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Show 1 Thi TECOM Mission: it Hie DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., August 15, 1969 m fv , Gen. Frank M. commanding general of the U.S. Army Teat and Evaluation Com wand The (TECOM). command la compriaed of 15 proving grounds, aer-viteata boards, environmental teat centera and the general equipment teat activity. MaJ. Iitnonr, ce LOAD ONE Preparing for a teat firing at 63 degrees F, a civilian gunner loada an artillery piece in one of Aberdeen Proving Ground's environmental teat chambers. Materiel ia Bent to the arctic, deaert or tropics for testing by the U.S. Army Teat and Evaluation Command only after some reasonable assurance has been obtained that it will function aatisfactorily in the areas of its intended uae. -- SHOCK TREATMENT radio equipment geta the "once over" from an airborne rigging specialist during the air transportability phase of a service test conducted at Fort Bragg, N.C, by the Airborne, Electronics and Special Warfare Board. The board ia an activity of the U.S. Army Test and bas Evaluation Command. Purpose of the teat is to determine what effects air transport has on radio equipment. Jeep-mount- vl i t W-k- i hi&'-Mf- s.-- t'' i "v- - - ' . - . . r . . Aii Unbiased Appraisal The decision to go into production with new or in the developimproved equipment is a major mental chambers and per- ment of Army hardware. Re suits of engineering and sonnel trained in engineer-servic- e tests performed by ing and scientific disciplines, Less clinical in approach, the U.S. Army Test and service tests result in what EvaluationCommand(TECOM) Alierdecn Proving Ground, are, essentially, user reports. Md., normally provide the They are run under actual basic idea for making the or simulated field conditions decision. From TECOMs to determine if test items nd related maintenance the commands test reports meet the packages prescribed produce principal Army can determine wheth- - requirements and are suiter specific items are ready We for Army use. Instru-fo- r issue to troops or if fur- - mentation is held to a mini-the-r research and devel- - mum and troops representa-opmen- t tjve of those expected to. are in order. Conducted independently operate and maintain the of developer and user alike, equipment in the field "are service used throughout the tests, and engineering With its military and ci- tests supply the information needed for unbiased, objec- - vilian workforce, TECOM is live appraisals of Army wea- - prepared to test Army They are intended to terial of almost every if a test item con- - scription under closely conforms to specifications, if it trolled laboratory conditions is capable of doing the job in the field and in the most it was built to do and if it extreme environments. While serves tire needs of the Am- - the bulk of its work is ducted in temperate regions. soldier. the two may test operations go on continu-b- e Although undertaken concurrently, ously in the arid western engineering tests usually pre- - deserts, the humid jungles cede service tests in point and rain forests of the tro-o- f time. pics and howling arctic bliz- and zards. Cont rolled lab, shop Since 1962 when it was field trials are features of the engineering test. The organized as a subordinate purpose here is to determine element of the U.S. Army the technical performance Materiel Command, TECOM, and safety characteristics of has played an increasingly test items and their associated major role in the Army and test equipment, gistics scheme. Its engineer-Ever- y effort is made to el- - ing and service tests help human error through sure that the weapons and the use of instrumentation, equipment delivered to the statistical and physical mea- - U.S. soldier are the best that surement techniques, environ- - can be provided. mile-sto- A test model of the main battle tank (MBT-70- ) pauses before tackling a standard obstacle in the Munson Teat Area at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. The MBT-7- 0 is a Joint development project of the American and German governments. In the U.S, test models are produced by General Motors Corporation. NO PROBLEM - PASS THE AMMO Soldiers load a 20mm VULCAN automatic gun during teata conducted at Fort Bliss, Tex. Capable of firing 3,000 rounds per minute, the weapon, mounted on a M113 Armored Personnel Carrier, operates on a Gatling gun principle. The weapon complements the CHAPARRAL air defense system. A towed version ia also being tested by the UJS. Army Teat and Evaluation Command. The VULCAN ia manufactured by General Electric. aix-barr- el , ma-ponr- v. con-cric- ls ON TARGET!! Soldiers of the Infantry Board prepare to launch a TOW missile from a position in rough terrain during service testa at Fort Bcnning, Ga. The heavy antitank-assau- lt weapon system officially is a Tube launched, Optically tracked and missile. As long as the sight is on the target, the missile will find its d mark. It can be carried by troops, mounted on a variety of vehicles or installed in heliand copters. The Infantry Board is a subordinate activity of the U.S. Array Test Wire-guide- Evaluation Command. SHADES OF BUCK ROGERS Equipped with long focal length lenses, motion picture cameras and timing devices, a tracking telescope documents the performance of missiles, rockets and other test items in flight Instrumentation, the equipment used to sense, measure or record scientific or engineering data, is frequently referred to as the Ley to successful testing. The CHAPARRAL, n HOT STUFF guided missile, sample Texae skies over Fort Bliss during teats conducted by the Air Defense Board, a subordinate activity of the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command. The CHAPARRAL air defense weapons rj stem is in- heat-seeki- Teat personnel inspect propulsion WATER JOCKEY units that are attached to Mexefloat pontoon equipment. The teats, run by the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command's General Equipment Test Activity in the Fort Story-Fo- rt Euetis, Va. area, will determine whether the new equipment meets Army requirements for powering pontoons to be used as lighterage, eauaewuya and floating piera. The system ran be transported hy conventional cargo vessels and asKimhled overseas by stevedores and harge operator without xperiul tools. ) ng tended for uae against low flying enemy aircraft in forward battle areas. The CHAPARRAL is manufactured by the Aeronutronie Division of the Philco Electronics |