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Show SWIMMERS SKILLS TEST The DESERET SAMPLER, FrL, August 15, 1969 'SIP HOT STOVE CORNER RIM- YAC - F 5 RUSSELL: His Own Man On and Off the Court "3 If you ever check the National Basketball Assocutia coring records way down near the bottom you'll find the namej Bill Russell. His scoring average wasn't much just a mere 5l points per game. But friends, although he never set any scoring records to inspire the writers or tans, Bill Kussell more than any! other player in the history of the game probably deserves the J title "Mr. Basketball." Personally, Bob Cousy is my choice for that title but the J record books give the nod to Kussell. while in his prime, Hussein led the Boston Celtics to division titles nine consecutive times, i In his 13 seasons of pro ball the Celtics won II out of 13 championships and 27 out of 29 playoff series. He made Red Auerbach a great coach and made champ-- 1 ions out of such outstanding players as Cousy, Bill Sharman.J Frank Ramsay, Tom Heinsohn, John Havlicek, Sam and K. C, Jones. His defensive skills revolutionized the game. But big No 6 will no longer be seen soaring above the crowd blocking a shot. His intellectual and physical domination of Wilt Cham-- " berlain will long be remembered as will the wagging goatee fromi his 6 10" frame as he generously sets up picks for a Celtics' shoot- -' er. Russell upset rivals merely by his presence. He made them hurry putting them in a state of desperation. He has been known through his career for his rather bush I youngsters. But he has learn-- J way of handling autograph-seekin- g I ed to live with his critics. "I very rearly answer my critics,' he said. "I don't have J to. I only answer to myself. I ve set the standards I live by. Of course the giant center mellowed some with age but J he was still a far cry from the Cooz in his dealings with the fans.l Russell's teammates always had high admiration for him though, sol maybe I am being too critical. It is just that I recall a few incidents attitude toward a situ- when Bill displayed a ation. Regardless, respect for Russell off the court did cornel though sometimes it was begrudgingly. He spoke his mind andj some were offended but that wasn t important to Mr. Russell. He was once quoted as saying "a friend never sets stand- ards. He never says you're right or wrong." I disagree. Is any one of us above constructive criticism? ( Why did he sell his story to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED? Didn t he think he owed Boston fans as well as the Celtics organic zation itself anything? They were the people who stood by Bill Russell throughout his career. Russell should have announced! his retirement through the Boston organization. He owed them I that at least! The Celtics gave him a shot at being the first Negro coach i in professional sports. And they did it, not because of the color his skin, but because they thought he was the best man for thef job. He welcomed the challenge and although age was creeping up on him he still led Boston to the championship as a player-coacTrue he is hanging up his big green jersey but don t get the i idea the guy is a quitter just because he is retiring from the sports I world. Just think back to those unbelievable NBA playoffs last defensive demon led his tr winter and how the to another championship leaving the whole sports world inJ t -- - - A, . &-G&i.!$ - r- i , race against the And they're off! Dugway youngsters begin their THE CUN SOUNDS clock and their friends for the first place nbbon. - - These Dugway girls were an added attraction at the swimming WATER BALLET nament as they performed a water bullet for the audience. - 83. 95. What is Batting Efficiency by Team? It is the total of three important percentages: 1) the percentage of batters who get on base; 2) the percentage of bane runners who score; and 8) the a measure of power. percentage of hits which go for extra bases Which of the National and American League teams have the best batting efficiency as measured by this new B.E.T. figure? Computer Corner poured the season statistics (through games of July 15) into our Univac sports analyzer with these results: AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST Bill Russell couldn't have be en J Success Spoil Man?" Printers' Ink the Ad B.E.T. WEST BOSTON .825 DETROIT BALTIMORE WASHINGTON NEW YORK CLEVELAND .788 .772 .718 .705 .791 BJS.T. MINNESOTA OAKLAND SEATTLE CHICAGO KANSAS CITY .815 ".80S .755 .788 .700 .640 CALIFORNIA NATIONAL LEAGUE supplying diem caps with artificial sideburns. "Will av- erage? Computer Corner aays yes, and yupfrests that team batting average be replaced with a new statistic, B.E.T.- (Ratting Efficiency by Team). If the purpose of the batting average is to predict your team's offensive ability and the number of runs they score, then B.E.T. is the better statistic. Where batting average predicts runs with an accuracy of only the new B.E.T. 8 tat predicts runs scored with an accuracy of rhaps a little more gracious with the 'little people.' They always were with him. (TCV The Tiny Tigers of the Littlest League have asked their sponsor to make them look more like the players in the majors Jby By Bud Goode a new statistic to replace the hatting Does baseball need 1 It's too bad, though, that Post Pool. Summer COMPUTER CORNER public-be-dainn- iwe. Youth Activities' swimming program ended on a successful note last week with over 75 in a youngsters competing tournament at the swimming tour- WitlT BOATING. ANYONE? Cristina Ferrare aboard, you're , , nwumti""""-i-- ' CHICAGO .818 PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH NEW YORK MONTREAL ST. LOUIS .769 .762 .748 .715 .709 Surprises? The iuu can i St CINCINNATI ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO HOUSTON LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO Louis Cardinals should program director Walden Cumey, with assistants Janice Woodward, Nadine Cooper, John Southwick, John McBride and Maj Franklin Haskins, put the youngsters through an array of events. First they competed in swim heats, then die winners of the heats competed in the finals. A large crowd of spectators and moral supporters were also treated to a water ballade performance by the girls under the direction of Miss Cooper. The results of the swim meet: Underwater Swim (Beginners) 1. Faith Wright 2. Francine Morten son 3. Loma Wagner Elementary Bock (Ad. Beginners) 1. Peter Fagon 2. Richard Wilkens 3. John Frederick Underwater Swim (Intermediate) 1. Paul Brown 2. Diana Nygren 3. Bruce Wallace Underwater Swim (Ad Swimmers) 1. Bruce Hayes 2. Tony Magann Back Crawl (open) 1. Bob Antry 2. Cal Griffith 3. John Hayes Underwater Swim (open) 1. Ricky Reasmussen 2. John Hayes 3. Pat Antry Crawl (Beginners) 1. Robin Wilkens 2. Faye Wright 3. Francine Mortenson Crawl (Ad. Beginners) 1. John Frederick 2. Richard Wilkens 3. Grey Brown Crawl (Intermediate) 1. Paul Brown 2. Diana Argyle 3. Connie Latham Crawl (Ad. Swimmers) 1. Ellen Rourke 2. Bill Rourke 3. Ralph Freestone Crawl (open) 1. Pat Antry Archers Test Their Skills Activities' Youth Archery class concluded last week with a tournament to test the bowmen's skills. Instructor Darrell Taylor divided the clan into 4 year olds and the groups: olds. The archers men 9 year shot at ranges from 20, 40 and 60 feet. Mark Oritsky led the field in class and he was fol4 die lowed by Barry Gardner. Lloyd Hampton and Rayleen Gardner were tied for third. Steve Lidholm finished first 9 class. Steve Yerkes in the was second and Chris Currier third. 10-1- 15-1- 10-1- 2. Ricky Rasmussen 3. Cal Griffith Underwater Swim (Ad beginners) 1. Richard Wilkens 2. Peter Fogan 3. Tony Neito Side Stroke (Intermediate) 1. Paul Brown 2. Diana Salvador 3. Connie Schrier Breast Stroke (Ad Swimmers) 1. Bill Rourke 2. Barry Gardner 3. Jane Ann Fowler 15-1- It's Sign Up Time A tennis tournament is scheduled here August 18. Anyone interested in competing may sign up at the Post Gym. Trophies will be awarded to the first six place finishers. .863 .778 .771 .768 .759 .687 start using two hands. figure mat is inn strongest in a new oi is. as lor las Angeies if Batting Efficiency wind, then the Dodger's pennant is drooping. is a flag in the Bonneville Motors Clearance Sale All '69 Models Drastically Reduced Some as high as '1200 - u fnlJ. YOU DIDMT A startled LaVem fonmr- lftt . k use Mv sail 1 si UMII iU i1C ECU d a picture of the women behind the scene' at the opening of the Bowling Lanes. Mrs. Cooper along with Lucille Teagarden (second from left), Rose B sliest eros (background), andPat Austin served the hungry patrons ill day long. The hot dogs, beer and cokes were all free, Army Stars Spark Basketball Victories FOR YOl'R - CONVEMFACK Twelve new Bruns- wick howling pin Meters .'ire now in use at the Post's 'new look' Bowling I.ani's. ATHENS, Greece (ANF) The U.S. Armed Forces basketball team, comprised of all Army starters, won the 1969 Conseil International I)u Sport Militaire (CISM) basketball championship by defeating Greece 8 in the third and final game. Sparked by the efforts of the forwards, Capt. Mike Silliman from TAGO, Washington, D.C., and Pvt Kenny Washington from Fort Ord, Calif., the U.S. cagers' victory over Greece added to their undefeated record, unblemished since CISM net competition began in 1953. In the first day of competition, the U.S. team romped over West Germany while Greece rolled up an 7 easy victory over France. In the second round, the U.S. team defeated the 65-4- nt Two Truckloads of 1970 Mavericks 79-4- 2, No Waiting - Immediate Delivery 84-5- tors 278 North Main French armed forces 96-5while Greece outs cored West Germany The final day of the CISM basketball tourney netted the U.S. cagers the championship with their win over . Greece, while France outlasted West Germany Following the games, an awards ceremony was held with the U.S. team receiving the gold medals for first place, Greece winning the silver medals for runnerup and France winning the bronie medallions for third place. Other U.S. Army cagers who shared the glory of the CISM championship were Pfe Harold Jeter from Fort Carson, Colo.; Pvt Garfield 56-6- 0. Smith from Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.; Sp4 William Collier from Fort Sill, Okla.; and Prt. Roderick from Fort Lewis, Wash. Me-Don- OUR OK USED CARS KNOW THEY'RE GOOD AND SHOW IT! 8, 63-8- 9. WAIMM: li'iucliii't's 1J't i S ! 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