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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., August 15, 1969 TSCT Hubert R. Tate, USAF, accepts his cerQUIT! tificate of retirement following years of sen-icto die Air Force from COL Robert Muldrow, USAF, commander of DTC. 1 RETIRES LTC John C. Fischer, USAF, is presented his certificate of retirement by COL Robert Muldrow, USAF, DTC commander. The pastor of an impoverished parish in the hills often wrote to his bishop for aid, until the bishop demanded an end to such appeals. For a time there Chris Currier, second from right, recites the list of merit badges lie has LIFE SCOUTS earned oil the trail to become a Life Scout. He and Peter Masoian (far left) each received their Life awards in a court of honor held by Troop 517 at Dugway. Joining in the presentation of die honor were their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Masoian and SFC and Mrs. Andrew Currier. Assistant Scoutmaster Dick Wilkins, right, made the presentation. In die same court of honor, many merit badges were given, along with advancement in rank, including a presentation of the Star Scout award to Frank Haymes, son of Mr. A. J. Ilavines. was no correspondence. Then, one day, the bishop received another letter: This is not an appeal," it said. It is a report. I have no pants. Elbcrton Star AMC Welcomes New Challenges emplacements and field fortifications. Units of the new Hawk missile were shipped to Europe in preparation for issue In Its 'Second Generation RECEIVES DECREE Sp4 Reinaldo Guerrero, Rio Tech Divn receives his bachelor's degree in Geology from St. Joseph College, from CPT Richard Haley, commanding officer. Specialist Cuerro took two courses at the University of Utah to complete his degree program and with the assistance of Mr. David Clair, Dugway education officer, (right), transferred these courses to St Joseph College, Rensselaer, Indiana. Terming the Army Materiel support of the U.S. in Vietnam an event that will stand tall in military history, General F. J. Chesarek, Command- er of the Armys huge supply or- ganization, has challenged its more than 177,000 military and civilian personnel to "consolidate our experience, refine our procedures, and develop new methodologies for the difficult tasks which lie ahead. In a message disseminated to AMCs 180 installations and activities throughout the United States, on the occasion of its seventh anniversary, General Chesarek pledged the Command to prove llinmnl. ur(nr.ngn..a lki ll ia ilia master oftlie sciences of research fi: , nrrvuroinont triliution and maintenance.' Ceneral Chesarek's declara- . . , .... AMC will be tough, professional, confident and alert comoded with a message to AMC personnel from Ceneral W. C. Westmoreland Chief of Staff of the Army, in which he expressed confidence that AMCs will future accomplishments fully measure up to its established reputation. Commenting upon AMC's past record, General Westmoreland said: - COL Robert Muldrow, CERTIFICATE PRESENTED USAF, commander of DTC, presents a certificate of retirement to LTC William M. Moran, USAF. The English language has In rand Malaya, time ia traditionally expressed in pictur- changed considerably in the King esque phrases: "Many cocks past three centuries. WhenPauls crow" 8:80 a.m.; "The flies Janies II described St. awCathedral as "amusing, 8:80 a.m.; "Buffaget busy" loes wallow" 11:80 ajn.; The ful , and "artificial" in the 17th century, the architect. Sir Chrisbuffaloes return to the shed not offended. 6 p.m.; "The children an topher Wren,-wa- s The king simply meant that the 7:80 pjn. sleepy" cathedral was pleasing, and structed. This weeks AFPS pin-u- p selection is Miss Pat Priest. She is shown here as she appears in Paramount Pictures "Easy Come, Easy Go". PIN-U- P GEUfc & 6 9gd officers. jjpaBfi troops. The Hawk system was defrom a lieginniiig figure of 19 ento veloped provide a highly mobile gines in 1962. air defense capability in forward Currently under development areas. The launcher tows necesis a 50,0(X)-pouii- d capacity air- sary radar and equipment for sysC-- 5 for the aircraft, tem operations. system drop to lie able will which airdrop four During the past year, AMC such loads. A new 135-fopara- - continued to win more than its f use in the system has share of formal awards and comcompleted engineering design mendations for its performance tests. A new armament subsystem in all areas: Advances also were made in (XM35) wi s developed for the The Command won the FY AII-1the development, production and 11X18 deployed recently Department of the Army deployment of missiles and other Award of Honor for the best safety Hueycobra helicopter. It. sists of a gun weapons: program in world- - w'ide competimounted on the left wing in Engineering development was tion with other major commands. board station of the aircraft in a completed in what may lie con- It was the third consecutive time, fixed position. The gun is capable sidered the most important breakand the fourth in six years, that of firing 750 rounds per minute. through in mechanical time AMC has been so honored. In adIaiter in 1969 a new armament fuzes for artillery since World War dition, the National Safety CounXM59, caliber 0.50 II. The new fuze, which will cil recognized AMCs safety sulisystem machine gun, pintle mounted, is m extensive field tests soon, achievements during FY 1968 with expected to become available for tures greater accuracy, greater the NSC Award of Honor. It was or II helicoi .use on the U1I-1coverage of optional time setting)!. the fifth such award in six years. universal application to all artilTwo films produced by the ter. Also in final stages of develop- lery caliliers, improved decisive Army Pictorial Center (R&D Filin ment is the new CH-54heavy setting action and improved seal- Reports No. 34, Seeing the Unlift helicopter. This helicopter ing against moisture and tempera- seeable and No. 35, Flueries o4A, whicn has proved its value ture environments. Thinking with Air) were awarded In Vietnam liy recovering downed Lance, the Armys newest top honors, The Golden Rocket aircraft worth more than the total battlefield artillery missile, now Award, in the Popular Science system cost. The Cl I 54 B has in engineering development, suc- Film Category, at the 16th Annual Nugreater safety and lietter main- cessfully completed a series of International Electronics, environmental flight clear and Telecommunications tainability than its predecessor critical tests. Lance is capable of carryand can lift a heavier payload. Congress, Rome, Italy. Industrial Management Somodels of ing either a nuclear or conventional the newest version of the OV-- 1 warhead aud is the first Army mis- ciety film awards were won again storable by AMC in open competition with surveillance Mohawk aircraft, sile to use OV-1films entered by the nations leadIieen have the accepted liquid propellants. A confirmatory test of the for the Improveing industrial firms. U.S. Army testing. Army by ments over earlier models iudude 20inm Vehicle Rapid Fire Weapons Missile Command won first place and System for the M114A1E1 Com- for its value engineering film, infrared interchangeable mand and Reconnaissance Vesurradar Value Management". In the side looking airixiume veillance systems, increased en- hicle was completed in Europe. methods improvement category, vehicle gives Scout aud Sharpe Army Depot won first gine power and installation of The new reconnaissance personnel add- place for its film, COXEX Portan inertial guidance system. e, ot G con-20m- m reporting directlv to the Command ,,r f,there will be 78. Croup, only J Efforts also are underway to secure suitable office space to consoliJate lhe headquar- ters now scattered in five govern- - AC ment-owne- facilities and four d commercial office buildings at a single site in Northern Virginia within a radius ofthe Pen-o- f for the lnove ' D le B Specific actimis taken by AMC the past twelve months to PP0 UA forees in readiness to increase the over-a- ll of the Army in the field ranged from advances in support techniques to the development and of new or improved items of weapons and equipment. The following are typical of AMC actions over the past year designed primarily to contribute to the increased effectiveness of U.S. and allied combat forces in Vietnam: AMC established VLAPA (Vietnam Laboratory Assistance Program, Army) to provide quick scientific and reaction, engineering assistance to U. S. Army forces in Vietnam. Under VLAPA, AMC lalxiratory representatives in Vietnam are allowed to levy their parent lalmratiries quick engineering solutions to problems they encounter in the field. Some of the requests or Iiciug worked on under the program include the aircraft crash position locater, paraglider combustible cartevaluation, ridge support, and new packages for water purification tablets. M551 d The airarmored reconnaissance borne assault vehicle, the Ceneral Sheridan, was initially deployed to Vietnam and committed to comliat in February. According to field commanders, the weapon system has made a significant contribution to the firepower and mobility of using units. As a result of an AMC development project the Ml 13 armored personnel carrier was equipped to perforin as an assault bridge. Bridging equipment consists of the launcher and the bridge itself a modified Iwx forming two treadwav sections folded at the center for carry. Twenty-fou- r units have been shipped to Vietnam for operational evaluation. Under AMC direction Coin-liEvaluation Tests of five Vul- -- Turbine aircraft engine overhaul and repair production at the Army Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Center increased by 37 percent during the past year, compared with Fiscal 1968. Pro-fduction has climlied to an output of more tlian6(X) engines per month ur Vigorous flight tests against both moving and stationary targets were conducted with the shoulder- - fired Dragon antitank missile system. In addition to its antitank capability, the Dragon can provide assault fire against such hard-poitargets as weapon BXFHRTLY newly-develope- can Air Defense Weapon Systems were conducted in Vietnam. During the tests the systems were credited with stopping and destroying two amlmshes and inflicting heavy enemy casualties in their ground support role. AMC accelerated development of a lightweight water purification unit for use in Vietnam, which was shipped to Vietnam for support of battalion- - size mobile forces. - AMC continued to emphasize its program to obtain civilian employee volunteers for overseas assignments in support of users of Army materiel. As of July of this year, approximately 5(X) AMC CALENDAR GIRL Television and motion picture star Sarang were in a ready" posithe tiger proves that most lovely girls can be friendly by peeing personnel tion to provide quick reaction as- with August calendar girl Marilyn Oliver, Homosasaa Springs, Fla. ed firepower. nt fill-fill- t , under-rUpImm- at ifRtiEn ffira ftllHKIito rffpin ffftm In the difficult task of combining the most recent scientific and technological developments with present and future needs of the Army, you are ensuring that our soldiers are the liest equipped in the world. While accomplishing this tremendous under-o-u have reduced the nuin-o- f project managers and made possible a higher level of responsiveness to requirements from the field. In addition, through your Integrated Logistic Support Planning, we are assured that necessary logi&ical support and instructions are available when new weapons systems are sent to the field. An initial step in streamlining AMCs organization and improving its effective operation in support of the Army in the field was taken in May of this year with a realignment of the Command's Washington, D.C. Headquarters. The realignment involved the appointment of a Deputy Commanding Ceneral for Materiel Acquisition, who will center his attention on the industrial base, and a Deputy Commanding Ceneral for Logistics Support, who will focus upon supporting the Army in the field. These deputies were named in addition to the existing principal Deputy Commanding General, the CGs chief assistant and in to source manager, and already tablidied Deputy for Laliorato-fbree- s ries. Simultaneously the previous total of 67 project managers was reduced to 49 by the elimination of 10, whose functions are being assigned to major suliordinate ... commanders, and by combining hance the Army's comliat effective- eight with other project manager able Warehouse, and Frankfonl Arsenal (U.S. Army Munitions Command) won a second plat award for the film, Work Simplification Project 321. For college, marriage, or that down payment on a home Buy U. S. Savings Bonds. tttt ,t .urn Help your business district grow by patronizing your Tooele merchants Acrylic Bath Sets 2.79 1.98 .59 1 .39 1.99 1.49 Grills Ladies Briefs Mylon 39c 88c Drip Dry Hang Ups Items on 50 Discount Tables Reduced to 60 Off Toothpastes 25 Off Reg. Price Infant Pajamas 1.79 1.19 Cantrece Panty Hose... 2.98 17491 Bar-b-q- ue Specials Many More You Must See to Believe In-sto- re |