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Show f"""" ---- - Don't Scrap The Military Stores But. The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., August 15, 1969 . . EDITOR'S NOTE: The following indicates the results of a poll on Px and commissary stores conducted by the Army Times Publishing Company.) The vast majority of military men and their dependents are vitally concerned with the future of commissaries and exchanges. They don't want to lose these valuable fringe benefits but do want to see many improvements in the military ofstores. FAMILY'S world-widThose are the key findings More than 13,000 readers survey. exchange commissaryof Army, Navy and Air Force Times, representing approximately 52,000 servicemen, wives and children, answered our questionnaire. Thousands of readers took the time to write three, four and letters about their commissaries and exchanges. even five-paIt was one of the greatest responses to a single story in the history of Army Times Publishing Company, emphasizing the strong interest service people have in their military stores. results and digests of the Copies of computer-talniUte- d comments have been given to the House Armed Services Committee, and to commissary and exchange headquarters. A solid 82.2 per cent of survey participants said they do not want to scrap commissaries and exchanges in return for more pay. Seventy-si- x per cent believe commissaries are doing a good and 66 job today, per cent feel the same way about the exchanges. Here are the statistical results of the survey: Would you like to see commissaries and exchanges abolished with increases in basic pay to replace these fringe benefits? Not 82.2 Yes: 16.4 No repiyi 1.4 Are you generally satisfied with the operation of your e, - LAWN OF ISSUE The best lawn this issue wu selected USAH executive officer. Congratulations, Major! to be that of MA Vincent Elequin, "Please move the stores closer to troop areas instead of adjacent to dependent housing. And keep the women's stuff in an annex near die dependent areas. Then, the main exchange could stock more merchandise that appeals to the troops." "The stores should have one afternoon or evening a week when only men in uniform could shop." PERSONNEL "We find that most of the clerks are not courteous." 1 am in Germany. I think the PXs should hire more American clerks as the Germans are nasty to Americans, especially Negroes. Also, I would like to see more Negro merchandise such as cosmetics, foods, etc." "Clerks seein friendly in the commissary but I can't say the same thing about exchange personnel. I use the PX very little in the States, but don't have much choice when overseas." BAG BOYS "Bag boys fill bags only half full so they will grt more trips and more cash." The boys expect a quarter or more for each bag and if they don't get it, you will get poor service next time." "If you set up one checkout counter where the buyer can pack his own groceries, you'd get a lot of business there." MISCELLANEOUS "What about public restrooms in all PXs and commissaries?" "Let them insist on more TDYs, close the BXs, even cut out routine medical care. Let mem never pass the dental bill, insist we live on base, even send my husband back to Vietnam. But let no one, repeat NO ONE, lay a hand on my commissary." T don't think military stores are necessary within the continental U.S. Why can't the services just pay their people enough so they can shop in the many civilian facilities available?" "Everytoing about commissaries and exchanges appeals to me. I feel very lucky to be able to use them." "The stores help keep the closeness of the service families. We have a chance to see our old friends." "We never use want slips because they don't do any good." "Let's face it. The stores cater to officers." commissary? Yest 76.4 No: 22.4 No reply: 1.1 Are you generally satisfied with the operation of your ex BROWNING and SHAKESPEARE BOWS uaUty 1961' htmtUe ivmlick st SHAKESPEARE b4( mvShbIb 4499 EXPLORER man stabilizers built into BROWNING Forward 47 88 the handle riser section permit the steadiest aim and smoothest, rebate by maximum accuracy. Reg. 62.50 RIFLE BROADHEAD POINTS! RELOADER The "Black Bair" magis the strongnum est, heaviest C - Press made-- . . . IncWttructable and easy to operate.- Reg. 24.50 14 - 2.99 MA3 dz. BEAR RAZ0RHEA0S ' , 99 A I 19 vffl. ' If Ml. 39 ea 69 dz. SUPERHILBRE ' FIELD TIPS "One thing I would like to know is why prices are 5 to 8 cents cheaper in the commissary the week before payday." Why not investigate the amazing changes in prices on payday in commissaries?" Since we can- no longer buy with the assurance that we j are getting the best possible price, I am in favor of doing away with commissaries and exchanges .and increasing our pay. Last Christmas, I bought a game at the exchange for $3.80. Later, I saw it downtown for $1.80. I phoned other stores and found that the average price was about $1.80. I went back to the exchange thinking their price was a mistake. But it wasn't." The commissary provides tremendous savings for us. I live in Denver and have yet to buy items at discount stores for less than I pay at the commissary, except for an occasional - commissaries an AAA rating, but exchange often are higher man drug stores." prices We find the groceries we buy at the commissary cost about $40 a month. Those same groceries would cost us $60 at the civilian supermarket We would hate to see commissaries and exchanges abolished." (A recent Consumer's Union study showed exchange prices averaged 13 percent lower than nearby discount, stores and more list prices.) than 40 percent below ITEMS SOLD "Our BX always runs out of the popular clothing sizes, the 12s and 14s. The hours aren't always convenient either, but even so, I don't see how we would manage without the commissaries and exchanges." I would like to see a better selection of auto parts, tires, etc." "Our commissary wu out of a certain baby formula for nine weeks last year when my baby needed it on doctor's orders. We had to buy it outside and it costs 10 cents a can more. Commissaries and exchanges offer a pretty good variety ot products at low prices. Never eliminate them, please." We find the quality and selection of women s and children s clothing is disappointing Why can't the PXs carry more items?" They are often out of my favorite brand of toothpaste, and usually don't have the Urge, family size." It is aggravating to find the stores stocking brands mainly for the convenience of ranking officers." ot (Congress maintains strict control over what categories the in sold U.S.) merchandise may be by exchanges "I give the FOOTBALL SHOE SALE UTTU LEAGUE fHERMOs SHOES 497 5.99 SPAIHNG end HIGH le COLLEGE SCHOOL SHOES 13 99 Rtf. 26.00. COLEMAN OR THERMOS 2 GAL JUG M99 M. ISM . 99 N. 77M DACRON 88 SLEEPING BAGS AT BIG SAVINGS BAGS THERMOS 1 GAL. JUG . THERMOS COOLER 8" Full size, full zipper, tough cover and rich linings wind and water repellent "Of course, the commissary is a big benefit, but there are some disadvantages, too . . . standing in line for an hour to wait tor a . . find shopping cart. . . waiting 30 minutes at the checkout counter. COLEMAN STATION Reg. WAGON COOLER jwf ,. -- JEEP CAN 99 I s4m ICE CHESTS R .PRtpVMfesw A88 W minutes tor a paining At the deepest part of the PVT Robert D. Olierbmner la nearly has lieen assigned to the US Army ocean, the pressure even tons per square inch Hospital, out patient clinic. almost s thousand time the 5 GAL PLASTIC M "J . . 15 "I wmiU like to commend the party who first introduced the idea of putting directional arrows on the floor ot the Alameda commissary. It really speeds up shopping" LARGE SIZE THERMOS molded ing empty shelves. sy waiting in the car POt' .m,1488 NhSsieMMti JQr 7.95 Value THERMOS DELUXE ICE CHEST THERMOS HEATER v r Ideal for water or gas, lightweight but sturdy Reg. 2.99 1 ' CENTERS 10 N. Mam pressure on the PVT David L. Martin has been assigned to the US Army Hospital, as a medical specialist. PFC Amaldb Morales has been assigned to the US Army Hospital as a medical specialist PVT Andrew J. Pond hsi been assigned to the US Army Hospital, ambulance. PVT Brian G. Ankley has been assigned to the US Army Hospital, as a dental technician. 6mjn mir One of the major goals in revising the Federal Merit Promotion "Policy was to assure that employees are actively involved in their agency's promotion program. Therefore, the policy provides that they participate in the development of the prohave a gram, that they he kept fully informed about its operations, and that they of their consideration fair and means of getting prompt complaints. Employers and employee this information to new employees position to help the employee ana as part ot their orientation aim to often can quickly dear up the mat organizations have a legitimate interest in any pro- all employees at periodic inter ter. If a complaint cannot be dealt affects careers vals. gram that In addition to general informa- - with satisfactorily on an informal in the agency. Thus their tion aliout the agency promotion basis, however, an employee can views must be obtained in program, an employee is entitled file a formal complaint under the the development of agency to know certain specific informaappropriate grievance procedure and tion alwut individual promotion in his agency. In the past, an agency guidelines promotion merit promotion plans and actions in which he was involved. could have administrative machrevisions to An agency must inform an emin significant inery other than the grievance them. The revised promo- ployee upon his request whether procedure for considering emtion policy contains bet- lie was found basically eligible; ployee promotion complaints; obtain- whether he was in the group from but the revised promotion polter guidance on which the selection was made; m KAIBAB 56" hunting bow, with graat ipt id, yet smooth even draw with no ita Jt Reg. 84.50 No. 31.2 No reply: 2.6 Would you like to see more kinds of merchandise in your commissary and exchange store? No: 17.1 Yes: 76.0 No reply: 6.0 Are you aware of want slips? No: 318 No Reply: .0 Yes: 66.3 Do you use want slips? Regularly: 4.6 Occasionally: 47.0 Never: 33 NRj 14.5 Do you favor the present tip system tor bag boys? Noi 27 Yes: 70.1 No reply: 2.0 Suggested improvements covered a wide range of subjects but five were mentioned most often: make prices more competitive with discount stores; stock more brands and more items; improve pipeline so popular items are not out of stock; eliminate badly overcrowded stores to cut down waiting time; fire rude and uncoopera tive employees. Although many patrons complained of high or non-copetitive prices, the saving provided by commissaries and exchanges was listed as the number one plus factor by a great ma jority of survey participants. The convenient location of military stores rated second. It is interesting to note mat although more than three- fourths of those answering the questionnaire want to see more items on the shelves of both commissaries and exchanges, a third have never heard of "want slips," which are used to request specific items, and less than five per cent use the want slips regularly. Hundreds of items were suggested, but more women's clothing and auto accessories in exchanges, and better meats for commissaries, were mentioned most often. Here are representative comments: Yes: 66.2 akher 1 Active Participation Goal of Merit Program change? has everything under the sun for f fie PVT Roliert W. Ilovt has been assigned to the US Army Hospi tal, as a dental technician. PVT Edward F. McGinley I'S Army Office. Hospital, Registrars has been assigned to the . ' views, particuing these larly on the scope of consultation or negotiation with employee organizations. The policy spells out the few basic provisions of the merit system that must be maintained on a uniform basis throughout the Government and thus are not subject to negotiation. It also points out that there still remain many areas of the promotion program that should be worked out with employee and employee organizations. The matters appropriate for consultation or negotiation include, for example, what jobs should be covered by a promotion plan, what the minimum area of consideration should be, whether vacancy announcements should be used, and bow employees should be kept informed about the operations of the promotion program. Experience has shown that employee acceptance and support of an agency promotion program depends to large extent on how well they understand its purpose and operation and are aware of its effect on them individually. Many employees have not had confidence in their agency's program supply because they have not been properly informed about what is going on. The revised promotion policy therefore requires that an agency inform its employees of the basic principles of the policy, the procedures of the agency program, the promotion opportunities available to employees, and the means by which employees can be considered for higher- - level positions. An agency must provide who was selected; and in what ways he should improve himself to increase his chances for future pro- icy requires that all formal complaints be processed under of procedures, many which have lieen negotiated with employee organizations. This new requirement will provide more uniform treatment of complaints and will help assure that they get proper handling. grievance motions. The more employees understand how their agency's promotion program works, the less likely they are to feel that they were not . given fair and appropriate for a higher level job. Still there will be times when an employee thinks that he was treated unfairly or that the agency violated some requirement. In these cases, the employee is encouraged to discuss his complaint informally with his supervisor or personnel office. These sources are in the best i WtfiH WAS WUtUSf ' (ftp fipTTTt flHSfil 6Tt tlTtTnBfiftl New Army Miss Miss Marcia Jane Hoeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hoeman, 105B Stansbury, Tooele, has been commissioned a 2nd Lt in the Army Intelligence branch of the U.S. Army. Miss Hoeman is a June graduate of the University of Colorado where she received a degree in Political Science. Marcfa's father, Erwin Hoeman, is an engineer with the Material Test Division here and her mother works at Tooele Army Q3IQ3? UNMttr WOK Go soanuiM Wistirn, young man, Aunt I I AFPS PICK This week's AFPS pin-u-p pick is the lovely Miss Eugenia Foxworth. - In boots. Tooele's largest selection The Credit Union Umbrella Man Wo havo thorn in your sizo, too. Saving is the key to inoepafidenosi Start saving today st the credit union where your money works. You receive generous dividends because credit union members . work, loan and save for profit together not for charity but for mutual service. - ---not Ruffout 7522 Black 1695 - BROWN'S You ore sure to be more pro fitable sayina. at. your Credi Union. Dugway Federal Credit Union 512-257- 7520 24 No. Main 2 if ii |