceptance struggling with desires that will sigh a tomorrow the apes wall threatened but intact prolonging approaching Inevitables In this morning while a dead man's horn sounds a brothers' pulse T uesday & Thursday 6pm SUNDAY at NOON vV V FOR FINE JEWELRY j I grin and there is a Hash in my shrug My gesture is os nocossory os It Is futile. Nell Plummer NATIONAL SALVATION gold, silver, and 3 Co out'6 ARMY WEEK just rings REASONABLY PRICED HANDCRAFTED RINGS well in the race. 13-1- semi-precio- stones us ON MAIN STREET GIFTS OF DISTINCTION 363 9 MAIN STREET Nordic Ski Touring Co. RENTAL SET SALE Remember the $34,000. In other business, bids on the Park City Improvement District will be accepted as soon as legal encroachment matters are settled. The original date set for bid acceptance was May 7th, but this may have to be postponed. It was established that a public hearing on the Lowell Avenue-Empir- e Special Improvement District will be held May 25th at 7:30 PM. Councilman Leon Uriarte of the Recreation Committee announced that the Park City Recreation Board has hired Kathy Kocinski as Recreation Director. Mr. Bill Rixey appeared before the Council to request a letter of confirmation concerning the lifting of the moratorium. The letter was needed for presentation to Small Business Administration for funds approval. Mr. Rixey plans to build a new China Bridge Hotel at Main and Fourth Streets. $50 G. Ingval r See Tim Palace Flophouse Lobby Tofson Kran 649-859- TTTTVy V VWWWW 4 8900 WWW NT - FEATURING THE ONLY CHINEESE FOOD IN TOWN! POOL SANDWICHES COLD BEER ITALIAN CUISINE WILL BE CLOSED until Memorial Day VV y V for an instant the pulse Is the tide that licks and laps and laughs at the tremors that are my foundation Although they anticipated 'a festive social exprience, the patrolmen were very serious about performing MAY Irarr, anil nn imr rlsr iMiiifiir in li r hrtl. my mind searches the blackness for the railing of return there Is no railing In the despair of a calendar without care here I have stood here I stand curious and unsteady upon a shadow. respectively. The team planned to take both a wood and a plastic toboggan, and a hot waxing maching on the trip. The wood toboggan, though brand new, was rebuilt for the competition. Snow conditions dictated which tobbogan was used. Sponsoring the team are GPCC and various Park City business and residents. K2 provided skis for the contestants. . Jill. and In the fear of the steps beyond the stairs $150 r nf hi ruHlusinn nl unnrinii nut nf It is a nerve thread twilight a vibrant taunt string into the day $250 $200 and Ihr iiiiulnir I mi was offered with second and thrid places worth in liis iintM rmmi i i nn wr him stunilinu at of whispered truth for my visions question In voids concern a joke of color that Is a breast caress like velvet pollen leaving me with a smile beyond my imago. toboggan. first place prize of Irll urrr are there no flowers to tell me with a breeze breath nod the best time winning. No passengers are placed in the A mcfniiiiliii hjtuH hil li nil in ihr niuhl l.illint: in ihr ilrnl Innrd a i ENDLESS NIGHTS VIEW Seven members of Park Citys Ski Patrol left Friday evening for Alpentall, Washington, to compete in the Washington Invitational Ski Patol Toboggan Race. The event, held Sunday, was open to professional and volunteer ski patrol members from all over the United State but the majority of contestants are usually from the Western States. The Park City contingent is comprised of John Hale, Bill Dezel, Tim Mertens, Doug Van Houten, Bill Plummer, Dave Bodner, and Walt Ludlow. It was uncertain at the time of departure as to how many entrants would be allowed to compete from any given area. The contest consists of an individual partolman pulling his toboggan through giant slalom gates at the top of the course and then racing downhill on the lower segment of the course with The City Council voted to lift the building moratorium at its April 18th meeting. The motion to lift the ban, which was made by Councilman Jan Wilking, has several conditions attached. The conditions are as follow's: 1) The builder must agree to liability for building permit fees which have not been established; 2) The builder must agree to liability for water and sewer hookup fees which have not been established; 3) The builder must agree to liability for a possible impact fee (assessment based on the impact any building will have on public services); 4) Building plans must conform to the Master Plan; 5) New water hookups will not be made operational unless the citys water supply is increased; 6) The State Board of Health must agree to an increased sewer flow to the sewer treatment plant; 7) Building plans must be approved by the State Fire Mar- Tun-nelTheri- POETRY CORNER Open Seven Days A W.eek Til Closed MAIN STREET We open early and we close late. 6:00 a.m. until midnight, Mon. thru Fri. 6:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., Fri. and Sat. BREAKFAST i - LUNCH - DINNER and FAST, TAKE-O- UT Phone SERVICE! 649-99- 34 Jim Goo, Prop. A A - AU i ; 4 |